The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

disbelief (Remove filter)

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it’s been three days 
with clear blue skies 

every morning 
i stand in disbelief; 

there’s nothing to obstruct the view 
nothing to prevent the light from coming through 

so why do i feel at unease? 
because even now, the skies are just a tease

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The Illusionist

It seems that the old-time "magic show" is experiencing something of a renaissance, especially in the visual mass media. Even so, I doubt its fundamental attraction will alter one iota. The gap between acclaim and scorn is still wafer-thin.


The Illusionist


Pay attention, dear reader, and I'll weave a magic vein,

where rabbits live in top hats and assistants float in air,


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To the Girl in the Oak Tree

As you sit a top the branches
Of this ancient temple old and wise
Without a worry or a care
Shielding sunlight from your eyes
Can you see the woman down below?
Her face is full of fear
She has a tale she needs to tell 
But, not one you'll want to hear
No fairytale of love and hope
This memoir from within
But a nightmare from which she waits 
For her life to begin
You see, not long from...

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