The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Please believe i was lost before this

You have limited yourself to me

How can I know anything

Besides that I was already fucked

Before you met me

I want you to not be the honest

Man you are being

But I cant ask that

To remake you

Change you into a lesser being

You don’t deserve someone

Who'd ask you to.

And I think the silence you give me

Is you saying you know it to

You have been trying to let g...

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was lostnow foundlovei seethe lightpleasedont leave

Things have changed

My heart over powers my head lately

Must be linked to my stomach

I'm always feeling sick

Things changed

My person has opened up

I've been shut down for so long

I require drastic change

Shame is what I'm swimming in

I don’t feel guilty I just hate

Knowing how you are going to look at me

I never know what you think

I feel like you will just settle with me

Instead ...

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times changedhurtlostrelationships endingstressedweakdepressionim sorry

I see too much

You had me finally sleeping

Of you I started dreaming

they were made up images

My eyes haven't had the chance

To witness your vivid image.

What happen for me to ache so bad?

I don’t understand this.

How is it you I miss

You are no where

I cant be there

I've never held your hand

Your eyes I have not stared into

Though you are every where.

Without you I can not...

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newtruelovewhats happeningi dont understandwhyrelationshipswrongrightfeels right


I understand, I know.

When you look at me

I'm not much else but a ghost.

That needs to let go…

Not everything you've done to me

I've been trying so hard to fix my problems

I've turned are lives into one

Its not you

Understand this for me


You work hard for your girls

I understand I'm disappointing

My words hurt I know

I wish you could see the dark place


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im sorryforgive mesadrelationshipsloveendingheartsicklost


Its so much easier

not thinking for yourself

To not be yourself

To not care for yourself.


You hurt less people

You don’t get in the way

You make people happy

Your feelings just go away.


Deep down inside

You know you are screwed

That one day soon

Someone is going to wake

Something inside of you.


Confusing how its not yourself

That opened up t...

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selfishsadhateturn aroundseparationtimedoneloverelationshipsend

If you reminded me

If you showed me you loved me in return

If you can handle who I give to you

My love would engulf you

Physically, emotionally, mentally, passionately

I'd be all for you.

If you gave me your body I'd nourish it

Empower it

Adore it

My love would be the kind

To push you to the sky

Wrap you in warm golden light

Numbing all senses

Except highlighting your happiness's


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being in lovecompanionshipin loveloverelationshipsoulwants


I was not aware how weak I was,

Till I felt your voice,

The reaction I had to you

As my new favorite song.

I had no choice

After you I was going

To bad if where I was headed

Was wrong.


How the minute my soul awakened

from a pit so far down

it be considered a ghost,

God need not help me then

for he knew I was long gone

already down on my knee's


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