The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The history of rock

And so, in the vastness of the ether, it rises
From the primordial silence, a resonant sound
Like thunder that splits the distant skies
The voice of the Infinite is born, unbound!
No longer the void, nor the endless shadow
But the living flame, the fire burning bright
In the dawn of the cosmos, a mighty song
Where life and death in dance unite

In the womb of the earth, the first cry

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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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The raging river runs all year round through the varied landscape,

hundreds of yards wide and a dozen deep, a lifeline of the planet.

Full of life, a river of life for the people who live by it and for nature herself.

Mankind uses this river as a source of food and power with his river boats.

He is often blind to the harm he can do, taking too much fish an...

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