'Realisations' - available to buy now!
Hi all,
I have just released my third ebook 'Realisations' - a year after my debut ebook 'Open to interpretation' and it's subsequent second edition. It is available to buy now on Lulu via this link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/christian-reeve/realisations/ebook/product-22865142.html
A brief preview is available for all three of my books on the website itself. Please buy a copy now and support ...
Tuesday 20th September 2016 10:49 am
The Call Within
If you live your life in fear
There exists a call you cannot hear
A call for reason, trust and hope
One that will pull you up, and
pull you from the downward slope
It comes from within, and not from outside
And it can flow through you, reaching far
and reaching wide
It is your call, and yours alone
So make sure you listen, and
always pick up that phone
Sunday 24th April 2016 11:58 am
At Least
No matter how harsh the road might be
At least I walk upon it
No matter how harsh the last day was
At least the next day greets me
No matter how dark the day might be
At least there is still day
No matter how deluded, horrible,
Sadistic or rude people are
At least there are still people
No matter how they might make me feel
At least I can still feel
No ma...
Tuesday 19th April 2016 10:25 pm
My first poetry book!
My first poetry book has just been published and is available to purchase as an Ebook at the following link!:
Thursday 10th September 2015 4:56 pm
Snail's Pace
I want to run, far far away
Where the grass is green, and the children play
Where the sun is beaming and the skies are blue
Where the days are longer and my dreams come true
If I could fast forward to that happier place
Perhaps ill feeling would disappear without a trace
Though If I cheated time, I might cheat myself
Perhaps challenges and realisations are encapsilations ...
Thursday 28th May 2015 6:13 pm
Though I am surrounded
I am the loneliest person
Though I am celebrated
I am forever losing
Though I am revered
I am despised in one's eyes
Though I am loved
I am hated, truly hated
Though I walk with many
I am the lone walker
Though I hear your sincerity
I am deafened by self pity
Wednesday 27th May 2015 7:35 pm
Butterfly, flying free
Unaware of its destiny
Butterfly you are truly free
For yours is a path with certainty
You exist within the day
Falling victim to the night
But when the darkest hour comes
There is nothing, there is no fight
So as you flutter by my way
Without a single care
I envy you and your mortality
One such I cannot share
Wednesday 27th May 2015 7:26 pm
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