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Out Loud



Let your voice be heard 
Surely you earn and win
Let ideas more cleared 
For all women and men 


Tell me what do you think 
How did you see yourself? 
Freely talk, no blink 
Why to keep it on shelf 


Open mind and heart 
Nobody is remaining fool
Surely you're smart 
To become happy and cool 

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My fate is not in your hand

GOD makes our fates alone

Our life are surely planned

GOD feeds the ant in the stone


World is certainly small

If compared to Galaxy as shown

Whoever believes is a giant

GOD to perish the giant alone


MY heart is calm and glad

Satisfied of what I own

Whatever you earn in the dark

SURELY you'll pay it at noon


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Save to live

Invest always your time 
Time is life, why to lose? 
Read and enjoy your hobby 
To be happy, you should choose 

Put your plan to save money 
Money gives you happiness to live 
Never plan to ask a loan 
But should be able, too, to give 

Actively, go for good change 
World never stop at all 
Give everything time to deal 
Surely, you'll achieve the goal 

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