The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

soapbox (Remove filter)

When the devil drives

I’m going down to the river
With my wash day blues
I’m going to go to a nightclub
In a pair of dancing shoes
I’m going to make a banner saying
‘All lives matter here’
I’m going to scale the rock face
That has always been too sheer
I’m going to sail across oceans
To spread the words of peace
To point out we don’t own this Earth
We only have it on lease
I’m going to go to a bookstore

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All lives matterriverbluesbannerbookstoresoapboxoceansnightclubdancing shoes

Light the Path Ahead


Into a new dark age
we go, marching,
careening headlong

[of soapbox poetry
there is no want
for many a voice
loudly rail and rant]

the terrain of our
condition and that
of our experience
has changed over
year upon year of
progress that has brought
us closer to the edge
of a generation that
lives on the horizon


peering further ...

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Soapbox Poetics

Into itself, beyond vast darkness, remote lights beckon our tomorrow.






Into a new dark age
we go, marching,
careening headlong


[of soapbox poetry
there is no want
for many a voice
loudly rail and rant]


the terrain of our
condition and that
of our experience
has changed over
year upon year of
progress that has brought
us ...

Read more …

social commentarydark agestomorrowsoapboxkesnerkessner

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