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Whilst strolling from work, my attention was caught

By a sensuous smell, of the perfumed sort

My passion was aroused, my senses began to swirl

On inhaling the scent, of this sweet-smelling girl

Oblivious to danger with a skip and a hop

I dashed across the road into the florist’s shop

I then grabbed a bouquet from the top of the range

And ran from the shop forgetting the change


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why you are #beachready

because you deserve to feel
        the sun on your skin
        hot sand between your toes
        to slough off the workday drudge
        and free your smile
because it will be fun
because ice-cream melts fast
        and tastes good
because it’s your laugh that matters
because no-one ever died thinking
        the best thing they did
        was spend three years on a diet

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Just Another Load of Shite

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Our tiny scheme

Our blue sky thinking

All our strategic initiatives


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