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internet (Remove filter)

Morons and Sheep (Reflection on the Riots).

Moron’s and Sheep. ( British Riots)


All the young morons charging down your streets following anybody like a flock of deranged sheep.

Reading the messages on the Internet saying we are fighting for our country and for you. Believe in every word they see and hear without the interest or intelligence to check if it's true.

They had nothing going on in their lives I need someone to blam...

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death of communityyouthviolenceracismpoliceinternet


In the noise of the city,
where faces merge with cold screens,
we live in an era of empty echoes
and weary of shouting into the void.

The streets are labyrinths of concrete and glass,
distorted reflections of fragmented dreams,
and advertisements blink like empty promises,
poisoning the mind with unfulfilled desires.

We live in an era of illusory connection,
where smiles are posted an...

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computerinternetconnectiontelephonecell phonedigitalmelancholy

90's New Frontier (Pantoum Format)

I’ll catch you on the information super highway,

where the history of the future is written.

A world-wide wonder created for today,

they say our future is data driven.


If the history of the future is to be written,

this motor of modern society is the place.

Human destiny will be data driven,

in the digital networked cyberspace.


The motor of modern society is the ...

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future hopesinternetbetter future90s erainformation warinformation super highwaydawningpantoum

Arachn Idvasion

once upon a time
thought I would like to watch
a diligent spider
fabricate its nest to completion
but now, I had little choice
oh, the offensive beastie
climbed right into my ear

commenced wrapping its sticky
cobwebs around my unguarded mind
yes, this nightmare of all
my waking frights ambled about
rolling and knotting my thoughts in its
pinching, chop-stick, weaving fingers

old e...

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internetspiderwebworld wide web

the comments section (03/23/2021)

thru spider legged silk
slid dissonance
to beget grocery lists 
by the hungers of bristling, 
wrestless tithe takers 

now meet makers
at the ends of the earth
carried by arachnid conveyor belts
(digestive polyps, if you will 
but you wont) 

and this poisonous ride through a vacuum--
or at least, the vacuous--
in a convenient
gift shop.

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spidersinternethunger for nothing

Mermaids from Monkeys

In 1842, there was
a travesty called 'The Fiji Mermaid,'
composed from the torso
of a dried monkey corpse fastened
to the tail end of a fish--
Megaphoned mouths
of carnival barkers touted
the splendor of the
so-called 'genuine' mermaid
and seduced willing suckers
'born every minute,'
to dish out oceans of hard-earned money
just so they could gawk at the mocking
man-made monstrosity.


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griftersinternetleakersMermaidsHomo sapiens

On Living in the Modern Day

On The World as a Wonderless, Godless, Hopeless Abyss

[DISCLAIMER- I've done basically no reading on this topic so this might all be obvious. Also, I'm not even religious]. 

Despite what the title might suggest, I am a happy, agnostic young adult with prospects and ambitions for the future. However, despite my naturally happy disposition, I have always felt somehow underwhelmed. I enjoy life...

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destruction of religionmodernitymodern worldinternet

Moral Abyss

Meet me in the 

moral abyss, 

the interwebs

of eternal bliss,

where we will 

confirm our love 

with a virtual kiss. 


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I get it...Yet

I get it…Yet


I get the internet


here I am trawling through stuff

Not writing enough

Pasting, wasting and chasing flat dreams and holograms,

Missing the meaning and depth

Of a moment

Of an movement

Of living.

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Internet Insanity!

 I visited my cousins in Russia

One summer vacation day,

And my conclusions during my stay

Turned out to be more than I could say.


What happened?


Older cousin surfs on laptop

Younger did that and ipod games too

Sister sticks to ginormous ipad

I skim online webs in hullabaloo!


What’s happening?!


Day after day, hour after hour

We’re caught in the ...

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poeminternetinsaneboredsocial mediavirtual life

Bursting The Internet Bubble...

As the Millenium ticked over the Dot-Coms were growing fat like leeches on a backpackers legs. Everyone was talking about them bursting and indeed there were a few signs to show that something was going to happen. I was studying for a degree in The Netherlands and one of my elective courses was in poetry. One of our assignments was to take an existing song and write new lyrics for it... This was m...

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DotComInternetBubbleStock market crashWall streetComputers

Puberty & Desperation


For the love of God


Change your sheets.

Take a shower,

You stink.

Your body is exuding more fumes than a nuclear plant.

And by God.

While we're on this trail of reconstructive surgery.

Toss out that shit personality.

Trashy anime and cartoons, no counting for taste.

Kid, if you put a rainbow filter over that drawing, I swear to God...

No wonder every...

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Connor Lannesinternetpubertydepressionpicturesmemories

Simon Bette's Cry of the Lost Lamb

On thy knees

Prays the lost lamb, reborn anew.

A young man of God with white 'round his collar.

Often he looks to the father

I look to the father

And I pray for more fun.

A son of God must have more to do, anything more interesting

The population of this city churns

Wishing that they could be more than what they are now

The lambs cry as I once did

I must not recall


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Connor Lannesgodinternetlambreligonselfharm

Selfie Culture is Just Culture You Stupid Fucking Baby Boomer.




Finds itself


Position of outward facades, and inward necessities​​​​​

Construction having 








from self portraits


meeting at selfies

​​Humble is ideal​​​​

Self Pride is ideal

They both need be

B a l a n...

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beautyConnor Lannesegointernetloveself congratulationselfie


Ted Hughes warned of telegraph wires
and their tones that empty human bones
In this more modern digital age
I wonder too, through wired rage
Whether the internet, full of trolls and porn
Can perhaps evolve beyond its scorn
And become the tool for improving life,
Sharing ideas, battling strife
As our brains melt, and the icecaps too
It seems, surely the best thi...

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The Hollow World

All that you invest is what may be won
it's just an echo coming back
and yet we hang in helpless wait
the hollow world rings on and on

Who can answer what you do not ask
low odds of someone calling out
just at the moment you need them to
the hollow world rings on and on

Those pretty faces, so carefully curated
those galleries of happinesses waiting
changeless irrespective of your fee...

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Under The Bridge

Under The Bridge

hunched up like a demon
grotesque and out of shape
tip tip tapping on the keyboard
mouth permanently agape
looking for hurt and misery
searching out the weak
twisted soul and brainless
an ever growing clique
devouring our innocence
inflicting further pain
they look for human tragedy
their claws dig in again
we cannot understand them
so we underestimate
their capac...

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internettrollhateignoreseek out & destroykeyboard warriorsfeeding on pain

Today's Great Undead Poets

Today's great undead poets,
awash in the internet sea,
seek to fill the void of sensible emptiness
of our cyberspace world.
Following the heroic tradition of Man,
these daring individuals look to gain acceptance
through the expression of concepts.
Mirroring the virility and vitality of Life,
in defiance of critical naysayers,
the blankness of virtual paper
is scribbled upon with hurt, ho...

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poetrybreuniginternettodays great undead poets




Computers, internet, email and robots

all thrown together in our hi-tech world.

An awesome power that is unbelievable,

it touches each and every one of us in our daily lives.

We take it all for granted but just think,

what will be here in ten years?

Mankind could be on the way out as computers finish

the revolution they started thirty years ago.


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technologynew devicestimelineemailinternetcomputer

Internet Dating

Have we transcended
Broken some rule.
Disturbed the harmony
Disrupted the Universe.
Stopped time, changed
Set a trend.
Broken the mould
Found a new way to send love.

Universe opened
Doors, tunnels.
Way in for lost souls
Stuck in the waiting room.
Waiting to find
A similar heart, perfect match.
Is it a key or latch
We are in and we will stay.

Giving comfort and succour
Lift eac...

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Lovewings seriesinternet

Just Another Load of Shite

Buy our V12 detonator

To propel you into oblivion’s arms

Try our online, interactive, user-friendly blogchat charms

Ingest our vicious, nutritious, delicious, pernicious foodstuff

Smile and feel so satisfied

Almost gratified,

Quite mollified

That you bought into our corporate dream

Our tiny scheme

Our blue sky thinking

All our strategic initiatives


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advertisingmarketingcarsfoodinteractiveinternetsmilingcorporatecredit cardsshitshiteskullwallethappinesslabellabels

I Miss You

Hello there,

Angel from my nightmares.

Devil from my dreams

a grey spirit that weaves

its way through my existence.

What a Dementor does to souls

or a Dalek to a human heart.


Even a superhuman heart

can break.


Just ask Logan,

a force so strong

a returning phoenix

could not reignite remnants.


I miss you.

Whatever yo...

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lovelossinternetfeminismtumblrradfemfeminazitrutheternitymissyouherhimthemtogetherforeveralonesilentangeldemondevilsatanreligionzealotryKingdom HeartsDoctor WhoDaleksX-MenLoganWolverinePhoenixJean GreysuperheromutantsuperhumanTime Lordghostmemoryspirit

Are you that easy to forget?


Into the bleak after hour
where dreams blend into
hopes that have gone sour
I am one of many, upon rocks
ocean spume that wet your socks.

Why do you walk the shores
with socked feet?

When bare footed symphonies
lift their song in your chest
above outstretched branches of tress
I am one of many grains of sand,
nameless stars cupped in hand.

Will y...

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Social Media

Press the button, take the picture, put it in an album

Cut it, file it, edit the picture, post it online


Electronic images made for you

Pictures made for me


Blog it, post it, make it on line

Let us see it live


Instant one click online viewing

Upload, download, overload


Information all around, save it in a folder

Load the picture, load ...

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internetsocial"social media"media

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