patience (Remove filter)
How much longer?
Still, as I'm placed gently, carefully, so I may not spill over,
Dial me up to medium to simmer the symposium that's eager,
Waiting patiently for my bubbles to burst, to stimulate my undying thirst.
Tuesday 12th November 2024 8:47 pm
I Accept My Reality
I accept
All the things around me
The harsh warmth of an Indian afternoon,
The confused colors of the evening,
Sheer darkness of night regardless of moon,
And everything between the end and beginning.
I have been trying to change my life,
But all I could change was my perspective.
I can’t seem to change the story, Though I attempt to shift the narrative.
I’ll fulfill m...
Friday 6th September 2024 5:30 pm
The Fisherman
He waits
unlike most
and searches
through the muck
through the dirt and the dust,
the nails and worms
He waits
for a glimpse of success
a meal for his minutes spent
on the water’s edge
a reward
for his tireless toil
He waits
as his bucket fills
alongside his hope
then empties
leaving his spirits all the same
For his catch does not ...
Wednesday 26th April 2023 6:43 am
Building a fire
There's 2 sticks
Give it A lot of friction
A slow building tension
Allow it some time It'll start, don't whine
See the little embers?
all of the smoke?
Take a step back so you don't choke.
Give it room to breathe
Just watch, you'll see.
See, there's a little flame
all you need is a little time and patience
You wouldn't want all that effort to be wasted.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 2:59 am
Gen Zzz
I wonder how this generation,
fresh out of school,
is going to make it in the work world.
There are exceptions of course,
but most are selfish sloths.
They have been coddled,
argue Google makes them brighter,
than professionals with a lifetime of experience.
Their attention span is shorter than an egg timer.
You have to repeat instructions to them.
Chained to their poin...
Friday 22nd May 2020 10:40 pm
Wednesday Echoes
The mountains we seek
The crests and peaks
Are no longer to be discovered
We reached the summit
but retracted
and settled in the trough
Where now?
You say
I do not respond, I contemplate my answer
Make it articulate, considerate, yet punctual;
Nowhere. We settle.
We deal with what we need to deal with.
Whether that is today,
Thursday 6th February 2020 9:14 pm
Meadow Reflecting - A Villanelle by Road Runner 3
Though paucity of spirit plagues my steps,
And load of daily lifting breaks my back,
Her scent upon the meadow fills me yet.
Immersed in somber cycles that beset,
I strain to ascertain that higher track,
Though paucity of spirit plagues my steps.
It seems the chill of age, its frosty heft,
Does hound my soul while I resist the pack,
Her scent upon the mead...
Friday 1st November 2019 4:10 pm
Do you ever want to
hold on to a moment
because it feels divine?
A moment when the stars align,
and everything is fine.
A moment when you make peace
with your past, and your pain.
A moment when there is
no sorrow, no shame.
A moment when fear
takes a hike.
A moment when the sky is clear,
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright.
A moment when everything
Wednesday 9th October 2019 5:41 am
Life Race
You should plan to keep going
whatever you meet .. whatever you face
The only thing to be growing
Never to fallback in the race
Be aware to wear patience hat
Remove the hat of desperation
Keep energy for acts no chat
No goals achieved in quotation
Always to ask what you need
To get ready helping people
Same as you eat you must feed
To win the race you shoul...
Tuesday 26th February 2019 6:43 pm
Stupid Cupid
I see you lurking about
making him say
sweet nothings
to lure me out.
This time
I am being smart,
walling off
my broken heart.
Using your
flaming arrows
to paint the sky.
Let the world know
you are really
not a nice guy.
You are a trickster
who makes girls cry
with your stupid lies.
My schooled soul
knows the truth
Romantic love
is an illusion,
Friday 15th February 2019 2:40 am
Patience (September '17)
i am never one to say ‘i was only kidding’
i am the type who experiences guilt
physical and mental
never mad at those who snap at me
deservedly so
patience is something that i need
so please
Monday 20th November 2017 8:54 pm
I'll get back to you
Five words can be all it takes to set your mind at ease for a while.
Great, I'm not forgotten you'll think.
I am of interest.
But time passes.
Time heals all wounds?
Time brings with it opportunity for worry.
Time is the enemy of the impatient.
Time feeds the anxious like oxygen feeds a flame, fuelling the panic until it burns so brightly it consumes everything in it...
Monday 20th November 2017 5:17 pm
You break anew to make
A boy asked God
"Could you please
give me patience? "
God to the boy
"I will send to you challenge! "
The boy to God
"I think we are not
On the same page
When I asked
You for patience
It is not for a change! "
God to the boy
"Patience presupposes hassle,
In the remoulding
Process to render you
Tolerant and gentle!"
Boy to God
"Yes hassle
To change
The pee...
Wednesday 21st December 2016 2:40 pm
Kept convincing myself
end would turn out fine
Fazed but withstanding
implore for a visible sign
Trudge turned Incessant
with reserves at very last
Stretched to the optimum
leaving me plainly aghast
Events turned divergent
expectations got belied
Means while just perfect
but to end never applied
Resolve nearly exhausted
on p...
Thursday 18th September 2014 9:51 am
I want to kiss you at midnight - Sir Benjamin character piece
I want to kiss you at midnight,
feel the wibbly-wobbly ripples of time.
I want to kiss you at midnight
staring deep into your eyes.
Though it may take time,
time is of t...
Sunday 2nd September 2012 12:39 pm
Beholder's Eyes
Take a look into my eyes,
And maybe we will find
that between you and me
It's the way that love should be.
She told me I had beautiful eyes
her heart said friends
and her mouth did too...
and my mind's confused now I'm not with you.
See I can be the best friend that I have been for years
or I can be the guy that can hold you near.
But I can't be this.
You s...
Saturday 15th October 2011 11:50 pm
One many emotions
A queue - for all kinds of reasons.
A child's enthusiasm to share a tale...............every last word.
Putting detail on an ornate carving.
The last coat of paint drying.
Grandfather trying to master computers.
The postman bringing exam results.
The corridor pace of the doctor with news.
The warm days of summer to return.
A broken heart to mend.
Wednesday 2nd December 2009 2:13 pm
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