The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A Discovery on Everest

Where laced up leather boots so softly tread
Beneath spiral columns of spindrift snow
Time freezes in the ice where he lies dead

A gnarled old man with two teeth in his head
Prays to Chomolunga from down below
Where laced up leather boots so softly tread

One month before, Gray’s elegy they read
Whilst they waited for the storm winds to slow
Time freezes in the ice where he lies dead


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mountainsHeroismadventuredeathEverestpoetry about mountaineering



5:27 am

It is time to get up.


Shower – I use the woman’s fancy shampoo.

Toothpaste, lotion, brush; done – in the black hygiene bag.

The woman enters the bedroom to check on me, “You have everything?”

“Yes,” I say, “I think so; if I leave anything, you could send it to me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Okay,” I say.  She walks to the kitchen and sits down softly with ...

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motherdaughtermissingadventurefamilylovelosscoming of ageletting go

A little trip

In the abysses of your eyes

Launching myself

To take a little trip and realize

Trying to make sense.


I will probably find colours and

Infinite kindness,

Delicate magic imaginary hand

Giving soft caresses.


Or will it be a chaotic symphony

Precious music

Sweet anarchy you make pretty,

Beautiful archaic.


After all maybe it’s better not to.


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loveadventuretraveljourneytripa little tripcerebraldescovery

We will Once again...

We will once again smell that hot humid air

As we descend below the suns glare.

Those warm beaches of foreign lands,

Where our feet dissolve into the golden sands.


We will once again step into this evanescent reality,

And treasure its timeless beauty

Scaling the towering peaks

Capturing moments as we speak,


We will once again canoe down a meandering river,


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California or bust. 

Cruising the Mother Road, 
guided by Arizona skies. 

Soaring with the Eagles, 
ZZ Top, and Dr. Hook.

Laughing with hitchhikers,
like long-lost friends.

Waving out the window,
to Albuquerque wind.

Strawberry wine, french kisses,
love on the horizon.

Smell of freedom, 
between dust and rain.

Young, daring, 

Life never felt so Grand,

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Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?

Who Am I? And where do I belong?

Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?

Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?

Am I really that mentally tough & strong?

If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?

Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?

Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?

This the type of mindset the old me was ...

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real lifeBelongingSelf-discoveryDepressionExploringAdventure'Wisdom'Couragepoemanxietyfreedomlifepower

Primal Howl

Hurdling moral barriers, 

past caution flags of life,

towards red lights,

to feel alive,

something, anything. 

Excitement rising 

in your second brain,

adrenaline coursing

through collapsed veins, 

primal howl, 

lost in the now,

while consequences growl,

like a tornado.


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A Bell and a Boy

There's a big iron bell on the roof of the barn
that is used to call men from wherever they are:
from the fields, from mending the fences
from tending the cows in distant pastures.

There's a boy who likes adventure,
to find interesting places and things.
He likes to explore different places alone,
to go wherever he will near home.

Call him home from the forest, farm bell.
Call him bac...

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Green Frog with Gray Hair

Once there was a tree frog, green as green can be.  
He liked to sing on summer nights whenever it was wet.
His voice seemed much too loud for such a little frog. 
He spent his day seeking juicy bugs to eat; 
with his clever tongue he quickly found a meal. 

One October he was looking for adventure.
He climbed a large camellia bush 
and found a tiny opening in a window screen.  
He climbe...

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An Ode to Trouvaille

I have always been a whole person

Please don’t let what I now describe convince you otherwise 

But I left the other part of me in foreign country 



I love the way he says my name 

With words and phrases I have heard before 

But those that have not enlightened me until now 

I can breathe around him, more than mere survival 


I met him in a world where sum...

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The Light

The light inside me shining,
Butterflies are flying.
My nerves are at their peak,
The thought makes me weak.

Like climbing a mountain,
The reward will feel so great.
The aches and pains keep shouting,
"Turn back," but it's too late.

All the pain is worth it.
At the top is where you see,
The beauty of the mountain
and all it's scenery.

Nature is amazing,
A type of therapy.

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Dream of a nation, they built a big airship for Arctic exploration. Things went so well, taking a plethora of readings and photographs till a head wind sprung up. They used most of the fuel battling the wind. Serious technical trouble followed. This would go downhill, fast.

A crash!

Ripping fabric, torn envelope. Smashed control cabin forlorn on the ice. Many dead and injured...

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italia airshipadventureice and snowarctic regioncrashdeath

Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)

Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)


before she came

I stood here

for what seemed

like eons

with a blood red sun

setting behind me

my head full

of nothing more

than sawdust


and dreams

a hole in my chest

where beetles



come rain or shine

my only fear

that crows might see

through me

be brav...

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carefreealignmentpastfuturerainbowozbefore dorothyscarecrowadventure







blunt-edged butter knives
scrape across brittle landscapes
on freshly overtoasted slices of multigrain loaves

each lumpy mound of spreadable dairy
refuses to swathe evenly, amicably

momentary paralysis plagues
this expedition many times over
without consolation or apology


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