The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Wounds of liberation

Imagine being totally untethered

After feeling chain linked 

I feel split

That part removed 

That half is trying to renew

But it hurts 

To grow scab over wound 

Missing you is mourning you 

Leaving you is still losing you

And I’m just as lost

As I made you 

If it could be 

I would make it be 

Should I be chain linked again 

I would make it good 

Should we be tethered once more 

I would try to treasure each thorn 

Freedom living outside of your chest

Is priceless and limitless 


It’s outside of your safe walls of soul 

It’s beyond your barriers of beauty 

It’s away from your aura of affection 

It’s lonely without your love 

To be so far away 

And that IS a price to pay 

Mess, mess, mess 

I sacrificed you for happiness 

But today that dream feels far away 

I know I’ll touch it one day 

And be free within my own chest of safety 

But today that dream feels





Missmove onpainhurtupsetloveRelationshiphealhealingbreak upfreedomemotionfixgrowliberateimprisontrapindependentidentityadaptsingletwopaircoupleoneuntetheredlossmourngoodbye

◄ Vital

I thank you for not being good enough ►


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