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I Died Yesterday...

I died yesterday

With a pen in one hand and a diary in the other. 

The latter's pages were inlaid 

With prints of my curry stained fingers, 

And splotches of tea, 

And smudges of ink, 

And spools of memories,

And streams of ridiculous cravings. 

I fashioned the contents with the loose threads 

I'd been stockpiling since forever. 

Vibrant, prismatic, but half-completed...

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Crooked Café

I used to hate this part of town
After London
it felt like stepping back in time
as if all our momentum to the capital 
had been lost
these shops with their hand-painted signs
I didn’t recognise the names
they’re not triplicated on every high street

And now I sit
in the Crooked Café
the waitress always tries to remember my ‘usual’
but I love that she never quite gets it right
gives u...

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Mountain thyme tea rolled up in seaweed playing the role of a joint

All this time,
reminded of the thyme tea I drank,
as I was talking to you.

And all those stories I've heard,
from liars and thieves,
about you, not being who you say you are.

Can't even drink my favorite beverage,
my mind being leveraged,
by the thoughts of another summer without you.

Another year,
another failure,
mind messed up from beer portrayed as a liquid savior,
yellow at ...

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Rain Please Go Away

Rain Rain Please Go Away,

Almost No Agri-land here anyway!

And planned water resources everywhere!!

Wish for 1 hour of weather like Dubai!

Or if not, parle-G biscuits with cup of hot (tea)Chai!!

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RainTeaTea for lifeWish for summer

It all depends on Something

It All Depends On Something


It all depends on something,

On that you can depend.

Things start at the beginning,

And they finish at the end.


You don’t know until you know,

How anything will conclude.

So don’t try to jump the gun

To find answers that elude.


Take one hour at a time

And each troubled day by day.

Cross each bridge only when

The river’s...

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Stirred with a little spoon, the teabags swim

Like carp in golden liquid, fin to fin.

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fishsimileteatea dances

Coffee shop blues

Cup of coffee

cup of tea

hot chocolate



cheese toastie

tuna melt

bacon butty

fruit cake


custard cream

vanilla slice

blueberry muffin

tray bake


Drunk them all

ate them all

now I've got


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Brew Time

There's nothing like a lovely cup of tea

When the world seems tough

And you've had enough

Try a cuppa and I'm sure you will agree


But in the morning coffee is the best

It wakes you from your slumber

Jolts you just like thunder

Keeps me awake until I'm fully dressed


Although fresh orange juice is also very nice

From the fridge, icy child

Slips down like liqui...

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"Unload!.... safety catch, pouch, magazine off..

(From the range we smell the scoff)

"Clear, ease springs"

The Sergeant sings

Time to queue up at the trough


There's nothing quite like the old 'Range Stew'

Two rounds of bread with a nice hot brew

From the mess tin

I'm not jestin'

Made by chefs who have no clue


Soft boot shuffle with your mate

No place here...

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army dayscameraderiefoodsoldierstea

I am not your cup of tea!



I may not be

your cup of tea

but I am your

bottle of rum --

most definitely...

so ease up that grip:

Stop strangling my neck.   


Let My liquid conflagration

scorch your lying condescension 

again and again and again.... without fail.   


If you but remember to be true  

to what lurks deep within you

I will assail your do...

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Life is a Cuppa

Life in a Cuppa


Up to a point
pliant leaves will seep
into all its waters
until the cup overflows

so much as to stain
the meticulously starched table linen.
Then we shall face with reckoning
its true substance!





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