The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

bereavement (Remove filter)

bereave me



You are never far away from my thoughts or heart's embrace,

we are tethered between life states and alternate existences . . .

believe me.





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Stoney garden

Toys, mugs and letters dress this stoney garden

In lines that would not impress a cold, gnarled sargent


Stones stagger around like crooked teeth

Adorned with names, chocolates and festive wreaths

The view is long, sprawling forever

Lost but knowing in its endevour


The living are still, smiling through their solemness 

Clutching Birthday cards with Christmas sadness


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Don't let me forget

I am scared I will forget you.
Forget your voice. 
Forget your face. 
Forget your smell. 
Forget each moment. 
I walk on with my heart lodged in my throat. Wondering when it will make me choke. 
But how can I choke on a broken heart?
It's been in pieces since we have been apart. 

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Do you grieve in heaven?

Do you grieve in heaven?
Do you feel hollow too?
Do you feel like something's missing?
Like our incompletion without you.
Goodbyes were not granted to us,
Does this upset you too?
Does grief hit you by surprise?
An oppression you never knew?
Or is Olympus free of mourning?
And you have no suffering heart?
Will we meet in the city of immortals,
Will it feel like we've been apart?
Tell m...

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sudden deathparentgriefheavenheartbreakbereavement

Your coffee

Where are you Mumma?
Your coffee is getting cold. 
You have missed out on so much. 
There are many stories to be told. 
Where are you Mumma?
Your coffee is getting colder. 
Time has just flown by.
My children are growing older. 
Where are you Mumma?
Making coffee is harder as I am so weak.
My body is slower and my bones do creak. 
Where are you Mumma...

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Mothers Lovegriefstrickengriefheartbrokenmumgrowing olddeathbereavement

Dear Death

Why must you? If I could just understand the reasons for your soul-reaping hand. 

Who decided the time was up? Or that we must endure this grief? Tell me, Death- Do you enjoy your role as loves thief? 

You broke my heart into pieces a few times before and now you've done it once more. 

I'm not sure I can forgive you for such dark spite because you've taken my world and turned out its ligh...

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LossgriefdeathbereavementDeath of a parent

First Christmas

One whole year's

time emptied

Like lace leaves


From the cold trees

Skeletal wisps

You are missing 

attic tinsel 


Boxed deep and dusting

With bristles flaking

From the broken spine

So no silver lines 

Our crisp, black-branched pine.

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December Bones

Christmas fairy lights still dangle,
Plastic string of neon candles,
Hallowing the wreckage of the year.

Streaming ‘River’ on repeat
River Warbling marrow-deep

Wash away those spiteful, December bones.

From jigsaws sat on nickel knees
To whisky-nursing you in sprees,
Femurs first you left us piece by piece.

Frailty distils the waters
Trickles down through all your daughters


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bereavementChristmasgrandfathergriefjoni mitchelllove


This poem is deeply personal to me and is about my time I spent as a crisis worker helping people who were experiencing mental health emergencies or attempts of suicide. The subject of this poem is suicide; please know that its contents could be triggering. If you or someone you know and love are experiencing suicidal thoughts or need to reach out, please don't hesitate to talk to someone. You are...

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bereavementdeathlife lessonmental anguishmental health awarenesspreventionpsychologysuicide

Writing Through Illness and Grief Group

While mourning his daughter Tullia, Cicero took to writing a book of self-consolation. Thinking himself the inventor of this type of self-help, he said, “Why, I have done what no one has done before, tried to console myself by writing a book.” (This is quoted by Han Baltussen in the Nov. 2009 issue of Mortality in an essay titled, “A grief observed: Cicero on remembering Tullia.”)

I certainly d...

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Favourite Shoes

My dad's favourite shoes

He saved them for best

He wore them just once

As we laid him to rest





Dedicated to the loving memory of Jack Evans; love you dad x

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To Richard

No more confusion, no more pain,

Just a stillness of mind at the ending of time.

Another leaf’s fallen, unseen by the world.

But I watched the fall.

A silent descent,

But I heard the call.

He cried out, there was fear in his voice,

He tried to give comfort now removed of the choice,

Allowed one brief moment to make himself heard,

Just one direction, unable to turn.



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My heart told my head she must still be here

here in the house where her life had shaped me.


Yes she would never pass this way again

but my heart told my head that these

markers of a life, the reclining chair

radio, the familiar curtains,

piano I cut my future on

these transient things must be passed on

to the world outside.


My heart would burst though it must ...

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The Melting of the Ice

(This is a re-post of a series of five interconnecting poems, previously blogged as separate poems. The death of my mother last year was preceded by hearing the tone poem Finlandia, by Jean Sibelius, on the radio, and it so completely described how I was feeling that it took me over, and informs the whole series.

As a big nod to Sibelius, I decided to use a loosely-based symphonic structure, so...

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The loss of you

The loss of you

The day I lost her, all that she meant
The day I lost her, the day that she went
I cried the loss, of a true friend that day
I cried the loss, when she went away. 
Sadness and sorrow, has broken my heart
Now that you've left us, to sadly depart
Taken to early, just age 43, 
The prime of your life, taken from me,
The world is now grey, the colour has gone
Now you've been...

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Goodbye, Gaston





My uncle, Gaston,
mum's bro (1-yr apart),
died whilst I cradled him
in the crook of me arms.

He lay there bliss-filled
Faint lustre of his boyhood charms.

It was a waiting game
& he was hanging on.
He held back the Ripper's blade
Unmindful that he'd had it made.

I whis...

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Comes and Goes a Day

                                                             Comes and Goes a Day



            The rim of a hat tilts silently towards me

While a kai-bosh batters my thoughts,

And my head banging wall is dented so violently

And tickles of torture trickle streams of blood;

Fatigue holding tight like a noose from

A snakes ardent enquiry,

            And ther...

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she sits

she knits

the needles click

as strand by strand

in cracked crabbed hands

each stitch

might haul them

back to land


her days, her nights are one, the same -

a gift of darkness borne by grief

to wounds already salted well.

lips taste each quarter

of the wind; she hears the tides

advance, retreat -

as if in echoes from

some  ancient stranded shell.

she feels t...

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