together (Remove filter)
Stoney garden
Toys, mugs and letters dress this stoney garden
In lines that would not impress a cold, gnarled sargent
Stones stagger around like crooked teeth
Adorned with names, chocolates and festive wreaths
The view is long, sprawling forever
Lost but knowing in its endevour
The living are still, smiling through their solemness
Clutching Birthday cards with Christmas sadness
...Thursday 2nd January 2025 9:11 am
Our Journey
Let's escape our separate towns together,
Away from prying eyes,
Where no one knows our faces yet,
And our love needs no disguise.
Let's camp out in the world together,
And I'll hold you through the night,
With your head upon my shoulder,
We sit watching stars burn bright.
We'll laugh and smile discussing hopes and dreams,
And make known all of our desires,
Wednesday 24th January 2024 8:39 pm
My Selfish Heart
My selfish heart is just plain happy
As the world tumbles into an abyss
Only you and I know how it’s come to this
We’ve found a love like never before
Soon to be judged by those we adore
Our clean hearts true to ourselves and each other
No time now for froth and bluster
Just love seared with joy and heart felt laughter
Short time, fast journey for two hearts from The Poo...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 7:23 pm
Spirit of Friendship
We were together back in the day
Bumping along so ready to play
You called me up, thought me up, as things got tough
But I’ve always been here to walk your paths
To see you shine, to laugh your laughs
You saw me smiling and did believe
I needed to show you it’s not make believe
This man now with you, can see who’s you
He loves and cares and will always be true
He’ll be ...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 7:13 pm
Did we meet, now we have
Perhaps around my 10 I sensed your spark
With you toddling and sparking along your days
As I passed by, you learning to prance, pushing boundaries to play
Easing my mind as I drove on by
Between mum and dad to my nearby dunes
No metal men then, to spoil its grace
Just a place of happiness, joy a perfect space
My 20 perhaps a glance as we charged around town
You with your s...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 7:10 pm
I've been broken for as long as i can remember,
welding together the fragmented pieces of my life will be quite the journey!
Sunday 5th February 2023 3:47 am
The sun rises
watched it more than once
listen to birds
sing their songs
the sound of rustling
in the song of the wind
the smell
and close to the ground
branches creaking
from the weight of
all alone
I've watched the sunrise
watched it many times
yet this time
as the sun crests
the mountain ever yonder
I hear the footsteps
light and crisp
sure but unsure
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:26 am
For Clare
Nightmares diminish in the depths of my dreams
As the sun breaks the mournful night
The day envelopes the lonesome sky
Darkness open it’s wings and takes flight
The beauty of the dew, sparkling in the light
The warmth of the radiated heat
The splendour of life marching forth
In comparison is a futile feat
For the beauty of a beginning
Can never compare to the ...
Thursday 11th February 2021 8:59 pm
Glad to hear your voice
Happy to be with you
Always, you're very nice
Whatever you say or do
Lucky, to be your friend
To share you fact and fun
Forever together no end
Shining heart as the sun
Among thousand fans
We're the mates in reality
Sharing act and talks
Hearts believe in Honesty
Wednesday 27th February 2019 11:08 am
right now i miss you very much
this feeling inside that
i feel you will shrug off
for too much has happened
we've seen too much
done way too much
for this to matter to you
or me but it's there
right inside me
not going but residing
the feeling that i miss you
and we should of done more
gone to more places
cared for one another more
loved the other more
instead of fighting
Tuesday 20th February 2018 7:10 pm
My boys
Who knew such joy before they were born
Who knew the joy they'd bring
As an only child no knowledge of this sibling thing
But life with my two boys became my greatest experience
Brought me endless days of pure joy
They're so close, so different, so very much alike, the very best of friends
My best times ever are when we're all together
Just sitting, eating and chatting, natu...
Thursday 3rd August 2017 7:36 pm
Love wins
Their hands touched and the room stood still
Genuinely, completely stood dead still
He held her hands tight across the table
Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able
Wanting to shout she's the one I love
Tearing down values he'd long understood
Life is for living with no holding back
Only truly experienced with love in full flame
Not playing the margins in some fake game
...Thursday 27th July 2017 12:53 pm
Big leggy
It's a time for True Grit
As big leggy would say
We've met this years woes head on and strong
Working together to keep fears at bay
Our spirits always high every step of the way
Nothing can deflect us from our ultimate goal
True Grit runs through us, so get out of our way
Saturday 1st July 2017 9:25 pm
Open heart gift
I like to show that I'm trying, I give you the proof so you know I'm not lying, you've had it bad before, leaving your heart slightly torn, I'll put on my nurse uniform and cure you like no ones done before
Thursday 19th January 2017 12:21 pm
Sway to the winds
Hoover over the plains of unwritten avenues
Brush away all misconceptions
Death to ifs and maybes
Lay with me in this tornado gliding to the designated mark that is love
Dance with me
Join me in my pursuit of you…of us
Wednesday 16th March 2016 7:50 pm
Your incredible response fills me with light.
Sunshine of the heavens frozen in time,
tears of the Goddess of this sacred land.
Of the earth, the sky, the ocean and of Mother Nature.
You, girl part foreign, part of here, now in my life.
Take me for who I am as I do you,
value you what we have and set out on this journey with me.
By my side even when we’r...
Friday 23rd August 2013 5:27 pm
Library Girl
She worked in the local library part time.
And liked to read Harry Potter books.
She liked a lad who popped in fortnightly.
He was quiet just like her.
Her eyes sought him out whenever he was there.
A shyness inhibited her asking him out.
In time he stopped go...
Sunday 30th June 2013 10:59 pm
I Miss You
Hello there,
Angel from my nightmares.
Devil from my dreams
a grey spirit that weaves
its way through my existence.
What a Dementor does to souls
or a Dalek to a human heart.
Even a superhuman heart
can break.
Just ask Logan,
a force so strong
a returning phoenix
could not reignite remnants.
I miss you.
Whatever yo...
Tuesday 19th March 2013 10:50 pm
Natalie. Roberto
Natalie. Roberto
Oh my dear friend Roberto. I remember back to our time, when we made love. Not the last time but the time before. When you were doing your college film studies and were so happy on your future. It was you who said, “Nat, I’ll make the best film ever made.” And his dear eyes were so full of passion, life and innocence. And a love so powerful, I cried, right there. Love...
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 9:10 pm
You say you love me, but how can you when you hurt me so?
Now that you’re gone I don’t think I miss you, I’ll find another to
be my kindred spirit.
Together we will be invincible, nothing will separate us.
If you’re jealous and make me a war, I’ll kill you, I swear.
Me and my love will be soul deep. If you were to kill us and
burn our co...
Tuesday 24th January 2012 5:33 pm
DICKHEAD (mild swearing lol)
You call me a dickhead behind my back and laugh at this.
Come and say it to my face.
Ok then, just for you, I'll admit that I'm a dickhead on one condition. ...
Wednesday 11th January 2012 5:42 pm
Met you when I never expected to, you who's just like me. Not a handful, a real lady who I've the honour of knowing. Why fate brought us together, I don't know. What matters is that we met and became friends and more. We have something that is ours, no one can take that away from us. I do love you and now I miss you, though certain people don't approve. Like they don't of my writing o...
Saturday 24th December 2011 3:20 pm
Lift me up to the stars in your embrace,
come to me, bear your soul as I will for you.
Not long now, we’ll be together. I have to watch
my emotions as you come to claim me – when I have
you I’ll do what is expected of me.
Be patient, I have learnt that. I’ve done my best
and will do for you, for us. So come to me now,
be my soulmate a...
Saturday 19th November 2011 6:49 pm
My dear butterfly who flew into my life, you take away my darkness and make me happy. Not sure how long it's been since I was happy and danced close with a real lady and really smiled a real smile. . By your actions of coming into my life, you banished three years of darkness away, gone for good. We went to the art gallery and looked at the pics, you explained what pictures you like...
Wednesday 9th November 2011 12:00 am
You are my summer river giving me my lifeblood.
I am your field of life and together we shine
like all of its flowers. No one else is like you
and they can’t give me all of that you can.
This is a special thing, what we have between us.
It is so important, like the fish to the sea.
We both want no other, only ourselves in lasting harmony.
Thursday 27th October 2011 9:41 pm
You are my crane fly who flutters
on gossamer thin crystal wings,
turning to face the sun as you go through the air.
Now I see your beauty as strong and as delicate,
now that you are my girl.
We enjoy life at our own steady pace
doing our own little bit having a laugh.
I see you smile, your face lightens
in the midday sun as you look i...
Wednesday 28th September 2011 1:19 pm
She is the girl from Sheffield who turns heads wherever she goes.
Her name is Anne and she is a uni girl, into bands and cheap student beer.
I met her on the bus while she was going gigging; she invited me along
and away we went to see the next big thing. At that moment I knew she’d
be mine, this raven haired girl from a foreign place unknown.
Thursday 8th September 2011 9:21 pm
Black and orange butterfly flies zig zag pattern over a river dodging speedy dragonflies, low over the water at mad angles. Sense of speed beyond all else. Movement pure and simple. Past dragonfly territory, over the rocky river bank. Looking, searching for what? Something. What?
Feel a little tired. Land on a rock to rest, blur of flapping wings before a halt. Nice to c...
Thursday 25th August 2011 11:24 pm
Song in the Starry Sky
Sing, through the flowing tears,
And laugh though it aches,
ask again for love in rejection's face
into the sun's first brilliant rays
Peer into that song and hear its heart
take along these raindrops' prisms
let them glow in the dark of night
its tune your comfort and companion
Hold your friend deep within your soul,
journey into th...
Monday 7th February 2011 1:08 pm
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