The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Inspiration: My Daughter

Never thought I'd be a single mom

It hit me like a bomb

Never thought I'd be all alone

Watching my very own clone

Some days are harder than most

Some days I have to fight not to choke

The stress

The weight

On my shoulders

But I have to say it all goes away when I hold her

When she looks at me

So happily

Its like I have a little piece of heaven

And those problems can all get to steppin'

Cuz I have this angel here

And I can't show her my fear

She's looking up to me

So I gotta be all I can be

Teach her how to grab the world by its feet

To never accept defeat

And grow up to be even better than me.


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Amanda Van Gorder

Sun 25th Oct 2015 13:52

Thank you for kind words. And for Huw, I respect your take on the poem, but will politely say you grossly misunderstood.

This poem is directly related to my life and present situation. Yes, some details I do hide from my daughter as she's too young to understand. But I never burden her with my problems. I explain to her the best I can for her age what is going on. I accept my faults and let her know where I messed up so she knows not to do the same. To do better if she is ever in a similar situation.

But even when I fail I don't accept defeat. I'm always looking forward to find a way to overcome it. I was raised that way. I see nothing wrong with it personally. You should never let the world know when you are weak if you can help it. Then you only make yourself vulnerable to more abuse.

With that being said. You really can do anything you set your mind too. But you can't just believe it. You have to work for it. You have to ignore the snide remarks of others. You have to chase your dreams. And with time and dedication you will succeed.

Also, as for the rhyme. I was listening to hip hop when I wrote it. The way I read it is as a rap. No real reason to that, its just the inspiration I had at the time.

Preeti Sinha

Sun 25th Oct 2015 12:33

This is a message all mothers ought to give their kids, not just daughters. Great read!

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 25th Oct 2015 11:51

First of all there is nothing to say this is a work of fiction or not. Having read your profile I think it might well not be fiction.

The words implicitly convey your love for this child and anyone with sense knows that mothers fight for their children unstintingly.

Young children/babies are all our futures and your commitment to declaring better things for the child is natural.

Critics should look at themselves clearly first and put the stones down.

Never accepting defeat is a grand notion, learning to accept it graciously is equally grand. A point we would all do well to practice.

Well done for posting and use your resilience to keep posting.

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brandon sproule

Sun 25th Oct 2015 05:18

Your piece was great. Respect for the honesty in your rhymes.

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