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Rooftop Reverie

The sweetest memories hang
like negatives
in the dark room of my mind
I develop them occasionally
picturing again 
more exciting times

Yellows and browns begin to wash
across the leaves outside my window
I haven’t seen you in the flesh
since those shoots were new
it feels so long ago

We ran through those streets
as if we owned them
spinning endlessly from bar to bar
from joke to ...

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He did everything backards-road round

Put on his coit

And pulled his hat on his eead

Washed his face wi’a wet dish-claht


And I’m like Whatever


Kids were art laiking

Mucking abart

Ran off darn a ginnel


Roobub pie

Waiting back at home


Some spice afore then

A ha’porth’a Spanish

Wash it darn

Wi’a sup er watter



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NaPoWriMo 2019day 20poem that talksspoken languagedialectyorkshirechat

Life Race


You should plan to keep going 
whatever you meet .. whatever you face 
The only thing to be growing 
Never to fallback in the race 


Be aware to wear patience hat 
Remove the hat of desperation 
Keep energy for acts no chat 
No goals achieved in quotation 


Always to ask what you need 
To get ready helping people 
Same as you eat you must feed 
To win the race you shoul...

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