Just Another Load of Shite

Buy our V12 detonator

To propel you into oblivion’s arms

Try our online, interactive, user-friendly blogchat charms

Ingest our vicious, nutritious, delicious, pernicious foodstuff

Smile and feel so satisfied

Almost gratified,

Quite mollified

That you bought into our corporate dream

Our tiny scheme

Our blue sky thinking

All our strategic initiatives

That can only give

Your puny existence

The slightest pleasure,

Your leisure,

Is a feather in our cap of treasures

Flash that plastic, you’re fantastic

You deserve a slice of life

Pamper yourself, just who cares

About the price

It’s just another load of shite

Repackaged, redesigned and redefined

For a new dynamic

A new dynamic dynamic

A thrusting market share

Of empty air in mindless skulls

Containing nothing of worth

A remixed remix of a remix

That was unlistenable in first light

It’s just another load of shite

To crowbar your wallet open wide

To numb your senses

Numb your defences

Leaving us free to poach your mind

Simmer it gently in corporate guff

Most of a lifetime should be long enough

To cook your higher self bone dry

Wave real happiness bye-bye

Wear the shirt, display the label

Show your faculties are disabled

Troop along and join the tribe

As we slink off into the night

With your soul tucked out of sight

It’s just another load of shite

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 5th Apr 2014 08:43

Great rant mate, and yes you must be right with the inspiration, it's such a relief when it says you can skip this video in 'X' seconds!

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Simon Marks

Thu 4th Jul 2013 18:42

Surely the first piece of poetry inspired by those bloody adverts crowbarred into the start of YouTube videos.
No - I don't want to see a film starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn - ever!

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