The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm [The World As I See It]

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm is not allowed,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm enjoy cheap thrills,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, I’m well-endowed,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, a bottle of Pils,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, upon my knees,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, the seven seas.


qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, my boots did shine,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm the milky way,


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floodfoodliesthoughtplaydismaydanceGalway Baymilky waybootskneescheap thrills

The Glutton

In the afternoon, I want to eat, head to the square
See if the snack is still warm
And it’ll be nice to try that hot dog
I know I do this to satisfy myself
I know that lunch is the best part of the day
And the smell guides me to the table

Now it’s so close, see
The food truck line attracts me
Of our dishes, it’s what I miss the most
When we used to eat the same meal together

Where’s ...

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Telly belly

The evening wears on

While outside in the garden

Golden leaves cling on

The light is just right

For us to enjoy the night


Cradling a belly of joy

Not a girl or a boy

Crisps, dips and all the chocs

You are mine

A love on the rocks


Binging another show

In the warmth of the TVs glow

Mine is growing

increasing, expanding and showing


My telly bel...

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Ode to Lemon Meringue Pie

Teetering on the platter

A treat for human senses

It’s food to make you fatter

Crushing all of your defences


Its snowy dunes and hollows

Of flouncy sweet meringue

Are made for ample swallows

Of dessert sturm und drang


Ignore it at your peril

Its appeal you can’t deny

When hunger makes you feral

Reach for lemon meringue pie


Its gaudy citrus layer


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Quick & Easy Brain Rapid Surgery

You know what’s wrong

with NHS target times,

they need to take tips

from recipes online.


Where nothing’s

difficult or complex

to achieve.

Three ingredients

and ten minutes

is all you’ll need.


Ready in a flash,

easy to fling together.

A scalpel, a doctor

and hey presto,

the patient

gets better.


Easy as pie,

easy on the eye.


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The Move

 The Move

Xylene, Toluene, trichloroethylene,

The smell,

Prior paint peeled away and fell.

All off-white, only ever warmer; morning sunlight in the east windows

1887, a ship-builder discussed between three widows,

That line there, fixed up by The Man, too

Them floorboards wouldn’t look as good as The Man could do.

Where did he go? One asked inside of the plain room,


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friendship opportunist genuinewedding memories familyromantic distance love dan hookspoetry 2010eyes paranoid paranoia alienpoet poetry poem hooksDiscoverylovefood

Swiss Roll Family Robinson

Not astonished by the lack of surprise,

The day the Robinson family died

Morbidly obese.

Devoured their last feast,

Committing dietary suicide


Their buffet table laid sumptuously,

Intending to indulge in gluttony,

They wouldn't be the first

To eat till they burst

Avidly scoffed and gouged rapaciously,


A vivid green leaf salad, though not much

Lay limp i...

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Like my Mother Used to Make

I’ve got a desire for a cheese sandwich on fresh white bread

Just like my mother used to make

I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever taste one again

You know, not any old cheese sandwich

But the ones my mother used to make


On cold winter evenings

She’d serve stew and dumplings

And her poached eggs on toast was a wonderful feast

Not ordinary eggs

But the ones like my mother...

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Food For Thought

I can not depend on my moods, 
This is why I depend on food.
Good days, bad days, the pain stays,
The food I eat takes me away.

I used to be fat and then went slim,
Now the fat creeps back in.
Self esteem is what I lacked,
Food is slowly making me fat.
The mirror is no friend of mine,
The image I see is not mine. 

The dismal day portays my mood,
and then 'BOOM' I run back to food.

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foodeating disorderpoetry and mental health


Food with roots and leaves
Eating plants and trees
I see this as life on a plate
I see meat as death on a plate 

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A Christmas blog




Brushing soot off his tunic (new, wipe clean, breathable material) he surveys the rooftops.

He belches, the last lot’s food offerings (whisky, milk and breakfast cereal) playing havoc with his digestive system.


Whistling for the team (trained to perfection by the reindeer whisperer) he prepares for the off.

Straightening, the man of dreams consults his watch


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Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea, a table for two

a special date for me and for you

A delectable tower, an edible treat

a delicate array of savoury and sweet

Picture perfect, feast your eyes

crustless fingers, mini cakes and pies

Egg, cress, grated cheese and ham

fruited scone, clotted cream and jam

Smoked salmon, tuna mayonnaise

strawberry tart with crème anglaise

Prawn on brown, cucum...

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foodafternoon tea

Sourdough Bread

Colonies of


Float in mid-air



Harvested by


Like magic

Become food


crusty, tangy, sweet

shaped by a baker’s hand

buttery comfort

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Pie From Wigan

Hey There was this hungry girl from Wigan 
Who bought a Spud pie a big UN 
She ate it fast as fast could be oh dear me 
Then choked on the bugger, crying god save me 

Everyone in Wigan Loves Spud Pies Galore 
Wigan pie shops thriving bursting at yon door 
So if you ever visit this little town 
Try a spud pie you'll enjoy it. It'll not make you frown

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Some Friends are necessary for life. 
As the air.  As the water and food
Those friends, help us, to survive 
In our hearts running, same as blood 


They offer faithful trusted advice
And always keep the shining smile
Show satisfaction pureily, so nice
Have bounties tool, deeply as Nile


They never get argument to complain
They ever look for the cheerful talk to ...

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To Smoke Before Bedtime

 At dinner for a start,

I ate a very fresh coconut.

Fearing my stomach upset

Ate a nice vinaigrette,

Then I ate a cake,

My mother baked.

To prevent constipation,

And for good digestion,

Rare sort of cheese I ate.

I ate a banana for a bet.

And to avoid the gases,

I ate some hens with lettuce.

To have a very deep sleep

I ate a very cheap sheep.

Smoked nicely...

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Anolini – pasta shells stuffed with meat

And cooked in broth, is what we’re eating;

Steam rises from plates but there’s no speaking,

We sip Chianti to moderate the heat

The first to break silence admits defeat;

Parmesan a generous sprinkling,

Grated black pepper our noses crinkling;

Each Christmas a ritual we repeat.


This dish from the mountains of Ital...

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One Day!

One day I'll meet you In that place!!


I don't take drugs

I tried a couple times

So I can tell you what it feels like

I don't drink

Probably all the sips I've ever had

Could amount to 2 glasses of white wine and those sambuca shots when I was 17yrs old!

I love dancing

I don't seem to do it much 

But I love moving 

That I do everyday with Yoga

I love fashion and...

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The power of banana fruits

Everytime I bite you

It spreads a lot of sensational

You shake my tongue

Your shape is sensual

I close my eyes to enjoy you

Your yellow jacket shines through my mind

Your amazing taste slides into my soul

Oh... banana



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Psycho-babble, doggy paddle

They tell me that my sandwiches are,


a pointless phrase,


by a box designer,

image re-definer,



‘Made by hand’, would do for me.




(which means someone grafted, to learn the apprenticed skills, to do a trade,

made in centuries to perfection),


but a sarnie,

 put on bread,

by a plastic gloved,


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In the morning

make sure I calculate


Flat packet grains compress

into calibrated measure,

To be levelled

then dispensed,

With milk added to twice the degree,


Placed in microwave,

A minute of vibrational rotation.


Returned for half the spell of time.



Seed topping on the milky mass,


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Eggs, Fudge and Arctic Roll

Eric is an intern, yes he’s doing this for free
headset wrapped around hot ears
counting all the crates of beers
ripped jeans show his puny knee.

Backstage riders take the piss!
Clipboard says an item’s amiss
The schedule’s tight; he’s been up all night
Too late to get it to the concert site!

Budgets are exceeded; the helipad’s all booked
Dressing rooms are ready; just hope it’s overl...

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Backstage ridersinternsrock and rollmusicconcertbandsfood



I’ll gather the Cockles from Red Wharf Bay

Best soaked overnight in salt water they say

Then boil them in water that is fresh from the tap

Then simmer, five minutes, they open no crap


A bowl with some milk and the Cockles go in

Then stir with your hand like they’re having a swim

Remove and then place them in self-raising flour

Once coated, then sieve. This starter’s ...

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Oh how I miss the Northern Charm

Builders' Tea and Bacon barm

Pie ’n’ peas and Cheshire cheese

Drivers that stay calm


People speak without a plum

Ecky thump and ee by gum

Tripe and Onions, Granny’s bunions

Boddies Bitter bites yer bum


Cheshire cats the grinning mousers

Tacchini wearing scally Scousers

West Pennine shower, Blackpool Tower

Our backyard and ...

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"Unload!.... safety catch, pouch, magazine off..

(From the range we smell the scoff)

"Clear, ease springs"

The Sergeant sings

Time to queue up at the trough


There's nothing quite like the old 'Range Stew'

Two rounds of bread with a nice hot brew

From the mess tin

I'm not jestin'

Made by chefs who have no clue


Soft boot shuffle with your mate

No place here...

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army dayscameraderiefoodsoldierstea

Just Another Load of Shite

Buy our V12 detonator

To propel you into oblivion’s arms

Try our online, interactive, user-friendly blogchat charms

Ingest our vicious, nutritious, delicious, pernicious foodstuff

Smile and feel so satisfied

Almost gratified,

Quite mollified

That you bought into our corporate dream

Our tiny scheme

Our blue sky thinking

All our strategic initiatives


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Control Food

Control Food

I don’t know when it started
When food became an issue
I remember how life was
I was diagnosed as dyslexic
After my Mum sent me for a private test
Although the School didn’t want to accept it
They didn’t want to help
Budget issues, staffing and resources
Excuses, excuses, excuses
My Mum fought their disbelief
Craving the help and guidance I needed
I heard...

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foodeating disorderreal life

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