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Shadow (Remove filter)

Even if it’s me

Even if it’s me
The cause and effect
Of this love that burns endlessly
And in the end, dissolves within me

Even if it’s me
The shadow that waits for you
In the randomness of late hours
On empty streets where memory falls

It doesn’t matter what they say
Or what they think of us
What is love if not the pain
That inhabits what makes us alone?

Even if it’s me
The one who gets lost,

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The light fades slowly on the horizon
like a farewell, hesitant and forlorn
and the night is born with no hurry to be night
lost in the shadows of what’s yet to be drawn

There’s something in the air, a gentle sigh
an unseen movement drifting through the trees
a secret vanishing with the breeze
perhaps a memory that never learned to fly

Words may fade
but silences still hold their weig...

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Fragments of a Time That Dissolves

The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.

The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.

There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.

Nothing is whole,

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what's that word again?

I've been in my feelings
and in my head for years.
I've built walls and
called them boundaries only
to wake up one day and realize
that I've boxed myself in

and that's the tragedy in it all;

in keeping myself safe
I've locked everything out.
and what a sad way to live,
peaceful and
picking my own muse 
to pieces until the only thing
left is
a bloody pile of 
everything I used to...

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late night walking

used to take things before going on walks

it’d be dark and cold

and i’d be underdressed

i couldn’t seem to withhold


i’d stumble around the neighborhood 

trees and leaves would move

even though there was no breeze

i couldn’t seem to mentally improve 


i grew more and more detached

would walk by a half way house everynight

i thought that perhaps that would one ...

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drugshighsadwalksnightscaryshadowdepressionmental illness

sleep paralysis III (01/03/2023)

if I stare at the roof long enough
would i let it's ink
roll down over me ? 

my shape, pliant and waiting and 
tilting toward the certainty 
the cooing touch and strain
spreading stygian weight 
pressing down, down, and do...wn

coy and waiting with glistening teeth
brushing, roiling voice 
weight like a purring cinderblock
hands, too many to be real 
too deft to be human 

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Out the front door and into the street 

Traffic in distance The atmosphere speaks 

Swinging steel logo so rusty it creeks 


ghost train railway rumbling sky

Wobbling and stumbling drunk passes by

Parallel  bus stop the bench bare and yellow

Then out of nowhere the silhouette fellow


Like an angel he keeps me company 

Accidental art right there in front of me 


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Shadowcatshadow cat


The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness

Swamp Child

Kneel before the rich black mud

the minty plants smell when bruised

she sees the double backed burden

spouting eggs into the brown tea water

shame gathers with the loaches at the bottom

as the dragonfly larvae pounce

and eat those who have just been born

the shadows hold no magic to her yet

Hands fly, she captures a creature

pulling its leg to keep it safe

pulling its...

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pondshadowshamedarknesslifemother nature

Shade Darkening To Shadow

Life in the shade was good

Your fame left me aglow

Finding you loved another

Dealt my ego a heavy blow


I thought love was exclusive

Deceit turned me to a saddo

No more your sole princess

Shade darkening to shadow


Now shade enfolds my rival

She enjoys your reputation

Seeking not the limelight

Knowing what is her station


Maybe I wanted too much


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For he is so bright
His eyes twinkle like stars at night
For he with light of phenomenal force
Even his shadow is shining of course
Quiet the night when the moon is so high
Dark shadow duo my soulmate and I
Embracing eachother white wall if you let
Still moving picture ..our silhouette

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Silhouettesoul mateshadow

Only The Shadow Of Her Face

Oh, then we were inseparable

Nothing could keep us apart

Nights and days we revelled

We shared one loving heart


She's gone now, taken so quick

I watch in vain for some trace

But her spirit refuses to emerge

Only the shadow of her face


Its like her soul never existed

A mirage from the day we met

Did I dream the words of love

That entrapped me in her net?


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Shadows of a face I see

Pain oozing beyond every pore

Blissful smells

mocking empty arms

Worthless words that shatter my core


Shadows reflect in the mirror for me

Dust resting in places not seen

Unnoticed stains

Caress faded floors

Memories blurring from what could have been 


Shadows saturate the world that I see

Dying embers of defeated hope 

Tainted ...

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I could write

a thousand poems

inspired by your dimples

and the shadows they create


Poems that you 

could never

would never

should never


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Old wounds have begun to heal.

This new life feels unreal. 

The shadow hanging above my soul.

I was once trapped within a role.

The wounded one full of anger

Dragging his worthless anchor.

Behold look into the mirror.

Now gaze upon your own error.

You thought you couldn't stumble

But it's the season to be humble.

No time for embracing illusion.

The former has reach...

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Closest companion


Sometimes this fellow follows,
sometimes he leads my way.
At times my closest companion
can still seem quite far away.

I don't doubt he's a dapper dresser,
he's oft spotted sporting a hat,
'though his figure frequently fluctuates
from tall and wiry, down to small and fat.

He is easily seen by moonlight
'though his profile is lower at noon,
and I've known him to get completely lo...

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My moon

The shadows of smudges showing through

Poised over the earth to correct the simplest of mistakes

Balanced perfectly above a tiny peak

my moon

Frantically Orbiting all of existence

Waiting to smear words without resistance

Blank, it waits to pull restraints

Exhaling the tides

my moon

Ridding the lies the sea portrays

Constantly drifting away

Longing to erase what I ...

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She runs...

She runs down the 


Catching grasping at her


Faster faster 

Legs akimbo

While her shadow



Words By Dad + Roisin

Foto Tommy Carroll 



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For An Afternoon

your fingers
shadowed on the grass
the soft
sound of the leaves
in a pass of breath
as it begins
to rain

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A black pen, a worm chewing through

wood, waiting for flesh.


Crunching its way through shadow.


Candle wax on skin

setting hard in its way.


A flick of the wrist

and the ink scratch stains.


Trying to find a way

to communicate with vision.


Spew out, eat up, digest, reset.


Calculating the way with mind

set to epip...

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