The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Understanding (Remove filter)

Listening For Change

This poem is about a society increasingly divided, where accusations fly and truth seems lost. It speaks to the urgency of listening instead of blaming, understanding instead of judging, and choosing hope over fear. In a world where opinions are quickly voiced and emotions run high, the poem urges a shift in perspective—one that values connection, love, and the strength to find hope, even in diffi...

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hopesocietychangeunderstandingsocial medialovestrengthtruthhope vs expectationsdivisionlisteningresiliencefutureempowerment

the Silence of the Sea

there’s a saying that I've heard,

something about ‘the silence of the sea.’

but I can’t figure out what it means.


the sea is not silent

as the waves crash onto the shore.

it rages and fumes as it batters down

the door.


the sea is as loud as thunder,

as deafening as a plane’s engine.

it is anything but silent,

its presence always known.


but maybe ‘th...

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the seasea themed poemsunderstandingteenage bullshit


I’m sorry to disappoint you

That I can be too sweet and so weak

And yet I can be cold and cruel too

That I can completely snap to my core

And morph into a creature of different sorts

I’m sorry that I’m not white or black

Or immaculate

Or of any matter 

For that fact

I’m not anything 

At all

Not wholly whole

You see,


Has been my superpower 


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uniqueselfselfhoodidentityfreedomindependenceliberationgrowthhealinghappinessreflectionunderstandingmatureemotioninner strengthmove onsinglepersonhoodsoulmindgroundedspiritualhumanitypeoplebe yourselftruthvisible

Language Barrier

I’m screaming at the top of my lungs

But she can’t hear me.

I might as well be yelling in French or Spanish because

She just doesn’t understand me

When I tell her I can’t do this.


She doesn’t get it when I tell her

I don’t know—

Je ne sais pas,

Yo no sé

—how I’m going to see this through.


It’s like my brain es en fuego from all

Of the información being ...

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understandingfamilyoverwhelmedteenage bullshit

My trauma sees your trauma

My trauma sees your trauma


We are only skin deep

While we don't know the heavy stuff about each other

One stranger to another stranger

To cross that line

Can bring connection 

But with that, vulnerability and perceived danger


I want to take that step with you

But I'm afraid of what it might stir up

It may bring us closer together

Albeit, it might just trigge...

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The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth


Every time the glass of your skull

Crashes into the fist of another memory

To crush you where you stand

Because another memory has broken you

Because another memory has entered you

Like intruders, they force their way inside

They punch their way into your attention

They invade your heart

Until you must look at them

All so that they can violate you again


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acceptingassaultblockblock outbraverycoping mechanismdealingdealing with traumadifficultfeeling is okayforgetfuturegetting bettergrowingLiving after traumamemoriesmental healthmindmind protectsmoving forwardsmoving onpainpainfulpastraperecallreliveself preservationself protectionsupressedsupressed memoriessurvivortoxictraumaunderstandingviolence

To Those That Hurt Others

I pity you for the worldview you have acquired.
I pity you for the hurt you have suffered.
I pity you for the opportunities you have squandered.
And I pity you the friendships that have foundered.

I pity you for the fear that propels you.
I pity you for the decisions that shape you.
I pity you the isolation that awaits you.
And I pity you the path actions take you.

I pity you who canno...

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hurtmeditationperpetratorperspectiveself worthunderstandingvictim

Some Words

Some Words


I had been her son all my life

                But not all of hers

When she started calling me

                By her brother’s name

                Not my dad’s

                Her bother’s


Dead for these past 10 years


A stroke will do that to you

                Make you forget what you were saying

                Struggling to find the rig...

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day 6lossnapowrimo2018strokeunderstandingunusual formatting and line breakswords


I know I traded something

A part of me

For the splendid splendour of money

I did that thing you shouldn’t do

I gave myself to him

You know, the soul

Cut a piece of myself out for him

You know, the heart

I cut a piece of myself off for him

(You know which part)

But I didn't feel a thing

I'm waiting to miss it

Miss this


I'm waiting for the pain


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Dyn Hysbys

There are no wise men any more

their old wisdom is lost

no old spells that cure

no potions endure

where once they saved the farmer's herd

the mystery is blurred

and spells that helped a marriage spurned

are no longer learned

the people who once were in their debt

turn to the internet


There are no wise men any more

their actions show their flaws

no old spell...

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Dyn Hysbyswise mencunning menconjurersunderstandingwisdomBrexitdiplomacynegotiations

Of Flesh

Her skin can open up like a mouth

It can speak

When it parts

It can extend like a tongue

It can taste


Your arteries are seams

Try to unpeel them

Slip off your flesh


Search your pores

For secret trap doors

Let the inside out

Part it like a mouth


Like hers

It can speak

Unfold the red carpets

Of rolled and folded tongue

Let it searc...

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paindepressionspeaking outlovesupportconnectreaching outunderstandingself harm



He bows at her body, thankful and polite, acknowledges the service, plays the part.

She smiles at stories, smart enough to be cynical but hopeful enough to be happy. 

He takes out a notepad and pretends not to watch for a reaction 

As she reads his silver words

As she reads his mind through the blunt tool of his silver words.

He runs. 

He thinks he’s wrong because she told h...

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Another's eyes

I hope that around the world

people, everywhere

are trying to look through

another's eyes

taking another perspective

opening up

and showing compassion

and understanding.

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Peace, love and understanding have left the building

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen

They’ve really enjoyed playing here over the years

It has been a wonderful experience for one and all

but now it is my sad duty to announce that

peace,  love and understanding have left the building.


Peace,  she left by the back door

Her sullen face only lightened by the thought

that it cannot always be this way

Wandering around...

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First Fight

There were tears

Rolling down my face.

I never was a pretty crier,

So I looked away.


Heard your voice

Over my heavy breathing,

Crying harder when you said

You weren't leaving.


I hold tight to everything;

Knuckles white from my grip.

If I let go, even a little,

My whole world could slip.


I've been afraid, though,

To hold onto you.

My heart ga...

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I Find Beauty in Whats Different

true beauty comes from the radiance and uniqueness of something standing out like a fire lit in the night sky... what i find beautiful, is something different. something that is unlike anything or anyone else. it'll stand out.. have a purpose, a meaning, or just something beautifully different to look and find interest in.. something that has so many more "shades" and colors rather than just one. ...

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understandinginner self poemmenaomi

My Ray Of Sunshine

Here I go again
Explaining another quirk to some bullshit that happened years ago
I don't keep journals anymore
I hate writing in pen, normally
Someone always saw
Someone always spoke
I always saw some psych
So I never published under my own name
For fear of commitment
In a sense
And here I am
Ashamed of my behavior
Knowing how damaged I sound

"Considering the many things

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Manuelmy partnerargentinalovepolyamorypolyamorouspartnersunshinehealthy relationshipi love himunderstanding

Danse Macabre

Too much was lost in silence

too long the time that winds

between our words of love and passion

with communion only in our minds


Too much assumed in union

of our two souls' mute desires

but I did not see her inmost needs

or hear how quietly pain suspires


I should have peeped inside

while she nightly dreamed in peace

to glimpse her mind's apparel

as it dan...

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The Humble Heart of the Craftsman

I have always hankered after the life of the artist - including the world of the visual arts. In retirement I have the opportunity to follow that yearning.


The Humble Heart of the Craftsman


As corruption sheds its sting when seen

from lofty heights,

so humility shows its mettle

in the steady care of the gifted creator;

turning one's gaze from skilled hands

to the thi...

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The Theater of my Life

I've lived the times
Of the theater of my life
Dancing in the foyer:

Commedia dell'Arte
Comprised the entirety
Of my personal repetoire;

Dress rehearsals were
Never taken seriously:
The final play was just

A moments decision
Hurried through a huddle
Of half-written plots.

The masterful monologues
Of my long and intrepid career
Were carried off by the

Glib tongue of the cha...

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Commedia Del'ArtteTheaterlife and deathunderstandingreasonart

Great Warmth of a Curious Heart

Lurking in the natural world
there are sentences, still unspoken
always waiting to be written
frozen in time
waiting for the great warmth 
of a curious heart

Haunting at the edges of the living world
are spirits of the unspoken connectivity in people
dead and alive, the as-yet unborn
caught between planes
waiting for the flashlight beam
of a curious heart

There is an untapped seem ...

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A Reimagining

Sonnets are meant to be about romance

and love.

You know? All that's good.

But why should form be contained,

can one not make love to the page

in their own expression?

I can,

and will.

Imagination like a dodgems car,

wild yet bumpy.

And I guess that's what love is,

you can try to steer in the right direction

but there will always be obstacl...

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What worlds turn behind your almond eyes, that ready smile,

that childish innocence that lingers long when you are gone?

I feel your warmth through chubby hands and stubby fingers

of a child. You will not make old bones in this cold life

of sticks and stones and superstitious fears. Some careless god

cut short your years; played blackjack with your chromosomes

in a game that ...

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disabilitytolerancecompassionhumanityunderstandingDowns syndrome

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