river (Remove filter)
In the vast plains of time, where the wind is lost
Man, with curious eyes, gazes at the horizon
And in the infinity of the sky, which stretches beyond being
Possibilities blossom, like stars in a distant night
What will become of me, in the paths of chance?
Which road, by the moonlight, will stretch before my step?
I feel in my chest the pulsing desire of a vast dream
But doubt, like fog,...
Sunday 10th November 2024 4:55 am
Local Bards Get Festive With A Mersey Christmas
A brand new anthology of Christmas poems has been launched as a Facebook project.
‘A Mersey Christmas’ features work by local poets who frequent the spoken word poetry circuits around Birkenhead and Liverpool, and is available to read free.
Curated by Wirral poets Barry Woods and Michelle Wright the collection is their fourth creative writing project and a Christmas gift to the people of th...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 9:53 pm
Poetry Film 'The Quality of Mersey'
The film version of the poetry anthology 'The Quality of Mersey' had its premiere with Wirral Festival of Firsts earlier this month. The film showcases eight poems, beginning at the source and then ending at the river's mouth.
The film is available to watch here:
Saturday 17th October 2020 3:41 pm
River that flows in you
On a flowing river,
Crossing by the Mosis,
Trying to carry out a dozen of pain.
Felling again in your thoughts,
Smelling of the roses,
Standing by your side in your arms.
Would you like,
To me my life,
Crossing the might just for you.
Would you hold and be my soul,
Crossing the river that flows in you.
She said would you hold me,
God has just called me...
Sunday 20th September 2020 6:20 pm
Morscode (And Blue Tunes)
typed see screens
print the rain
a hit and miss,
brush dashes
from the frame
dripping blue tunes
singing your stirs,
your memo implicit,
a reserved river,
dot, dot, dot,
dash, dash, dash,
neurotic encrypting
for a euphoric tone-
a seaway
sealing all,
do not shift back
up the drum glass
and hum hard these
run- down blue tunes,
remain r...
Friday 1st May 2020 7:08 pm
The Estuary
I am
on a far tide line
sand rippled
with estuary shells
with oystercatchers
soft where rills run down
or the sea pools
behind a half-sunk stone
or a mooring chain
I am
moored yachts
swinging to the tide turn
above their sunken reflections
angled lines of cirrostratus
echoed below the horizon
in the mirror gloss sea
Thursday 13th June 2019 4:12 pm
Uchtryd's Summer Place
In Mariamné's time
What trees would have grown so tall
What was there beyond the garden wall?
When she walked beyond the garden gate
Did she see the river's sudden spate
And did the rustle of a summer breeze
Mask the red kite's call above those trees
And did she hear the Spring birds' calls
Above the echo of Ystwyth's falls
Did she stroll her father's ways
And let the...
Tuesday 4th June 2019 2:39 pm
Calon Cymru
I have always been
On the bleak bald mountain
I have dwelt through the ages
At the deep source of the fountain
Guardian of all knowledge:
Before they knew me
I was here
When this land was fashioned around my soul
Sole guardian uncrowned
Then I loved this mortal mound
Tenured on God's holy ground
I have always been
At the brow of the hill
I was th...
Friday 25th January 2019 3:18 pm
reflection reminscing
My emotions pouring out
My head lost in the clouds
But my body seemed to drown
I look at whats around
Your nowhere to be found
Whos problem is it now
Somehow I feel proud
I got sober
When we were over
And yet you still use
I feel like I was used
When the money ran out
Cheating came from the muse
Yet I stayed amused
I ignored the clues
My emotions are my...
Thursday 23rd August 2018 2:45 am
When the devil drives
I’m going down to the river
With my wash day blues
I’m going to go to a nightclub
In a pair of dancing shoes
I’m going to make a banner saying
‘All lives matter here’
I’m going to scale the rock face
That has always been too sheer
I’m going to sail across oceans
To spread the words of peace
To point out we don’t own this Earth
We only have it on lease
I’m going to go to a bookstore
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:41 pm
The Mirror
This rumination came from growing awareness of my mortality which, in turn, is generated and measured by the expanding list of things once given or assumed that, alas, are no longer possible.
The Mirror
How shall I talk to you, my friend?
How should I regard you
(and will I care)
as you grow ever older before my gaze
while I stay young?
Who are you? Dare I look on yo...
Monday 15th January 2018 2:33 pm
MAN: In so short a time
I saw a future
From the formless waters
From the darkness
The way begins
All words are water
GAIA: From my innermost being
I gave abundance!
My words flow from the mountain top
My words give succour to the land
My words are the waters of the sea
PRIEST: The ...
Wednesday 4th October 2017 4:30 pm
And then
at my source
I was lost to your ocean.
Flowing... your endless bounty stole my direction
your depths embraced
your corals welcomed my load
I drowned in your currents.
My hands caressed
your waves
My body plumbed
your deepest sounds
Your pools
Your tides were constant
I sw...
Monday 21st August 2017 10:35 am
Heart of Stockport I
M60 atop Manchester's posterior cusp
Hurtling force divides and creates, binds and destroys,
Cut me slowly, cut me quick, careful now
Not too deep
Just like Concorde passing over
the viaduct with its engine vibrating
on the tracks
I'm lost. Blocked. What is hidden in the river?
The naked road is rusting away
I follow the arterial route to your heart
Monday 8th June 2015 11:02 pm
Kelvingrove Memories
Stumbling across a hidden river
lost amongst lush greenery
where grass and stones collide
I feel my thoughts split open
the tacky pull of damp ground
the grand firmness of dry bark
and these muddy banks transporting me...
In my swirling senses
the immediate evaporates
I hear water rushing
rushing into the past
Where teenage bodies dive
and teenage bodies glide
where clen...
Sunday 12th April 2015 12:03 am
Living the Eternity
You walk
You stand
You speak
Then you are quiet
You love
You hate
You fight
You make peace
You cry
You laugh
You live
You die
And you live again
You inhale so many lifetimes,
Your home is the universe,
Your time is eternity.
Words you speak are never silent,
Deeds of yours are never unseen,
Steps you take never fade,
Emotions you share always felt.
We often ask the questi...
Wednesday 1st October 2014 11:49 pm
A River
I sat upon a cold creek bank,
I often do this when I think,
Or ponder over the deeper things,
Like, "what does the future bring?"
Now, the water seldom answers back,
So I sit there, listen, and relax,
And let my mind wander off,
To other shores and other thoughts,
But today the water heard my cry,
And decided, though I don't know why,
To take interest in a lost man's plight,
And o...
Friday 27th June 2014 10:59 am
I Thought to Try Something Different (preface to "A River")
I must admit that I usually do a few, short and simple poems a day. There is nothing wrong with this, and I normally do, and will most likely continue, to write in this manner. But when I woke up today, seeing as it was my off day, I thought I might try something outside of my comfort zone. And so I wrote the longest poem that I have ever written (not so long by most standards, but long for me). I...
Friday 27th June 2014 10:49 am
River Prayers
from between the leaves
the shafts fall and draw
a hundred golden atria
shining through
the stained organics
of liquid glass
to the cloistral faithful
swimming beneath
Thursday 29th August 2013 8:12 pm
Good River Feeling Bad
Rivers carry debris until floods release ghosts
So the dead can make deposits and withdrawals
Planks, fallen branches, corpses of fish, fowl, mammals and dreams
Become ghost ships carrying organisms to new destinations
With water as medium the dead and the undead sally forth as equals
Good River Feeling Bad
Her voice is deep water
Though she’s too shallow ...
Friday 22nd March 2013 6:25 pm
My one day friend, Mark
To Liverpool
Wednesday 6th March 2013 8:19 pm
The river
As I walk past the river Tyne,
I like to think of water droplets
As thoughts unspoken moving on the string of time.
The lone fisherman casts his line come what may,
Tears of laughter, times of fear and doubt,
The rain, the rock, the river washes all away.
So again I howl to the moon,
Whilst ripples shine and disintegrate like mica
And it pulls on me like a junkie spoon.
Monday 4th February 2013 9:50 pm
Lost Paths
Hi Everybody
It's that time again and another new Poem is ready to be unleashed on the world. This time inspired by a photograph I took a couple of years ago in Arundel, Sussex. It has a bit of an old world feel this one which I think compliments the subject matter. Hope you enjoy it.
Lost Paths
Ancient bridges beneath crystal waters
Rotten dark and gone to slaughter
Thursday 30th August 2012 2:06 pm
By A River
amidst dewy dawning
and distant lowing
scrambling over
tangled root stone bedding
beneath hillside glowing
from cloud stalked
cold shock
to sun burst warming
flows river umber
running iced tea
tarnished and malty
to this tumble
comes happy dog
snout near rabbit deep
as spooked cottontails peep
from behind mossy log
Thursday 23rd August 2012 11:06 pm
The raging river runs all year round through the varied landscape,
hundreds of yards wide and a dozen deep, a lifeline of the planet.
Full of life, a river of life for the people who live by it and for nature herself.
Mankind uses this river as a source of food and power with his river boats.
He is often blind to the harm he can do, taking too much fish an...
Wednesday 24th August 2011 2:26 pm
Going Home
Cars bumper to bumper
Trucks, buses, coaches
Engine noises,
People walking
Cell phones to ears
Hand in hand
Close together,
Women chatting
Buddies hugging
The traffic moves
Relief – freedom
Like a dam burst
All travelling
Going in the same direction.
Monday 16th November 2009 4:40 pm
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