The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

teachers (Remove filter)

The Prefab Garden at St Paul's

We said goodbye to my sister yesterday, a teacher for 34 years at St Paul's C of E Primary School in Manchester. She was a brilliant actor as well as being a great teacher, bringing every story to life. Her classroom, outside the main Victorian school building was simply known as "The Prefab". She also loved her garden and Spring was her favourite time of year. Writing this poem has helped bring s...

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Childhood memoriesPrimary Schoolteachersstorytelling

Not By Tony Benn

The Tories treat

our nurses with contempt

our doctors with disdain

our firefighters with derision

our ambulance workers with disrespect

our railway staff with scorn

our carers with despisal

our armed forces with antipathy

our sick with neglect

our elderly with indignity

our teachers with ridicule

our children with condescension

our pensioners with contempt


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Toriesrefugeesnursesdoctorsfirefightersambulance workersrail staffcarersarmed forcessickelderlyteacherschildrenpensionershate

Citizen Not Subject

I Citizen, can let no king be mine,

I will not swear an oath in your god’s name.

You do not reign by any right divine,

To my loyalty you have no right, no claim.

 I swear I’ll pay to these my true allegian...

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Citizensnursesteachersparamedicsrailway workers

The French Mistress

I remember the days of schoolboy French

When one day along came a comely wench

She made me all tongue tied and caused a certain distress

At least that’s how I remember the French mistress


She used to sit upon my desk

All long legged and short skirted

I could have sold my seat a thousand times over

But I sat there happily disconcerted.


The l’autobus est parti

I ...

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As we sit in the covid  Squallor at first i thought i'd never want to or be able to write anything about it. I was stuck in the house a lot as a kid and this time in our lives has made me feel like i was going back to that, just   slowly falling back. The closing down of old life i found too heavy  and miles too  depressing, and truthfully its still despressing but out of that came a great suprise...

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artistsnewshort storyteachers

Ode To A Naughty Teacher

You are a very hot teacher,
Kinkiness is your branded feature...
Although today you teach me tease me on zoom,
There was once the same activity you would do in my room...
Whenever you would call me to your house,
More than my learning I would see you playing with my mouse,
I owe it to you and your lessons till eternity,
How can I forget the first lesson on my virginity...
You taught me phy...

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Billy No Mates

I've told you before stay clear of that

Boy if you ask me there's

Something wrong there

Turning up to school on his own not a soul

Knows a thing about him he's a

Right mystery

(Stand still when I'm

Talking to you) he may be good at

Maths and yes' he's

Tiny but he's always fighting he's

Beaten kids much

Bigger he made mincemeat of Jimmy

Cummings its autism if you...

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billy no matesschoolteachersautismchild abuse

Old anger

Preamble: see below for explanation that is too long to preamble here.

I didn’t know I was still angry till the day I heard you’d died.

Suddenly the old bitterness is welling up inside

I haven’t given you a thought for literally years

But now I find my eyes are filling up with tears

Not of grief, but of re-awakened pain

Reliving the sting of your words all over again

I’m not ...

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An Offering (Proposal) to My Teacher

Becoming bitter,

I learned to suppress my hunger.

You stimulated my pallet with your sweetness

and I hungered.


Walking without purpose

I stumbled over myself.

You took hold of my hand

and I was steadied.


When attacked by the cold

I would defend my residence.

You showed me to open,

embrace the cold and warm it.


When lost and confused,

I rushed a...

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A Keeper's View


When you first passed through them
All butterflies and sparkling eyes,
Bouncing bundles of boundless potential 
In sharp creases and glistening shoes,
You will barely have noticed, the silent sentries
Marking the boundary between your worlds
Of heavenly refuge and interminable imprisonment.
Back and forth for years, growing as you go 
Like a tide, eac...

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Schoolschool daysgatesteachersleavingleavers

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

Do you have to dress smart to make wise?


Do you have to dress smart to make wise?

Can you better teach art wearing ties?

Aren’t there so many places

More suited to airs and graces

Than one which education supplies?

Can we make divergent thinking the norm

Whilst we’re all being forced to conform

To what seems to me an antiquated fashion

Amputated of utility and passion?

A retrograde ste...

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