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Quiet Example
Tis an interesting thing to consider yet
the value of a quiet example set.
Like the crystal streams, or the mountain air –
consistent, constant, always there.
Blessing every soul who happens by.
Never asking who, never asking why.
Giving joy just by being who they simply are.
Giving light through the night like a brilliant star.
Giving hope to the cr...
Saturday 30th March 2024 8:48 pm
Strangers Unaware
How odd this ragged stranger seems
who jarred me from my frozen stare,
at dust and dreams and other things
for which I spend my time and care.
No other man hath paid him mind,
no nod, nor smile, nor kindness shown.
No, none at all hath lent him time.
No good man opened up his home.
So what is lost if I like they
wave off a hand and turn back in,
and quickly ...
Thursday 22nd February 2024 4:00 am
The Chapters I Remember
The book lies closed now
Gathering dust on a shelf
I look, but do not touch
That reminder of yourself
Better to imagine our life
Dream of better times
Envisage your lovely face
Hum your happy rhymes
Shady bluebells in spring
Red leaves in November
Bonfires and sparklers
The chapters I remember
More novella than novel
Not near enough pages
A ...
Sunday 8th November 2020 10:58 am
Dear Ezra Bebot,
The first time I saw you, your mouth held no words.
I would take you out and watch you marvel at the birds.
Your awkward waddle would bring me smiles.
There was peace in my life holding you as we walked for miles.
The screaming, the crying, the testing,
The laughing, the hugging, the learning.
As I helped you grow, and loved every moment.
Even the ones that involved your excrement.
Saturday 13th April 2019 9:19 pm
A Note to Those With Limits to Their Love
I was not there when he was made
I was not there when he was born
I was not there for his first birthday
I was, there to guide his first steps.
I was there when his mother voiced her disdane and pushed him away.
For the tantrums that felt eternal
The sick days that became my sick days
I was there as his father began a new family and forgot about his last.
When he had no food to...
Saturday 13th April 2019 3:21 am
Simply Says
Simple Girl, frankly, says:
“Life is simple without lies”.
Lies are always complicated,
And TRUTH, surely, will rise.
Simple Girl's heart is warm,
And brain is normally calm.
Thinks for her shiny future,
Happily, without windy storm.
Simple Girl believes in God.
Says always a faithful word,
And purely behaves in life,
As human does always good.
Monday 4th February 2019 2:30 pm
A tulip blooms
In the effervescent sunshine of my heart,
A ray of light I alone
Could not have created,
For not until the birds no longer sing,
Or until the trees no longer grow,
Will my infatuation know its limits.
Your hair a melancholic autumn,
Shades of brown and hues of amber,
Your heart
A forgotten winter,
Made not by you,
But by those that came before I,
...Tuesday 3rd April 2018 3:20 am
I'll Bet You'll Start Loving Me?
{I'll Bet You'll Start Loving Me?}
One day I'll bet you'll
start loving me when I
start loving someone
else which isn't you
But you had that
chance but you chose
someone else to love
besides me
One day I'll bet you'll
start loving me when
you see I am better
without you
But you chose her
and not me
Friday 9th March 2018 11:03 pm
In The Arm's Of An Angel
{In The Arm's Of An Angel}
As I have been
wrapped up in the
carrying loving arms
of my angel and he
came to me so long
ago now and you have
been there loving
and guiding me the
whole way no matter
how hard life may get
for me and through
my pains and sicknesses
I've always had you there
tocomfort me the entire
way and so many times
Sunday 25th February 2018 7:52 am
Murderous Tears
{Murderous Tears}
These murderous tears
follows down my cheeks
wetting my shirt as I gently
wipe them away like the
way the did you by murdering
you in cold blooded murder
and it left me here like a
child that was orphaned
to survive in these darkened
cold streets that the
blood stained asphalt
surrounds my feet
But I cannot fathom
how th...
Saturday 24th February 2018 9:00 am
Sometimes I look into
a mirror to see my face
so I don't look so crazy
asI talk to myself
And sometimes when I
am missing you I will
hold my dead phone
against my face so I
don'tlook so crazy as
I pretend to talk to
myself while wishing
the whole time that
it is you
And this only
happens when I
feel so alone
Saturday 24th February 2018 1:11 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
Baby I just love the
way are because it
has me slipping through
space into the darkest
hole circling us `n` girl
you are amazing just
the way you are `n` the
way you laugh it sends
chills up my spine `n`
when you cry with those
lips so stuck out pouting
makes me want to hug
you `n` ...
Sunday 10th December 2017 5:45 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #20 {Every Evening}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #20 {Every Evening}
You don't know
how it is when
you cry yourself
to sleep because
you are
someone so
that your ?
is breaking
on the
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written on January 15,2014 but posting here on 12/10/...
Sunday 10th December 2017 5:11 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18 {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18} {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care}
He treats me like
I never really even
existed to him even
when I did `n` now wish
I didn't exist to him
but in his reality I
don't or never did but
I still do care though
`n` he doesn't care about
me or never really did
because if he did he
would at...
Sunday 10th December 2017 10:26 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #10 {One Wish}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #10} {One Wish}
If I could
have one wish
I would wish
to wake~up
every day to
the sound of
your breath
on my neck `n`
the warmth of
your lips on my
cheeks `n` the
of your touch of
your finger's on
my naked skin
`n` the feel of your
beating ? heart
with mine as one
`n` kn...
Saturday 9th December 2017 2:37 pm
You Best Let Me Know
{You Best Let Me Know}
You best be letting me know something boy because I am sick and so tired of me waiting for you to show me that you want me and that you do need me and that you actually do love me for real and not your kind of fake love crap and boy you best be getting to showing me someone or someone else will show me that they need me and that they do love me and see it will ...
Thursday 7th December 2017 1:17 pm
Hey Baby
{Hey Baby}
Hey baby
when we
And we are
thing's that
we love
to do boy
I need you
to know how
each time I
feel like
I am in
feeling like
I am high
off of our
And I don't
want to let
you go
And boy I
just need
you to know
boy how much
...Thursday 7th December 2017 6:55 am
No Guarantees
{No Guarantees}
There's no guarantees
that you actually ever
loved me at all
There's no guarantees
that you was even
worth my tears over
these year's
And I'm not gonna cry
and I sure as hell ain't
gonna shed no more
tears for you since
you left me to be with
her and tore my world
apart while breaking and
Wednesday 6th December 2017 11:02 pm
Why Do I Stay?
It's the little things you do
The way you say my name
The way you smile at me
How easily I can laugh with you
No matter how sad I am
The way you believe in me
The way you hold me up
How strong you can be
To lift up and support me
The way we kiss after a fight
The way we grow together
How beautiful you make me feel
On my ugliest days
It's all these things,
All these reasons,
I'm stil...
Tuesday 5th December 2017 5:42 pm
Hold My Hand
{Hold My ✋ Hand}
Hold my ✋ hand
and make me
forget about life's
troubles and let's
drift away to another
time and another
place a million miles
away and ? kiss me
softly and very tenderly
making all of my troubles
go away with the timeless
winds of us and hold
my ✋ hand and love
me like you have
never loved me
before and need ...
Monday 4th December 2017 3:56 am
Mad At Myself
{Mad At Myself}
I'm so
mad at
myself not
I'm so
blame mad
for me
always being
so nice to
you and me
for thing's I
didn't do
And I really
am mad at
myself for
getting so
attached to you
And making
my life
depended on
you and
wasting my
...Sunday 3rd December 2017 10:49 pm
My Juicy Bubble Gum Yum~Yum
{My Juicy Bubble Gum Yum~Yum}
He loves my juicy bubble gum yum~yum....
He loves to smash my juicy bubble gum yum~yum...
He loves the way my juicy bubble gum yum~yum bounces the fastest like a booty~dew in a dance shake off contest...
He loves to smack my bubble gum yum~yum leaving his hand prints on them...
He loves to rub his hands all over my juicy bubble gum yum~yum ...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 1:27 am
Just A Lick
“Just A Lick”
Lick all of me
and lick all
of my sweet
delicious holes
until you make
me cum and
until I am ozzing
with all of my
sweet delicious
jucies that are
flowing from all
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 12:25 pm
Delicate Rose Bud
{Delicate ? Rose Bud}
She was a pure gentle delicate ? rose bud that needed tender love and care because she was in fact so fragile that she had such a beauty that made her stand out on her own but the ? rose bud was so scared that she would eventually break with the wrong little bitty move but she pushed on through to grow so big and strong that she could set out on her own way
Wednesday 29th November 2017 8:57 pm
I Know Who I Am
Eyes that seek truth,
A heart that knows no bounds
A mind that eludes and intimidates
A soul that is and always was free
Determined and passionate
Emotional but strong
I can get through anything
Even when I don't want to
There are times when I do not know myself
These times are hard
Patience will show my path
I'm so grateful I was not alone
I'm still not al...
Tuesday 21st November 2017 3:50 pm
Spring Tanka
A winter bite that
mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.
A life supported?
Cease one's internal decay,
Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.
Thursday 11th April 2013 6:14 pm
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