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There they go again at it like there’s no tomorrow

Maybe they know something we don’t

Listen to her shriek and scream while they fuck

And I hear their bed collapse as he jumps from the wardrobe


The crack of a bullwhip is there connecting to naked flesh

I pity but envy what they’re doing pleasure with pain

They’re both sharing a journey together while I’m alone


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love has a heavy price,

time demands its toll,

ephemeral the bonds

wanton mortality stole


he's in bed, very poorly,

I feel he might be dying,

lucozade's not working,

I hear only weak crying


yet he's had a good life,

for after all, he had me,

swains I rued when he

went down on his knee


long years I devoted

to what is my inferior,

he never had...

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Palm Sunday

I lately watched your video, a Palm Sunday morning show of you and your wife.

Me, your mistress, now ashes of passionate fires, forbidden fires.

Intention of sin in your ideology.

And then this scene of an innoscent couple, the ones who try to pretent what they aren't.

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All I have to do
Is tip her…
All over my lips, at first, then
She starts to go down
Better than the rest
Her wicked whip of joy cracks with a satisfaction
Snatched euphoria glitters on a crush
And then, oh the rush!
She slips to that place only she knows
My god, she knows where to go
And knows what to do when she gets there
Which, naturally, she does, so quickl...

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Happy Fucking Father's Day

Relentless June rain juggles summer of performance

To the rolling up of realisation, also someone’s daughter                                                        

Equestrian misses whipping mistress, remains martyred loner     

Highly billed, sought after, ticketed circus owner


Medium of intuition dangles planchette of indecision

To your high wire of collusion, an in...

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planchettemistresslovepainunfaithfulfather's day

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