The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

You're Welcome


You're Welcome


Lovely smiles at early morning, 
Poetic voice says: “Hello” 
Shiny eyes yearning look.
 Asking happily “How are you?” 


When did we met and where! 
Few years ago, may be more 
It was crowded party there 
When she shines out of the door 


We had a table, but no talk 
Merrily smile, she looks shy 
Asked timidly can we walk? 
I shook hands, then walk...

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Few and Less


(with no apologies for grammatical errors)


Few and less, less and few

Be careful which you choose to use

Two words that seem to be the same

Are not at all, as I’ll explain

Listen up and pay attention

And so avoid bones of contention

If you’re bothered just a tad

Here’s a lesson to be had.

Let’s suppose that we have shoes

(That’s easy a...

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