The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Silent Night

The night falls without haste
wrapping the earth in its subtle hands.
The wind, silent, traces the outlines of space
and the stars are brief words
written in the black sky

Nothing moves, yet everything unfolds
Time dissolves in the cool air
where solitude becomes company
and silence is profound
a voiceless song that spreads
through every corner of the world

Distant lights seem to fl...

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Flowers in You

In your eyes, I see the sun, serene and rare,
Where light, in its colors, becomes a garden bright,
And in your gestures, clear enchantments flare,
Like a thousand flowers dancing in the light.

Ah, you are the flower the heavens gave to earth,
Growing in pure grace, in shape and hue,
Like the lily deep in fields of endless worth,
Spreading the fragrance of an eternal view.

In your smile...

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Dark Mysterious 

Who are you?

I know your body

But do I know you?

Passionate, Sexy, Sensually Slow

Sultry, Slippery - is all i know 

I know your skin, as if my own

Yet there is so much still unknown

Stolen moments, hundreds of hours alone 

Yet so few words are truly spoke

Your smell, your touch, your taste 

All stowed in memory for times alone 

Whispered words, ...

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sexsecretprivate livescheatingadulteryAdult content.....

a secret government

violent is violence of a secret
violent is violence of a secret identity
a secret identity is a secret violence
dust is dust of identity
identity is a dust of identity
dust to mass,mass to dust
dust to mass,mass to violence

dust to mass,mass to identity
violence is a mass of violence
violence is a mass of identity
a secret disgust is a secret identity
the government is a violent disgu...

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In the morning, my eyes open

Expressions of Love: Part XLIX

Written On/For: 4/4/2023

Title: In the morning, my eyes open


In the morning,

My eyes open

They open to the sight

Of your beautiful amber eyes

Hidden beneath lids of slumber

In the low light clouding my vision

I study your sleeping form

Like a scholar eager to glean more knowledge

I watch the rise and fall of your chest

And img...

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Little Globe

Little Globe
Grow me a planet
I want a moon
Followed by a Saturn
Real ones but small
To fit inside my pocket
Got my own worlds
In my palm

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love has a heavy price,

time demands its toll,

ephemeral the bonds

wanton mortality stole


he's in bed, very poorly,

I feel he might be dying,

lucozade's not working,

I hear only weak crying


yet he's had a good life,

for after all, he had me,

swains I rued when he

went down on his knee


long years I devoted

to what is my inferior,

he never had...

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A Women's Catharsis

I want to breathe

I want to cry

I want to live

I want to die

I want to stay out til' 7am

I want a boy that's heaven sent

I want a house

I want a car

I want to travel

But not too far

I want to laugh

I don't want to think

I want to pour myself a big fat drink

I want to dance

I want to fight

I want to see your face in morning light

I want to jump into t...

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We Run Like Water

I'm a reptile

But I'm warmer 

When I'm with you

You stir something in me

Like I'm always on the edge of something

There’s a chemical reaction between us

It makes me feel like static energy 

Could we really be the result of chance?

Can chance pull like a magnet?

Or is this kismet?


It runs fast, long, rife

It is our double life

We share a secret world t...

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Romanceexcitementchemistrynew beginningsbeginningdouble lifesecond selfsecret worldintenseedgechemicalchancefatekismetown planetour planetrunrun like waterspinningfastversions of ourselveslovesecretrelationshipnever ending

I want to

I just want you to know I want to.

I can't see you every day.
I can't kiss you while we sway.
I can't hold your hand.
I can't be seen out with you because you're not my man.
I can't get to know you as deep as id like.
I can't let you really know me, you might say goodbye.
I can't sleep next to you in bed.
I can't tell anyone anything we've said. 
I can't tell you what's going on in my...

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secretromanceflingforbidden desires

Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Does it matter, does it show
Does it make them like me less
Can they see inside my head
Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Put on a front and fake a smile
Things seem ok for a while
Until the shadows creep back in
And the demons start to win
Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Everything looks fine outside
But I’...

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a note

a word



in secret


a name





a woman





The transparent sunlight


stirred by her 

thin fingers


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She hid in my chambers 

Stored her music in right atrium

As quiet as she stayed

The songs she would whisper 

Danced loudly in my veins 

I tried to drown her lyrics out

But the blood rushed all of

Her secrets to my brain

Every ventricle has coagulated 

Memories that are clinging to

Walls inside my heart

Causing sclerosis clouding my 

Better judgment to push her a...

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hearthiddenLovesecrettwin flame

I am not locked up, I am the lock.

I am keeping a secret with myself

for myself,

clutching it within like a bird’s claw,

the carrier pigeons have been shot,

guess I forgot to warn the men with rifles,

suppose it wasn’t a clay pigeon after all.

My mouth is a gold crested envelope,

my lips are licked with wax:

they are an inked kiss,

the pout is the stamp,

my mind is the scroll:

bound and bound,


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behind the maskfeminismhiddeninternalpowerfulprivacysecretstrongword play


by : Mirza Sharafat Hussain

Tere  janey  ke  baad  hawayein  beyqaraar
Khushk   aabshar  ,   fizayein   sogwaar

To suno meri udaas aankhon  ka  raaz
Kisi  ki  yadun  me  meri  aahein  girftaar

Ye  itna  parayapan  achanak  na  guzrey
Tere  paas  aate  hi  bahein  sharamsaar

Rotey  kuch  mei  ne  bhi  mangha  hai  rab  se
Pyase   labu   se  meri  duayein  ashkbaar

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Untold Truth

We woke up 

You were smiling at me

You looked so unexpectedly happy

Wrapped my neck in your arms

Gave me a tight squeeze

I ask why

You won't reply

You never do

But that's the great thing

You don't have too

I already know what's held to be true

It doesn't have to be spoken

It doesn't have to be said

Yes, we might be in a little over our heads

Undoubtedly we...

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Lay me down on the cold grey stone

and grasp my love to feel less alone

my leaden soul brittles, splinters then breaks

beneath the weight of your heart that aches


Fuck amongst death and in its' place

we create a new life within this space

time does not stop, fused blood will run

to drip on the clouds of setting sun


Katy Hughes 2012

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I met a woman at the Blue Nile.

Our first encounter was her attempting to kiss my face. She seems to be in her mid-late fifties/early sixties. She began to tell me that she is okay, over and over again. She began to cry. She told  me her sun died. He OD'ed at 39 years old. She watched him die, with his head between the toilet and the sink. Her other sun blamed his brother's death on her. Sh...

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LydiaWaterDeathPainTearssecretdancefireshoesclownsbutterfliesopenboxminnesotablue nile

First Night

First Night


A messy room

Two messy heads

“Will you marry me?”

He quietly said


A shadowed celebration

assured but never taken

shrouded and unknown

the beautiful unshown


© Katy Hughes 2012




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forbidden lovesecretproposalweddinglove




The moon lies beautiful

half veiled behind the clouds

it dares not shine as a whole

muted in its lair


The quiet forbidden love,

nestled in the shadow of tomorrow

Waits patient to be born Brittle,

but not yet broken

Both struggle for their moment in the light


© Katy Hughes 2012

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We lost Hugh. Flying such a beautiful little airplane in a blue desert sky, what a nice handling jet. Do what you want with her but no high speed turns too tight, might hit invisible wall in the sky. Dogfight every American jet fighter built none can beat the Mig17 Fresco. Turn on a dime, Russia did this almost right. Ultimate aggressor trainer, what better than to...

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americamigfighterrussiajetaggressortrainpilotaccidentdeathcold warsecret

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