The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Graham Sherwood on Early Works
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It looks like a toy, my flatpack of war;

I picked it up at the D-I-Y store,

But don’t be deceived and be in no doubt,

This purchase will lead to a proper rout.

It shoots from the front, it shoots from the back,

It turns our defences into attack.

It costs next to nothing this side of town;

Once it’s assembled, the bombs will rain down.

Pitilessly, no prisoners taken,


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war poetrymadness

Video Link

The colonel’s hamming up the bonhomie,

The President spits bile for all to see,

The regimental parakeet is shot,

A corporal is cleaning up the lot.


Stand to attention, don’t bother thinking;

Get back to the trenches, cold and stinking.

Gleaming new tanks make the battlefield shake,

Flattening its residue in their wake.


We’ve got more weapons, let’s pick a new toy;


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Place To Be

Place To Be

The best place to be right now

Is not in Europe over Russia's issues

A pissed off nation with 7,500 nukes

Of different types and classes

As set ready to use on Putin's order

Ukraine started it after NATO grew

Right up to Russia's borders

Now they want to turn back the clock

1997 when Russia wasn't threatened

This isn't possible so they all

Sleepwalk to...

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world war 3putinmadnessnuclear weapons


We describe that as madness what we misunderstand,
And restrain such behaviour should it get out of hand.
Are they quite ill or completely deranged?
Or merely eccentric or just slightly strange?

What we fail to see is that this is their reality,
And we perceive our own world as that of normality,
For the mind is complex and full of puzzles.
While some are content, some are full of trouble...

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MadnessStuart Vanner

Let Me In

Where are you? 

Are you wandering 

the moors 

of your mind 

all alone? 

I am at the Grange 

feeling a little deranged 

from the madness

close to home. 

Let me in,

to the hearth 

of your heart,

so we can slow dance,

into the twilight.


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BronteCathyHeathcliffkate bushLoveMadnessRelationshipsTwilightWuthering Heights


Don’t give in to the madness.

Save it for another day, 

long after you’ve left this life 

that’s full of opportunities.

Life is like the weather.

All you have to do is wait

for the rain to go away, 

the storm to pass,

and enjoy the sunshine

in between. 


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the first is [not]

I don’t have a poem for you

you don’t feel volatile

I am sputtering like a flame someone left too close to

            an open window

but you are not the chilly night air

you are not the frayed wick

I still haven’t figured out what you are

you are like deja vu with pretty eyes

seeing a splintering of a thousand potential futures

they all exist because none of them exist ...

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love poetrylove poemmadnessspacingpoetryfree verse poetrypunctuation

The Illusionist

It seems that the old-time "magic show" is experiencing something of a renaissance, especially in the visual mass media. Even so, I doubt its fundamental attraction will alter one iota. The gap between acclaim and scorn is still wafer-thin.


The Illusionist


Pay attention, dear reader, and I'll weave a magic vein,

where rabbits live in top hats and assistants float in air,


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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4 {No More Love Here}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4} {No More Love Here} 




No more love here 

No more time for

you here 

No more loyalty

here for you

No more of my

valuable time for


No more hearing

my say I love you


No more of me

holding you tight

all night because

that's now long

gone `n` so


No more of me

having to listen


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Coping With Madness press releasediary of the southern queenemotional painhurtlifelovemadnessOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpainquotesadnessTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspiration

How Do I Stop Thinking Of Him?

{How Do I Stop Thinking Of Him?}




How do I stop thinking about him because it's been made clear he sure as hell ain't thinking about me 



I honestly don't get it am I that bad of person that he does me this way 



Please tell me is it me or did you not understand my rare brain disease and the side effects of it or did you simply find it amusing to fuck my li...

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hating himhurtlivingmad lovemadnessOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpissed offpoemspoetryrevengeshaman drumsTina Gloverwriting

Lady Porcelain Kindness

Lady Porcelain Kindness


A lady with clear pale skin, few blemishes

mar her daily perfection, playing a flawless part

in her sharp European presence.


Inclining her head like a brisk marching soldier

into First Year lecture theatres, she convinces

the boys of the glittering sincerity

of her blue, blue eyes. Somehow wise

beyond her twenty-four years,

she does joie...

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The Victim

The Victim

I’ll not cry for the fear of dying but I’ll shed a tear for all the things I will never know. The grand wormwood ran through the cracks of my broken glass and I could not look away, I watched them slowly put the needle back under the straw bed, in an instant rage the filthy ragged wool blanket was in the air, like a fool I could not look away.  The smell of Absinthe filled the little...

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Pay the price

Hospitals full 
No beds for care,
Government money 
All too rare.

Dementia patients left to cope
Danger, stranger, lost all hope.
Children waiting months to see,
Counsellors to set them free. 

Schizophrenia, write them off
No one really gives a toss. 
Benefits the only way,
Stop them having any say. 

Depression that's just a joke,
Just a crushing wall of smoke,
Watch it take yo...

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In Your madness, genius

In Your strangeness, visions.

In Your many sleepness nights

a heritage to mankind.

In your life so often overlooked.


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Singing Too Loud

Dreaming of funerals 
Dreaming of death
Dreaming impossible 
Daydreams of theft.
Thoughts not unhappy
But hopeful and proud
Driving too slowly
Singing too loud.
Why is it sacrifice leads me to joy?
The heavy heart dragged 
By the arms of a boy.
Why is it sorrow somehow leads me to laughter ?
The dreadful, dark ending
The what that comes after.
Why does the prospect of loved ones abou...

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The whistle blows to sound the charge

and over the top they bustle and barge,

covered from head to toe in mud

and soon tainted with flesh and blood.


Up the ladder with slippery rungs,

a scream of rage from terror filled lungs,

adrenalin coursing through every vein

with the fear of not coming back again.


Knee-deep mud sucking boots from feet,

tangled in barbed w...

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Travelling Home

An evening, sitting, wanting, ripping, blackening.
An acerbic wind.
Wait for the train and the glut of passengers to spill out.
The end, endless encircling madness, himself in the wilderness.
Girls, Judas and their selfish wives, lives pass, suck Jesus.
In his selfish mask.
Tormented, pushed down, I’m full: kill, hell thoughts.
Giggle to stifle grief, uncomfortable familiar family and perfe...

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That mourning I went to the woods,
misrepresented by madness.
Life chastened, clouds crept on whilst I cried up on my cross.
I picked obscure rose petals and placed them in abandoned jam jars.

I trampled on my spirit, a quiet cost.
I found an inner peace, like a pardon.
A new diadem excavated encircled my loss.
I danced on wet grass with God, crown festo...

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Clear Blue Air





No need to respond

No talking

No noise

Just silence

Purity found in clear blue air

Sunshine on freckles and wind in my hair

Blocking out


Breathing in deep

Clinging to emptiness

Found on the brink

To talk is to torture

You butcher my peace

Chatter incessantly

Shattering harmony

Feckless i...

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The riot of spring

   Into the riot of the spring

sirens are calling my soul

what the hell is wrong with me?

I feel like I'm a thousand years old


But I've just been a boy

who started a million fires

went down on his knees and then prayed

to catch another glimpse of your face


That day you were wearing a skirt

the day you made my knees shake

all that distant time


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