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Glass Houses

Glass Houses - Poem by Marie

Glass Houses with see through people 
Transparent contents on show 
Large houses with no central heating 
Covered in cold winter snow 

See through houses easily shatter 
Glass house people are fat 
So much food life don’t matter 
Spending transparent cash to the latter 

Transparency in life never gone 
Selfish glass hearted people holding on 
Life to t...

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Dirty Windows

Dirty Windows - Poem by Marie 

Shabby nets on dirty windows 
Four walls hold a life of tears 
Trapped inside disabled from life 
Pains in her heart cuts like a knife 

She who gave him everything 
Kept prisoner for by his fists 
She who’s life was dark and dull 
No happy ending or miraculous twists 

She has no friends or family 
That’s why she is never missed 
Bruises covering her ...

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Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith



Piercing poles of what shattered in abruptness
Has a bit of touch to it.
Strange things with glasses, I tell you.

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Distant Windows

The large Greek island of Naxos in the Cyclades group is an excellent example of the best of its kind, and in any era: wealthy, influential, single-minded, ancient and beautiful. The narrow passage-like streets of Chora, its major settlement, inspire in some an other-worldly sense of the preternatural, the extraordinary. Hence this speculation.


Distant Windows

Out of silence a figure ap...

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Earth Treasure

What is that glint

                as the sod breaks and crumbles:

a sparkling hint

                of discovery

                as I dig the dusty summer soil?

This old garden has gained lost treasures

                of man, woman and child for centuries -

                What lies uncovered?


Teased from the clod

                I find a tiny glass heart and this ...

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True Face

The mask has fallen.

Like glass it has shattered into tiny pieces,

Never to be repaired again.

Every piece representing a lie behind the truth,

A secret that was thought to be better off hidden.


True light revealed itself today.

Shining bright like never before,

Exposing all the darkness nearby.

The shadows disappeared,

The ghosts all fled,

Yet you showed your fa...

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True faceYin and YangGlassLiesMask

Blood Promise

today the feet inside my boots
all twenty-four inches
felt warm and liquid
floating so much I had to check
they weren’t leaking
tonight after badly juggling a
glass’s kitchen descent
the shards sang in G♯
and now they leaked

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