The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Good Things


Good Things

After the poem Three Good Things by Jan Dean.


At week's end, I remember

three good things.


Maybe pencils, with their quiet apt of strokes

for a gravelly ground,

or a fading, fraying edge, or a feather,

or a pamphlet of zebra



Maybe glass, for when it never lets me miss the details,

the detail behind a history,

haberdashery sho...

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I Accept My Reality

I accept

All the things around me

The harsh warmth of an Indian afternoon,

The confused colors of the evening,

Sheer darkness of night regardless of moon,

And everything between the end and beginning.

I have been trying to change my life,

But all I could change was my perspective.

I can’t seem to change the story, Though I attempt to shift the narrative.

I’ll fulfill m...

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Poetrypositivityhopefulhealingself lovepatiencecaresimple

The Secret of the Sunflowers

The Secret of the Sunflowers

is one that my mother knows.

How their gaze forever follows the sun,

the more that they grow

and glorious they become!

The late afternoon shadows lay forgotten behind,

they remind me of where our mother taught us

to always turn our minds.




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Some day

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will listen,  some day they gonna stop
Its better to look in bright, so it make you shine
Mix all ingredients of guide, So that it tastes like wine
Follow your heart,  follow your dream
Follow your happiness which makes people scream.

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will liste...

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No Reason To Sigh

And so what if I'm empty inside!
Happiness still has a place here
There's certainly plenty of space here
for Joy to reside
That's what, if I'm empty inside.

And so what if I've nothing to lose!
With little worth keeping
There's more time for sleeping
Or whatever I choose
That's what if I've nothing to lose.

And so what if I've nothing to gain!
That's hardly an onus
Seems more like ...

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Dear Mum

Here's a little something i'd like to dedicate to my mum <3 


Dear Mum,

Your smile was warmer than the sun.

A glow that now twinkles amongst the stars,

Every time I look up, I forget all the scars.


I remember our long walks,

All those calls with endless talks.

You were my beacon of positivity,

My foundation and stability.


With every passing cloud,

I prom...

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Whatever You Do

If you don't like it how it is
Stop complaining.

Stop praying, start living
Stop hoarding, start giving
Stop wanting, start enjoying
Stop waiting, start playing
Stop asking, start finding
Start hoping, stop minding

Stop whatever you are doing
Start changing

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changecharityhappinesshopemeditationpositivityshort poem

Sweet Talk

Smooth like honey,

Your words 

Slip through my soul -


Sweetening the bitter

Soothing the sore.


Your Word

Like honey, nurturing

My bones.


I have a craving in my soul,

A sweet tooth for Your own.


"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith


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lovemental healthmindsetpoetrypositive wordspositivitysweetwords


I May Be Wrong


I may be wrong but I’ll say it anyway

surely that is the point.

Jung’s theory of circumambulation says

“Give it a go”


Follow that glimmering thing

that interests you

down the path of development.

Heed the call to adventure

let new parts of you manifest.

Be the fool as precursor to

the Jedi master.


It’s an error ridden process

to ...

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Mindful Monday

Can we be brave and kind,
Strong enough to speak our mind? 

Can we be mindful of the words we say,
As we go about our busy day? 

I challenge you to try this week,
to reflect on every word you speak. 

Will you be kind and gentle with yourself and others?
Friends, strangers, sisters and brothers.

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Colonel Tom

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom


What a legend Colonel Tom has become

The hearts of all our nation, he has won

To walk a hundred laps was his only goal

At 100 years old, it should have taken its toll

But Colonel Tom took it all in his stride

Filling isolated days with cheer and pride


The news of his challenge travelled far and wide

The media shared his story, prou...

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colonel tomCaptain Tompositivity

Darkness will turn down today

Emptiness now seems to weigh,
Stubbornness now waits at bay,
Abruptness now gives a way,
Darkness will now turn to day..

Brightness soon looks to grey,
Firmness soon falls to prey,
Correctness soon starts to sway,
Darkness will now turn to day..

Busyness would light the hay,
Craziness would start its play,
Promptness would go away,
Darkness will now turn to day..



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Current TimesLifePoetrypositivity

Astral Breadth

A trestle table set with content and classical elements
places a coven with arenose intent in a safe space
their minds set on causing change—present occurences canvass Mandala by way of effect.
fascicle circuits blitz and singe might-have-beens
washing away strands emblazoned in ever apparentness
accommodating silver lining fringe wherein proper golden ratio leaves
their genus' plant matter ...

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astralchangelovemandelametaphysicsnaturepoempoemspositivityspiritualitywomen's day


the girl with the curves wishes she was thinner

the girl with narrow hips wishes her breasts were bigger


the girl with the acne wishes her skin was clear

the girl with clear skin wishes her freckles would disappear 


the girl with intelligence wishes she was pretty

the girl with beauty wishes classes were easy


the girl with straight hair wishes it was curly

the g...

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The fall and rise of paradise.

Positive energy should come from within,

That is the only way to begin,

Climb your mountain bit by bit,

It's the only way to get you out of shit,

The first step is the hardest,

The second is a little easy,

But the third step could make you bright and breezy,

When you find you have risen to your first destination,

You may have words to give to the nation,

Carry on what yo...

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keep well

I love your positivity 

With all this current activity

One day you'll get back to some tranquility 

Until then screw any negativity 

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Life stasis.  Rut. Climb out, escape

Decaying detritus.

Manifest new reality

Through positive action.


Hesitant.  Awaiting Order.

Unable to instruct

Self to act.  External control

Required to achieve goal.


Observe: written word, adventure -

Other’s experience:

Second hand life – passivity’s

Bespoke, known creation.


Disallow life’s victimising


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life choicelife decisionownershippositivity


Take action.

Strike a blow.

Ring the anvil.

Pace.  Drive.  Beat.

Be dynamis.  Perpetual origin.

Chain reaction ignition.

Strike hot iron. Watch hammer-sparks ignite satellite flames,

Orbiting original impetus: You.

Gravitational fulcrum.

Nuclear furnace.

Primal energy.

Ignite your world with positivity.  Watch the wildfire.

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positivitypositive actionenergychain reactionpositive feedback


Faces are dull, lamps are lit, 
The room is black and I am alone, 
Dreaming something but reality is different, 
I don't know what's going to happen 

I didn't know what will I do 
Stand upon the stool
Or see in a mirror like a fool, 
But I said to myself, 'I have to be cool'

Nothing seems to be different, 
As I follow the same me, 
I have no difference nor glee in me.

Everyone has...

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Sit back with the captain and Jack 

they all walk in

they found me wet with all the K-pins 

knocked down

get back up

got to get back up 

I can see my soul is all but stuck 

I got my meds, my sickened head 

I got my life to get straight

the rest is what I make 


the rest is what i make!

with never picky taste 

if I’m gonna be yours lets get away


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interventionno more second chancespositivitysocial commentarysuicide

Not all bad

Not all bad


I’m out on the front porch smoking 

scratching forgotten dreams from my baldness

coffee makes me happy

even a little light breeze helps

today is gonna be different

yesterday was so so 

I got through it

Some of it hurt

she was civil

that is always a plus

I miss my babies

i regret my choices 

yet the porch is my place 

my ground

what is i...

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social commentarypositivity

Trading Places

Time to sever all alliances

shades dark which depict


No purpose those serve

 and independence restrict


Had my share of amends

 beliefs now must uphold


 Fix impending glitches

skewed life thus remold


All of robbed past verve

it’s time now to beget


 Seek out fresher vistas

sans cause for any upset


In environs carved out


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Deemed Rapture









Some day in the future

dawn will break again


None be grudges nursed

 or space  for any disdain


Where vales be pristine

 living modest and plain


Bliss ...

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The Brink

On the face all is cheery

deep within bit suspect


With answer writ large

sans effort don’t expect


Coming on to very edge

wonder if be able to fly


All efforts withstanding

but own beliefs I’ll  rely

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