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Strange hazy shapes in the rainy sky dancing lights in the dark of night,

who knows what it means, what they are?

Impossible accelerations and crazy manoeuvres in a second, no plane can do those.

It is the element of the unknown, so scary and dangerous.

People tell of strange beings coming in the night, of sharp objects and needles and of terrible pain.

Nightmare drea...

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ufothe skystrange objectterror





You’re a girl like no other ’cause of what you are.

It’s not your fault that you got scared,

cry at night or get so lonely in a crowd.

Everyday you ask the same two questions:

Why me? And when will they come for me?

You get flashbacks of blinding pain and flashing strobe lights.

So when the aliens abduct you and you feel it before it happens, you...

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girlaliensflying saucerufoliestruth before you is invisiblepain





I live in the desert on my own little farm near the damn secret airbase where they do their testing. My grandpa saw your nuclear tests in the 50s shook our walls and gave him cancer. I sued the government and got $36,000 a fortune back then. Re-vamped this old farm and met a girl who worked at the base, her car broke down on the road and she became my wife. She ha...

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lifecouplealiensufomilitarymen in blackincident

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