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Loves touch

 I'm a sucker for loves touch 

Sucker a tad bit  too much 

The rise and fall of it

It being love and all of it 

Never have I felt it this strong and many connections I’ve felt all along 

Are you the Shiva to my Shakthi 

The Apollo to my Daphne

Or are you the Abhimanyu to my Uttara

Is this the love that I’ve been seeking 

A love that I can finally touch but still never re...

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Happy alone although not physically alone 

Just two repellent magnets incompatible forces

Fighting to pull closer but no efforts could make the scientifically impossible...possible 

Not in those circumstances at that time 

The facts were just the facts

Unsigned unwritten laws bound by unspoken pacts 

Small print unread but thankfully unsigned 

Well technically 

Just not sys...

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Monumentaltransformative poemcodedlovepoetryheartsoul matemeaningpoetrytoxicrelationshipsLifeRealpaintransform

...This Evening And So Forth...

You enter me like birds with a sonar song to strong to blur.

Your melancholy cage full of soul suffices flew free with fragmented flair to detect.

This flock of ink does not fizzle the fire that singes the feather that the masses may mock.

You are the gusto of tragedy; the one that falls with me into the sea salt stench of waves.

On fire, what anchors me in ruins within the spume of sw...

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Truth Of Our Love

Yes this is very true for my husband he is the lighthouse in my storm that we whether together or try to overcome the things that has been placed in my life and that has affected our lives as husband and wife and he is my comfort when I need comforting and he is my light to guide me on my darkest shores that kept me away so far bay and as his love and wisdom and caring and support always guides me...

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Delicate Rose Bud

{Delicate ? Rose Bud} 



She was a pure gentle delicate ? rose bud that needed tender love and care because she was in fact so fragile that she had such a beauty that made her stand out on her own but the ? rose bud was so scared that she would eventually break with the wrong little bitty move but she pushed on through to grow so big and strong that she could set out on her own way 


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Loving Him

{Loving Him}​​​​​​


 ​​​​​​ Loving him has been the best part of my life because he has given me unconditional love, support, courage, strength, and oxygen that he pump's into my lungs and body that makes me want to continue on with me battling my disease and beat it until it doesn't exist in my life anymore and he is my back~bone when I am to weak to stand on my own he pulls me through to ...

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