Frustration (Remove filter)
My body is just cells to you
Torment is
Our bodies together
Soft skin on soft skin
Entangled tightly
Your breath heavy on my neck
A kiss goodnight on my back
My lips
start to relax
Warmth begins between my hips
Mind racing
My lips
start to drip
My desire
A scented aroma
Fantasies begin to play
Body begging to be played
A silent moan
A loud resentment
Don't let it feel good, ...
Tuesday 4th January 2022 1:29 pm
Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap.
Distant sound from above
Kept silent within a fragile soul
Tap. Tap.
Drowned out through fear and love
A wind beyond a persons control
Tap. Tap.
The baying of the storm
Branches frolicking on every gust
Tap. Tap.
Long shadows start to form
Fickle weather displays it’s disgust
Tap. Tap.
When will it cease?
How does the window ...
Sunday 6th June 2021 9:25 pm
Karma the Uninspired Bitch
Everyone's asleep
Silently I weep
Misery boiling
Anger steep
What one sows
Isn't that what they're supposed to reap?
Why do I remain good
Continue to be kind
Try ever so hard to preserve my mind
Karma seems to lack purpose
Or simply ignores the concept of time.
Doesn't my pain matter
My life unrecognizable and tattered
Am I that good at pretendi...
Saturday 5th September 2020 6:21 pm
I’m not speaking to you today
But I get the feeling you’ve not noticed
I didn’t touch you in bed last night
But you went to sleep just the same
And this morning there’s no change
You look at me and don’t realise
That I’m not speaking to you today
Why can’t you remember why?
Saturday 19th October 2019 8:41 am
We Had a Big Argument Because of Continuing Problems Related to My Mental Illness and I Did Not Have Time to Take a Shower, I Love You and I am Sorry
I am itchy
My scalp is itchy
I cannot stand how itchy it is
I smell
My whole body smells
I cannot stand how smelly it is
I feel slimy
My feet and groin feel slimy
I cannot stand how slimy I feel
It is my fault
The whole situation is my fault
I cannot stand how this is my entire fault
I made you upset
I continue to make you upset
I cannot stand how I f...
Wednesday 16th October 2019 1:58 pm
I’m not a pyromaniac, but my emotions are like a fire.
Not dealing with past trauma because I don’t have what that would require.
So when I find myself alone and fighting the darkness in my head,
I end up saying so many things I wish were never said.
And as I look around at all the bridges that I’ve burned,
I know that by now, I really should have learned.
And as the smoke clears and my la...
Saturday 28th September 2019 3:29 pm
A Note to Those With Limits to Their Love
I was not there when he was made
I was not there when he was born
I was not there for his first birthday
I was, there to guide his first steps.
I was there when his mother voiced her disdane and pushed him away.
For the tantrums that felt eternal
The sick days that became my sick days
I was there as his father began a new family and forgot about his last.
When he had no food to...
Saturday 13th April 2019 3:21 am
Frustration and Boredom
Deep seated boredom and frustration
Grinding at my begrudged concentration
Slowly I watch my brain cells die
And slowly I can’t be bothered to try
My mind’s enraged like an animal caged
Today is another one of those days
Five in fact like a boiling pot
With the lid on while I keep getting hot
In my mind I overflow
In ways I couldn’t let them know
I contain an explosion of colours and wor...
Monday 24th July 2017 6:56 pm
My heart does scream
at the nothing in my hands.
My hope evaporates slow,
cold my soul floats,
fades absent to grey.
Can't keep on
coming back this way,
howling at the moon
night and day
disarray eating away
my brain, inept
abandons all my dreams.
The nothing consumes,
drizzle soaks right through.
The rain gets inside
my bones they ache,
my life, a waste,
a pi...
Sunday 26th February 2017 1:49 am
I Need to Grieve
Need to grieve,
but this makes
everyone else sad.
But I need
to let it out.
And instead
I get frustrated
and a little mad.
Wednesday 14th September 2016 3:03 am
Writers Block -- 07/2015
Needing inspiration
Having none
Words not coming
All dried up
And numb
Give me a taste
Just a nibble
Please a crumb!
Needing inspiration
But alas I have none
Thursday 29th October 2015 2:10 am
Work Day
Pounding the phones
Hello? Is anyone home?
Trying to make that dollar
While all anyone can do is hollar
Please, shh! Hear me out!
There's no need to shout!
Listen for a minute
And I promise I'll be quick to finish
Can I interest you in a quote?
On your car, home, or boat?
No, its not a joke
Not your average bloke
Out to trick and deceive
I'm just trying to do...
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:33 am
Fuck it, I’m indecisive
Monday 19th January 2015 10:15 pm
Tight rope
All sides, when darkness me envelop
Hopelessly, when unthinkable seems hope
A chimera, when the abyss
With saw-like teeth yawns
Expectant me to drop,
To cling on, to cross over
There is a tight rope
God-for a single second
That doesn't stop
To emerge atop
Up all problems that pop!
Sunday 23rd November 2014 2:04 pm
Hey Poet! Suck This
You, the non-aligned. Celebrate for its own sake, complement the creative, rough the smooth out of the level question of hate, vitalizing the style of hard-line writing leverage, spurning the potential agendas of a system whose vital interests supress a stronger passion ~ go join, if you must, be the instrument of forced craft, it has a definitive strength that soon runs out of legs, yet b...
Monday 9th June 2014 10:18 pm
Reflective Debate
Living known paradigm fortunately unfortunate
With all dished copiously yet with an empty plate
With situations definitive I am unable to equate
Only if emotional clutter could get wiped off slate
Kin, cohort and siblings even closest of the mate
Now add on to torment thus sensibilities agitate
Far too long it has been for turbulence to abate
Must alter course...
Wednesday 12th March 2014 9:06 am
Confounds very purpose
in the end what it ensues
Logic macabre it nurtures
plain irrationality accrues
Those closer tend to shun
all unknown you befriend
Despise meant well being
disinterest try to pretend
The time will pass you by
in state sorry to repent
Unaware you’re of perils
uncertainties it’ll pre...
Sunday 2nd February 2014 7:55 am
Snooping Readership
Some of us are grateful to the NSA. GCHQ and Prism because at least we know somebody is reading what we write
Thursday 22nd August 2013 11:37 am
Old Tyke Blues
Old Tyke Blues
I woke up this morning -
found my leg was dead.
Slipped as I got up
and banged my head,
fingers to temple
came away red,
trail on the carpet
where I had bled.
Went down for breakfast -
the milk had gone sour,
turned on the toaster -
a distinct lack of power.
Go back upstairs,
stand under the shower -
water is...
Wednesday 10th April 2013 9:10 pm
I'm working dammit
Sunday 7th April 2013 8:10 pm
Like a pristine field of snow
you glare back at me and I know
that even with the greatest will
I’ll never get the words to spill
upon your virgin gown.
I want to smudge the ashes of my dreams
upon your frigid, frozen streams
that when the summer sun’s aglow
lap gently with a lazy flow
caressing inspiration from my brow.
My ...
Monday 28th January 2013 11:32 pm
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