The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love Wins

Love Is you

Love quenches all

Love never falters

Love is for all reason

Love heals forever 

Love changes us

Not to have love is death 

Is to grow old young

Is a waste 

Is a wasteland 

Is no point

But love is you

So I live

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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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Old As Love II

you have to watch it in here

old blokes get up to all sorts

seem to lose inhibitions and

indulge in odd water sports


dicks emerge like clockwork

just like they're past caring

pyjamas are a good excuse

for opening up and sharing


doesn't shock me anymore

hang there minute and limp

yet one or two can still do it

Patrick's a potent old pimp


its massiv...

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care homeolddickspillsvisordad

Old As Love

strange things go through my head

my mind has been to distant places

days merge blindly into each other

lately I've lost a memory for faces


just how long have I been in here?

unlike my head my cock still works

wild fears roam like buffalo and yet

in my pants an untamed tiger lurks


the matron omits to cater for that

they seem past it most of my peers

yet my r...

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oldlovesocial caredementiacockoral sex

Neoblastic Rituals

Neoblastic Rituals

We gather high upon the hill

To do our ritual and spells

It’s dark up here with a breeze

Just like it was five thousand years ago

Our ancestors met up here

And did what we did here

One long connected circle line

We add to that each year

The veil thins and we chant songs

Their words have meaning

Carefully put together for this act

Reaching out ...

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The Lantern

Your heart sags wrinkled now

Old and grey before its time

Ravages shown in bandy legs

A heavy toll of frost and rime


Tarry not till your heart is old

Make hay afore night descends

Time rips fast and none knows

When life sinks low and ends


Once your heart was fanciful

Joys were the order of the day

Now its an armchair and pills

Listening to what doctors sa...

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hooded figureoldsinsthe lanterntimewrinkled heart

City Lights

City lights,


Half-hearted smiles 

And ugly cries.


Bustling roads,

Narrow and broad;

Abundant with shops and bars,

And people- their bodies, minds and souls scarred.


Edifices tall and sturdy.

Trapped in it are people content and happy;

And those walking on thorns, barbed and merciless;

And those breathing but lifeless.


The city is a plac...

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Geezer's Lament

I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair. *
She’s so sweet and loving.

I’m good looking for a man of my age,
with handsome gray hair – what there is of it – 
that girls like to pat like they pat a pet dog.
I can’t wag my tail like a dog, 
but I can flash a sweet smile.

My wrinkles portray character 
and the wisdom that comes with age.
Skin cancers between wrinkles 
betray my time ...

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My Old Sweetheart

Many years ago I met a lovely girl. 
She was fun to talk with about most anything
We walked through woods 
and climbed some hills together, 
She made lunch for picnics that we shared.

We walked on beaches, felt the crunch 
of wet sand underfoot,  
listened to seagulls and ocean waves, 
and felt the caress of sea breezes.
We gathered shells with no place to keep them.

We were caught i...

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My father's gift

I remember hearing my father's voice

      from beyond the grave.

      No dream—a single, scratchy vinyl

      had captured his characteristic

      lilting, homiletic style,

      that seemed,

       in and of itself,

       to be the message—

       no surprises there,

       nor flights,

       yet a resonance

       that touched

       and stays with me


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Player Piano

Player piano in the empty funeral parlor foyer cranks

out old standards with a Dixieland flourish. The old

wooden cross. How great thou art. Take my hand precious

Lord. No one hears it. No one is here to discuss pre-planning.


No one peruses coffins for his aunt who has been sick so long

the family forgot she would die. No one is scooped out

by grief at the accidental death o...

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old soul

old soul

good you understand 

not many do 

some are judgemental

yes its possible 

to have too much 

of a good thing

living on a mountain than hikes

we are all old souls

some just dont realize

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On The Border

After a pause due to computer woes, I return to the airwaves with this offering. Its predominant theme appears to be the fear of change which, for me at least, is pervasive.


On The Border

The sky's dissolved in enveloping greys,

close as blankets, cold like hotel sheets;

looking over your shoulder as dawn raises day -

you test the gloaming's disdain for lamp-lit streets.



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What on your mind? (Smoke Signals) (October '17)

What’s on your mind?
Who really wants to know?
A world filled with love
yet blind and ignorant of it
stuck in a cloud, observant
only once in a while truly touching
rarely feeling but always loving
she cries
does not know why
she figures
she might as well fill this world with smoke
then maybe this world won’t be so bad
what would you do if you saw
smoke signals from a rain cloud 

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Sex Overlooking The Sunset

It was surprising that after work, on Thursday,

she wanted to meet and share her bed with a man, again.

Maybe men, even, she thought, suddenly indecisive and guilty,

but for society, men, peers, their judgment, their pursed lips and nods of disapproval.

Now that she was almost home, her fireplace and Scotch seemed dearer, as usual;

the icy blanket of her acceptance of undesired celi...

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ageoldsocietyprejudicebiasdivorcesexlovelonelinessnightalienationlifesunsetsexualityintimacylibidomaking loveshamefamily

The Creepy Old House














In a creepy old house I

found a creepy old doll.

I bent to pick it up

and boy did I have a fall.


I stood up had a lump

on my head, but

otherwise alright.

I looked out the window,

day had turned to night.


I looked and looked but

did not find the doll.

I turned to leave and there

it was han...

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I was young

I was young .. A simple statement that is the answer to many questions I am presented with 


Why did you get drunk, and throw up in the hall way? 

Why did you leave school, and truant all day? 

How did you get pregnant, at just seventeen? 

Why did you marry him, given what you had seen? 

Doesn't it feel silly, divorcing already? 

You're only 21, doesn't your life seem so craz...

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Fucked Up Lines

I drew something today.

First glance;

it's intricate,

it's how I feel,

it's me.


Second glance;

it all shifted.

It's uneven,

it's distasteful,

it's just a pile of fucked up lines.


I analyzed this thought and realized that it accurately describes my whole life.

Everything I do,

everything I say,

is what I think fits.

What I think is right.

When ...

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Old Abandoned House

I caught you peeking through the window,

Of this old abandoned house,

Finely crafted from the dreams I left behind.

I stopped you dead in your tracks,

The tracks I once wandered when I discovered this realm.

How did you find me through this smoke?

It was much to blinding for me.


You took my hand and walked away,

Only pulling half of me with you.

If just for a moment...

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Young and wrinkly

Young and wrinkly


You are not getting old

But numerically you've advanced

No, you're not getting old

You're just chronologically enhanced.


You are not growing up

But of this much I am sure

To avoid growing up

We must become more immature.


We must dance until our joints creak

And sing until we can't speak,

Laugh until our lungs ache

And love until ...

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Birthdayageyouthyoungwrinklyoldgrowing older


This old love seems new, I'd be lying if I said I knew, That it would all be different, From what separated us so long ago, So I go blind with all the sight in the world, Yet one more insight into her world and I am booked, Booking her for all the time I don't have, Falling Oh so quick, all I can do is wish, She sees me like I do her, Soulmate traveled a stray leaving lives in a f...

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Help me - help me please

The old lady shouted "Help me, please help me"

Sitting in her chair she was

wrapped in multicoloured shawl

refusing to elaborate


She couldn't see and couldn't hear

Refused to have her hearing help

Continued shouting "Help me help me"

"Won't somebody help me please"


Yet every time I tried to help her

Shouts vociferous and rude

Decrying all that...

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In less than an hour it will be 1997.

In this short time do you remember?

Do you shrug off the past to make way for the future

or do you hold on to the dying year

seeing every minute disappear before your eyes?

On this, the last day we have been covered by snow

and frozen by the cold as the old God Cronus turns

his hour glass over for ano...

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The musty smell of the old pub fills the air.
It reminds me of an old house –
how many people have lived, loved and laughed?
It reminds me of an old bus –
how many people have journeyed,
have missed deadlines through
delays, have dreamed.
All that is old, all that is mustiness.

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Thousands of years ago there stood a huge prosperous city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Sea level was lower then and the ocean was smaller and less deep. Over the years the sea level rose, covering and drowning this magnificent place.

Many people tried to stay to ride out the storm but the flood of water became deeper and deeper until it was ...

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cityoceansea level changeold





We drive past a cottage in the country

with its quaint decorative bricks

coloured and weathered by age.

The east wall overlooks an overgrown field

with three huge windows hung with old curtains

hiding a burning oil lamp.

This small cottage is two centuries old

and everyone has lived here

from old Victorian families to a modern eighties wri...

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An alabaster ceiling rose is ever so delicate,

a round swirling pattern that is a joy to look at.

It used to be white but now it’s all yellow

with centuries of grime and age old smoke.

People stop and wonder what went on under

the hanging lights, what was said, who loved

who and who dared to dance close.

Today the huge dance hall is empty


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ceiling roseoldhistorydancehall

Last stop before paradise.

Last stop before paradise.                                                                              


An April rain has streaked the windows, smudging the view of suburban streets.

The chill breeze bends the spring’s first flowers and the TV’s showing old repeats.

In the lounge of The Willows nursing home the care assistants are serving teas.

After the adverts comes the snooker and ever...

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