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Kerala Visit



kerala is peaceful and beautiful 
in all cases and places 
Keralite people are so cheerful 
I can read "welcome" on faces 


The Green Carpet of all guests 
and pure nature to enjoy 
generous people happily smiling 
at any time of any day 


Life in Kerala based on love 
and clear hearts for caring 
I love Kerala more than enough 
I'll come back sure for sharing 

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You're Welcome


You're Welcome


Lovely smiles at early morning, 
Poetic voice says: “Hello” 
Shiny eyes yearning look.
 Asking happily “How are you?” 


When did we met and where! 
Few years ago, may be more 
It was crowded party there 
When she shines out of the door 


We had a table, but no talk 
Merrily smile, she looks shy 
Asked timidly can we walk? 
I shook hands, then walk...

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Chicken soup

White haired and gay in London

with that determination born

of fleeing from Vienna

A Jew breaking up her life


Her echoing flat crammed

Zed-beds  put-u-ups and bedding

in every room and corner  Waiting

Visitors always Welcome  Welcome



The gas and charnel-house

taking her family future

Remaining bones white-lining paths

Crunching underfoot like sea she...

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chicken soupGolders GreenJewwelcome

Introducing Pros&Coms

HI Everyone,

We are Pros and Coms and are new to Write Out Loud. We were told this is were the cool poets hang out and we want to hang with you. From time to time we have 5 poetry slots on our bill if you are from liverpool and the surrounding area we would invite you to be a part of it. At the minute the only reward we can offer are the sound of clapping from our lovely audience. So please...

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welcomeeventLiverpool poetry

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