Reflections of Hope
Reflection of Hope
Expectations of our lives are many and strained, those caulis moments of shared indifference are timed weeds in the garden of human experience, shallow of meaning, breathless in compassion, seedless in deed.
Choices heeded in battle, in a common walk, a stroll through the neighborhood, peering from ones stoop as if the world was at curbside and nothing else waited beyond t...
Monday 13th March 2017 1:55 am
The Goose
The Goose
The water is warm this time of year a tint of blue mixed with green yet it seems so cool. I could hear a Canadian goose honking somewhere in the distant taunting her way towards our boathouse, taunting her way towards the blue green- water that seems so cool.
Yet I could not move- just watching standing still waiting for her to land upon the water that seems so cool. I could hear t...
Saturday 11th March 2017 6:43 pm
The Victim
The Victim
I’ll not cry for the fear of dying but I’ll shed a tear for all the things I will never know. The grand wormwood ran through the cracks of my broken glass and I could not look away, I watched them slowly put the needle back under the straw bed, in an instant rage the filthy ragged wool blanket was in the air, like a fool I could not look away. The smell of Absinthe filled the little...
Saturday 11th March 2017 5:52 pm
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