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Frustration and Boredom

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Deep seated boredom and frustration
Grinding at my begrudged concentration
Slowly I watch my brain cells die
And slowly I can’t be bothered to try
My mind’s enraged like an animal caged
Today is another one of those days
Five in fact like a boiling pot
With the lid on while I keep getting hot
In my mind I overflow
In ways I couldn’t let them know
I contain an explosion of colours and words
To the point where it all becomes distorted and blurred
I’m sick of the blue office floor
The ‘migraine’ lights make me want to run out of the door
The pin cushion chairs stick in my arse
The child sized desks are nothing short of a laugh
I’m sick of my colleague with the thunder face
And the bullshit small talk of this place
That’s before my work makes some prick richer still
Half my brain cells killed
The day drags on dragging my mind
Each day making me more blind
Less colour only black and white
Vibrant souls crushed under corporate might
But I know that they can never win
Despite the state my mind might be in
Everywhere there’s a black sheep who’s art flows
Within frustration there lies hope


workboring timefrustrationcreativeCrazygoing insaneoffice

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Mon 24th Jul 2017 23:59

yup, boredom is indeed a silent torturous killer, it tends to suffocate the mind. Well this is surely a good write much of the outlet of everyday boredom... Liked it though ?

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