The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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If my sins had a smell would you sit near me?
I Wouldn't.
The tangy odour of deceit
A concoction of broken promises
The web of lies

A stench that embeds itself in ones skin
Needs more than a fix of TLC
Sorrow is my PLC
Yet it bothers you none

Through the shadow of my heart you see my smile
You feel my delicate underbelly
I am not a stain
I am more

Convinced of my plight
Stern i...

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By Pessall Brook

The remnants of a myth
torn like sodden paper
A worker in the world of words
now where are your opus lines
where does your gilded poetry reside
A hooded figure
cloaked by Pessall Brook
looking for lighthouses
searching for the sea

O, how did you go
this far wrong?

Show me your pages
blackened with rhymes
your songs of tides
and ships to far away islands
Thunder clapping above

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lostmistakeslandlocked blues

Alone and Lonely

If I had but a
To choose my fate
Farwell from this world

I'd rather drown
In the pool of tranquility
And die a peaceful death
Than be suffocated
Out of this lonlely life
Yearning for
Your lack of love.

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Moon in the Morning Sky

So out of place

Yet so beautiful 

Like the moon

In the morning sky

Losing its shine

And relevance 

With the Rising Sun.

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A smile

a smile is a heavenly thing

especifically on her face

not bothering anyone 

she keeps them in place.


while his having no clue

glancing on her bliss comforts his heart

despite she being in blue

she never lets him to go apart.


from all those scenarios come in front

creates the will to make his pledge

they will be together as it was dreamt

dedicating his hea...

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My rym

I had a glimpse of the shine,

couldn't recognize was it the right time.

after those stars were sigh,

Got brighter as you came by.


The glow rays of your warmth and light,

embraced them upon your sight.

wishpering the peace needed for my nights,

to step up again and fly those heights.


the rivers of your love continues to flow,

made me stronger with the presence y...

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My angel

Some people believe there is a one, 

The one who points your way to the sun.

 A person they believe makes them complete,

 The one who will support when facing defeat.


You are my angel, my one and only,

 My forever love, 

so we'll never be lonely. 

You've brought to my life all your love and care.


It made me see when I realized how rare It is to meet your angel, or...

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Close My Eyes

Sad at a bar.   sitting on the deck.  watching 

boats drift by; 

finished my grouper sandwich; sipping on my lemon water

wondering -- 

So close to your lips, how did I get so far away in your mind?

I told you a long time ago, you would never have to yell          but

I do.

Today was a break,

          after a break,

                     after a break.                C...

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Few Seconds at a time

It did indeed

Yes, you slipped away like a bottle of wine

And Taylor was right… you were never mine

Promised to another, but I took the risk

A knife that cuts deep, but you were a brick

You gave me what I needed, a few seconds at a time

But another had your whole, and that made me cry

Tears of joy a few seconds at a time

But as you fleed away, I had a hole inside

You we...

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Till the end of the line

I have entered this new chapter of my life,

But it feels like the past is not so far behind.

I wish you were here to see the person who I have become today,

I wish you were here to tell me that it was going to be okay.


From seeing each other almost everyday,

To not having spoken to each other for over a year seems like hell.

I wish you were here to get me out of this mess,


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The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my show," said a female stage medium. She was on the stage of a  small theatre somewhere in Melbourne
"I am Kelly Anne Cross, I am here to entertain you tonight," said the stage medium.
"Hope she does well! It was nice your dad giving her his theatre for the night," said Liz Alexander the wife of the theatre's owner's son.
"Yes me too," said her husband Lance.

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Exorcistexorcismmistakescrazygrim reapergrim reapersfarce

next door neighbor



made me feel something

Something I've been trying to avoid for awhile now.




made me feel safe.

Made me feel loved.

Made me feel like the only girl in the world


In your arms, no bad could happen.

In your arms, I was safe.

In your arms, I was loved. 


This unfamiliar feeling made me uneasy

Made me doubtful

Made me question everythi...

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My gums are bleeding again.

There’s a stack of papers that need attention

But I can’t find my glasses.

My truck is making that funny noise.


I sleep too late

Because no one wakes me.

I don’t write

I feel it’s all been said.


I find I’m repeating myself

No one takes me seriously

Your point’s been made:

I am selfish and fickle,

Say whate...

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lost lovelove poemsheartbreakregretmistakesBroken heartdisappointmentsadnessLonging


Michelangelo said the work of art awaited him beneath the slab of marble, merely for him to uncover it. In my own small way I understand that as I write these days. The poem I know is possible waits patiently at the other side across a murky divide and with luck and patience maybe I can reach it, reveal it.

Here is  one I wrote about a barbecue years ago in the small town where I lived.



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lovelost lovebrokenheartedmistakesbroken heartsadnessregretmelancholydepressionheart


Life is simple, yet complicated by seemingly insignificant moments that make all the difference in the end.


It is the unfiltered thoughts that escaped from our mouths in our weakest moments

It is the words that ruined relationships because we were too stubborn to apologise

It is the time that has passed between friendships in which too much has happened to reconnect

It is the memo...

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Do you still think about me?
Am I one of your painful memories?
Do I cross your mind when you're all alone and trying to sleep?

I can say that all is the truth for me
I'm just a grain of sand and you are the sea.
You wrap around my brain until I can't fucking breathe.

Do you remember trying not to cry?
The day we finally said goodbye.
Feeling like we're alone but surrounded by a hundre...

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I will be your moon

Let me move to a new place,
Where none knows my name,
And I know they will  start judging,
As Everyone is just the same.
But till then ,
Let me find a new love, 
New memories to let go my pain,
You can take my hand,
And please ask me to dance in the rain.
I know our love would break,
Just like all other affairs I had,
Some would say I had no brains, 
And I am the reason you are sad,

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I'm Sorry

Why say I'm sorry
for something in which
you had no part?

Because, shallow as those 
two words may seem...

the gesture plays 
a pivotal role in 
healing a broken heart. 

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My insides writhe like pit of snakes
As my mind runs away.
It flees from my mistakes,
Made with good intent,
As fast as my ambition got me there.
Why does my ego tote me around like a child?
Why does it feel like I'm always being punished
By my mundane thoughts?
What am I doing?


I eat the snake.
I abandon my ambition.
I punish myself from now on.


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He did wrong

One time, that was all she needed to prove her right

Forgave him on the outside

On the inside, he was concentrated

Their home became a jail

Not forgetting what seemed like yesterday

But years old

She sang the song, oh I forgive you

But reminded him

You are stuck with what you you’ve done

But, he asked you to forgive, as she did

He proposed hoping to st...

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Alone, abandoned, overlooked. 

I wake up to a never ending nightmare that I call life.

Insecurities and anxieties blare in as the alarm goes off.

Snooze. Snooze. It's all a ruse, I try to hit snooze in hopes to avoid the nightmare but in this terrible wake there is no snooze so I think, "What is there to lose?"

There's the mistake, don't think, do.

Overthinking leads to overanalyzin...

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My head is full of numbers, 
my heart is full of dread 
if I go from black to blue 
all the rhymes 
will come out new. 
Red bleeds to yellow 
and all the numbers are blue
the three comes in threes and
makes the nine incomplete and 
the moon tells the secrets 
I'm not meant to keep 
it's a message of the future 
and the past complete. 

A half yellow star sharp 
pierces my art.
The ...

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I was young

I was young .. A simple statement that is the answer to many questions I am presented with 


Why did you get drunk, and throw up in the hall way? 

Why did you leave school, and truant all day? 

How did you get pregnant, at just seventeen? 

Why did you marry him, given what you had seen? 

Doesn't it feel silly, divorcing already? 

You're only 21, doesn't your life seem so craz...

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rudely interrupted

It is the assumption that people tend to reflect and contemplate in the dawn of the night 

When noones awake to hear the sorrow in your sobs

When it's too dark to see the weakness in your eyes 

And your lonliness enables your imprisoned vulnerability to surface 


But what happens when this negativity suddenly seep its way into the happenings of your everyday life 

When these mor...

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To love

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Humans & Poets

We are human 
And poets 
Humans make mistakes 
Poets own their faux pas
Endearingly on paper
Making us a uniquely
Fucked up bunch of individuals 

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