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couple (Remove filter)

love-hate relationship

obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting

you’re setting yourself up for failure

possible optimism

two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now

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take your shoes off at the door

I’ll take your coat

your hair smells refreshened
from the ozone
remnants of soap
lathered and rinsed out
in the rain shower

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Wounds of liberation

Imagine being totally untethered

After feeling chain linked 

I feel split

That part removed 

That half is trying to renew

But it hurts 

To grow scab over wound 

Missing you is mourning you 

Leaving you is still losing you

And I’m just as lost

As I made you 

If it could be 

I would make it be 

Should I be chain linked again 

I would make it good 

Should ...

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Missmove onpainhurtupsetloveRelationshiphealhealingbreak upfreedomemotionfixgrowliberateimprisontrapindependentidentityadaptsingletwopaircoupleoneuntetheredlossmourngoodbye


hinges creaky

lock long rusty

paint a-peeling and vaguely musty


swinging days gone

these days shut fast

seems years since I last had a blast


footsteps on stairs,

sapling lingers

turns my knob with leafy fingers


I stay rigid

want her naughty

instead, sprays my key-hole with WD-40


sap linament

for ancient joints

soothing salve an oaken so...

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wooddooroakghostold houselove-makingcouple

I want to distant you!

 I want to distant you.

It's not because of you but because of me.

I think what's between us is not meant to be.

I don't want our friendship to break into a fight.

So it's better to distant, at least for a while.

It's not easy but I have to,

if not for me then at least for you.


what I am is something you'll not understand.

For it, you don't even have to pretend.


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love into
skin locking
away from

bodies slick
with stolen

a living

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When it was discovered, we recoiled

Out of doubt, out of fear

We focused on the opinions of others

Instead of what we thought


When I let our secret fly free,

I was shown acceptance and love

Hope blossomed like a cactus flower

It would be okay. 


He was capricious, of two minds

One day yes, the next was no,

He produced a name, but renounced his love

I proce...

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no talk

no talk
i was with my mate going to work
when i saw the couple on the bus
they were young and in their 20s
he had mousey hair and she was blond
they were taking time out

and travelling in the philippines
she was finishing her teacher training
and he was a soldier between deployments
while i was commuting to work 

in the city to my bpo job
we talked in my head
not in the real world


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Kiss me now I say

Kiss me now I say, 

and I promise I won't cry.

Tell me, what do you see? 

Do you see this sad soul searching for clues or

do you see someone who has the same soul as yours?  

Life is such a wonder, 

to live not knowing things and to die for something worth it. 

I say now kiss me, 

I'm not sure what will happen next. 

But I promise is worth it. 

Life is such a beauty. 


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I'm constricted by the fact, that life is to share,

I just see poor judgment, and a silly content,

of stay where you were hand, to raised and to forget.

Over bed or on couch, your time shall come next,

As the rest of your days, bad-thoughts, hopes and prays.


It is said that's not true, for you to be alone,

So to them I should say, my half never became.

I've been thinking ...

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couplehateinner thoughtslovepeace of mindself destruction

Always remember the beach

How about the beach? Sandy feet, fresh breeze.                                                            Seize the sunlight, beam just as bright 

How about flying a kite? Light, the campfire, just right.                                             Tent settled, just behind that tree you see? 

How perfect could this be? Gazing beside one another; amongst grass and stars  We huggled as if it ...

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Lovehopefuturepastlasting lovecoupleinfactuationaffectionfear of rejection

- For my sleeping Savannah.


Sleep my lovely, and dream my lovely.

Close your eyes and see, my lovely.


See the fifth dimension that has formed within you,

See the universe behind your eyes.

See the truth behind the lies, see the world without disguise.


- Stars dance, in a floating sway.

Creating a rip through the milky way.

Black holes begin to turn and swirl,


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My Savy

~~I was to write a poem, to tell you how I feel. But I feel rants are more raw, expressive and real. So here's a rant, just for you. My bubby pumpkin owl, my baby boo. It may rhyme from time to time, but the message of love will remain and you'll always be mine.

Savannah Sienna Rose. Such a name is so deep that it dwells within itself to decipher what it means. A name that is travels beyond two...

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loverelationshipscouplepoemrantunedited rantgirlfriendboyfriend


Gaze into a persons eyes,

far beyond the mask

and wonder at the questions

that you’re too afraid to ask.


Gloriously gazing

into depths of deep emotion,

currents running deep

within a cool and placid ocean.


Dive into the loving soul

of one who gives their all

and marvel at the feelings

that are waiting for the call.


Deliberately diving

into stro...

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I live in the desert on my own little farm near the damn secret airbase where they do their testing. My grandpa saw your nuclear tests in the 50s shook our walls and gave him cancer. I sued the government and got $36,000 a fortune back then. Re-vamped this old farm and met a girl who worked at the base, her car broke down on the road and she became my wife. She ha...

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lifecouplealiensufomilitarymen in blackincident

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