irritation (Remove filter)
Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap.
Distant sound from above
Kept silent within a fragile soul
Tap. Tap.
Drowned out through fear and love
A wind beyond a persons control
Tap. Tap.
The baying of the storm
Branches frolicking on every gust
Tap. Tap.
Long shadows start to form
Fickle weather displays it’s disgust
Tap. Tap.
When will it cease?
How does the window ...
Sunday 6th June 2021 9:25 pm
Lie to Me
Lie to Me
When the halyard raps the empty staff
and the hurricane screams its rage,
and the water-mountains heave and crash
in their spume-flecked valleys chained,
and I look upon this wild expanse
shouting fury for my pleas,
and ask in dread “Do we stand a chance?”
Please, oh please take pity ….
…. lie to me.
When darkness infiltrates my being,
seeps silent t...
Saturday 10th November 2018 1:39 am
A Bipolar Mind
Each day, more exhausting than the last.
Time goes far too slowly, or too fast.
you're either extremely low, or elevated.
People either love you, or you're hated.
There is no middle ground
- no inbetween.
Everything is one extreme.
you're either Jekyll or you're Hyde.
It is a never ending fight.
You're a walking contradiction ,
With no explanation,
No cha...
Monday 18th June 2018 3:58 pm
a curse - for the mildly irritating
a curse - for the mildly irritating
For those who’ve meddled, ired or slighted,
For those who’ve peeved or pinched or blighted
Or fibbed or fooled or faked - or worse
Upon them ever be this curse:
May your earnest endeavours all end in farce.
May your nostrils migrate to just south of your a**e.
May all your teabags get stuck in the spout.
May your luck and your toilet roll always ru...
Thursday 23rd July 2009 10:40 am
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