letting go (Remove filter)
The Breaking Point: The Silent Decent
This poem tries to capture the pain of watching a friend succumb to addiction, bound to a destructive habit that erodes both health and hope. As one friend struggles with the limits of friendship and "agape", the other slips further and further away, lost in a cycle that breaks promises and bodies alike. This poem hopefully serves as both plea and ultimatum—a haunting look at the cost of holding o...
Wednesday 13th November 2024 4:47 pm
5:27 am
It is time to get up.
Shower – I use the woman’s fancy shampoo.
Toothpaste, lotion, brush; done – in the black hygiene bag.
The woman enters the bedroom to check on me, “You have everything?”
“Yes,” I say, “I think so; if I leave anything, you could send it to me?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Okay,” I say. She walks to the kitchen and sits down softly with ...
Monday 24th June 2024 5:50 pm
It's Time
We want the same and fear the change,
yet all the while we just complain
of everything single thing under the sun.
I’ve heard it is a general rule,
that man is nothing but a fool
because he never wants the prize he’s won.
And yeah, it is the same with me,
I live in discontent you see.
I never seem to find a place to rest.
I’ve searched to find some middle ground
Sunday 7th April 2024 5:03 pm
Love Enough
Love has so many forms by which it shows itself each day,
in simple acts of kindness made in quite heartfelt ways.
Sometimes it takes a hand and spends the time to show it cares.
Sometimes it takes a few steps back while broken hearts repair.
And every time two lovers finally cross each other's path,
it jumps with joy to have the chance to work its favorite task.
Monday 26th February 2024 2:12 am
Late Autumn
It’s a feeling that has no words to describe,
when the late autumn leaves fade color.
Quietly waving a final goodbye
in the chill as morning mist hovers.
It’s something between a pure feeling of peace
and a loneliness down to the bone.
Perfect tranquility rests on the air,
but the sadness won’t leave you alone.
Life has a way of drifting in waves,
up and dow...
Thursday 15th February 2024 12:38 am
Changed directions
I want to see your face
I want to bore into your eyes
I want you to make me twirl
but I think it's too late
Why did it feel like the last dance
that I'd get before you vanish into the oasis?
Did you have to give up so soon?
I was just getting used to being
someone you called
You asked me why I didn't
take off my mask
I laughed and said that it's become a part of me
only I knew t...
Friday 9th December 2022 2:46 am
On a full moon day
would you come to me
and for single day
be mine for a while?
You need not to talk
nor smile
just sit by my side
and stare at the sky
'cause tomorrow it'll be
a moonless sky
when you dress in a tux
and say "I do"
Tuesday 27th September 2022 9:24 am
So it ended before it began,
but I have no regrets nor sorrows..
It's as if I knew
deep down my heart
that it never could be
like two rail tracks that'll never meet,
like the moon and the sun that'll never collide,
a mirage in the dunes, mistaken for the oasis for a while,
a book with only a prologue and an epilogue ,
with no chapters in between..
It's not that I don't care
or don't ha...
Thursday 16th June 2022 4:08 pm
Let the Music Play
we were an unsinkable ship,
built to sustain any injury
thrown our way, or so we said.
cast into the dark,
yet illuminated with infinite possibilities.
suddenly slipping through our fingers
the bitter cold quickly rushed in,
and the music played on.
while the chaos surrounded us
and the children were tucked safely in their bed,
the music played on.
while prayers were whispered,
Tuesday 25th May 2021 4:34 pm
I Cannot Cling
Today's blog is another in which there are two versions of the same poem. This time we have a short and a long version. If I were to keep only one I would probably keep the long version but since they are meditations I feel like it is OK for there to be two versions of the poem.
Version 1 – Long
In Death I cannot cling to who I am or was,
I will not know or see or hear or think,
Saturday 6th February 2021 8:20 am
Tug Of War
Sweat and tears and laughter flowing through
Your body while your friends cheer you
On, and cheer your opponent on.
You both want to win, but in order for one of you
To win, the other has to lose.
It starts off friendly, tentative
You keep eye contact, you smile
You want to enjoy the comradery.
There are no sides according to your audience
But both of you know that there is
A rig...
Wednesday 22nd July 2020 5:01 pm
One by one counting memories:
an old photograph of us at the beach,
a sweater that won’t rid itself of your scent,
books and CDs that you lent,
I’ve packed them away
They won’t see another day
I’ve packed the boxes,
made the plans,
the rooms are empty
but I am motionless
Is it that familiar look?
Is it the morning glow
that paints itself through the window?
No, it’s the memories ...
Monday 3rd February 2020 6:32 pm
Letting Go
I made a decision that was hard
To let you go
To let you fly
God told me don’t worry she’ll be fine
God told me ,“ Love is patience. Love is kind.”
I cried and yelled and couldn’t accept it
His voice was clearer his voice was loud
He said one more time, “Love is patience. Love is kind.”
I finally understood I needed to stop being selfish
Wednesday 29th January 2020 11:35 am
Letting go
Let me tell you this
a secret lies within oneself,
many dare to dismiss.
Loving one who is broken,
Creates complication
And bliss.
A problem to handle,
That is not ones own.
A secret to help bury,
Yet not to hold on ones own.
The truth is set free,
When their true self is recognized
By the one who had the power,
All along on the ...
Wednesday 27th February 2019 8:31 am
Let Go
It's time to let go.
It's time to move on from the past,
from whatever it is holding you back
The random pain from memories
coming back to you as if two years was instead, two months ago
It's time to be free of all that is not meant to be
You know and I know
The universe will show you which way to go
Find true connection from within
Only then will you find clarity
...Monday 4th February 2019 6:12 pm
it pulls back, tight,
a finger falls away
flung through the air
till it hits
and falls
a heavy stone sunk at the bottom of my stomach
but you’ve left the slingshot on the bench outside
and I don’t know how to leave you on that bed
a cold hand still holds my heart
instead, you’ll stay
a heavy stone sunk in my stomach
I’ll never leave you behind
I swear
I’ll take you everywhere
Wednesday 9th January 2019 9:10 pm
Another Train Song
Standing on the platform, waving goodbye to yesterday’s train.
Perhaps you wanted to feel you had a little bit of control.
You’re saying you hope that train never comes back again.
A peripatetic pretense helps to ease the pain.
It’s a phantom journey, but no one has to know.
Standing on the platform, waving goodbye to yesterday’s train.
You collected yourself, stood erect, and hoped to ...
Monday 17th December 2018 10:10 am
Go far
without me
I was the anchor
you were the sail
you were born to fly
I was born to fail
Monday 8th January 2018 7:05 am
Haven't Changed
HA! I guess I haven't changed since then. All these schemes and dreams in my head of me doing something impossible to win you back. Wrong choice of words. To open you to me once more.
Once I daydreamt that I somehow got in touch with Al Barr and we went drinking up in Edmonton at your favorite bar every day for a week until you strolled in. You were star struck, Al was a cool wingman, you fell ...
Tuesday 21st November 2017 12:45 am
Call me the doormat,
The infestation of rats,
The ‘oh she ain’t all that’,
Call the kettle black!
Call me the diva, the princess, the moan bag,
The emotional one, oh isn’t it sad?
The hot head who can only nag nag nag,
That period trainwreck – a handful for a lad.
Call me whatever deflects most from what reflects
When you stand by the mirror and boast,
When ...
Thursday 29th September 2016 3:40 pm
Can't let go
You're all I see
You're all I breath
You're all I feel
And all I need
Every morning I wake
You're the pain I receive
Love is such a damned word
But baby please come back to me
Sunday 24th July 2016 12:15 am
When the World is Not Enough
You pick up the trees and you wave them like fans
But her face continues to sweat.
You unravel the ground and you drain it of soil
But her stomach never rounds,
Her mouth remains open.
You bottle up the ocean till all water is extinct
Yet she continues to faint of thirst.
You take life from the earth,
You remove breath from the world
And she continues to perform still bi...
Saturday 21st May 2016 4:59 pm
How do you say goodbye
to everyone you love,
your family and friends
who you hold high above.
How do you say goodbye
to the one in your heart;
your soul mate, from who
none could tear you apart.
Your night and your day
and in every sweet way,
no words could express
what you're needing to say.
How do you say goodbye
to the child in your hand
Sunday 17th May 2015 12:32 pm
Where is my mind, At times I feel I scratch and claw just to find, I'm behind in the race eluded to the right pace, Same case different place, as my sorrows follow, Escape no longer option not sure if it ever was, Just a young man tryna to do what I must Yet I titter on the cusp, feeling like it's all a bust, How can trust what I know when everyone else seems to go.... Astray. Been t...
Sunday 15th March 2015 9:09 pm
Gently you trace the tear
down my cheek
my pain mirrored
in the confusion in your eyes
not understanding what you’ve done
but wanting to
Words like barriers between us
we take turns offering apologies
arms pulling each other close
losing myself
in your warm hard body against mine
as we both try to deny
the fences between us
Friday 26th August 2011 6:38 pm
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