The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

First Fight

There were tears

Rolling down my face.

I never was a pretty crier,

So I looked away.


Heard your voice

Over my heavy breathing,

Crying harder when you said

You weren't leaving.


I hold tight to everything;

Knuckles white from my grip.

If I let go, even a little,

My whole world could slip.


I've been afraid, though,

To hold onto you.

My heart gave itself over,

But my mind is waiting to.


I've been known to live

In a world of my own fantasy;

Thinking things were there,

When no one else could see.


Now, I fear,

That I'm doing the same,

But you don't hesitate

To stake your claim.


That's where you're different

Than all those before.

See, you pick me up,

When they just left me on the floor.


But I still worry,

I'll have the same outcome.

Fighting my instincts,

Which all say to run.


I'm programmed to question,

Pro at the game doubt,

But never in you,

You I couldn't live without.


It's in me,

I'll always take the blame.

I sort of am,

The product of shame.


It's shadow casted over

Each and everything I do.

"Look at me," you ask,

And show you my sky blues.


You kiss my lips

And my mind is eased.

Wrap me in your arms,

Just don't leave me, please.



◄ Heart Shaped & Reflective

Insomniac? ►


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