The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Nurturing (Remove filter)

Fragments of a Soul

In pursuit of a better life

I refused to delineate boundaries

No bubble to protect my very essence from being frayed

My soul begins to rupture

Ever so slightly at first but slowly

I start to lose me at my very core

No longer recognising my own reflection

Surrounded by hyenas ready to snuff out my 

goodness at a moments notice

My laughs grow more quiet

The light in my ...

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Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo

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