The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fuck it, I’m indecisive

I need to make a decision
And make it fucking quick
A matter life or death
It’s making me feel sick
It’s really not that hard
This thing I need to do
A very simple choice
Number one or number two
I see the merits of both
From my view on the fence
I must fall on one side
Before I can recommence
They’re starting to get painful
These splinters in my arse
I need to make a decision
It's descending into farce
Right, the time has come
I think that I’m there
My biggest decision so far
I’m now ready to share
Oh shit, I’m not ready
I thought that I was sure 
Bottled it at the last minute
Back to thinking once more
I’m really not sure why
As this was a simple mission
Brought to a messy end
By my fucking indecision.


Spirit Of Christmas ►


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Chris Briggs

Tue 20th Jan 2015 07:53


Thanks for the comment, that's exactly the sort of comment I like, well, I think I do ;o)



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Graham Sherwood

Mon 19th Jan 2015 22:49

I don't know whether I like this or not!

Good to see you posting Chris,


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