mourning (Remove filter)
Scarborough Sleeps
Scarborough Sleeps
Distant church bells probe fretted air, where
Roof top gulls roost, wrapped in feathery cloaks.
Shivering clouds sob mournfully about everyone’s panes, and a
Hibernating town huddles under a grey blanket.
Shuttered shop fronts rattle their complaints,
Shared only by a spiteful wind that patrols dark doorways.
Customers long departed to foreign part...
Sunday 5th January 2025 3:06 pm
ashes from your urn
Ashen grey is the house of remembering.
Before each portal opens,
your faceless bard swoons.
He strikes a drum of bone and brittle whispers;
With cracked powd’ry fingers,
he inscribes your name in dust.
He etches it longer than it ever was,
the curves of your urn.
You gather there your ashes and nourish my soul.
Sunday 24th November 2024 7:26 am
Archeology of Understanding
In the quiet aftermath, the word "quit" echoes,
A heavy silence in the corridors of memory.
A single word, a door to myriad pathways,
Each avenue intertwining, meandering through the fog.
Clues lie hidden in the shadows cast by our verses,
Fleeting glimpses of understanding,
Yet certainty eludes us, at every turn it seems:
Answers remain just out of reach.
...Tuesday 19th November 2024 10:45 am
Bold & Silent
I turned the volume down so I could hear you.
Everything is still too loud.
Too many voices, and not the one I needed to hear.
I want to hear.
Mourning that lasted for nine hundred sixty four days.
Salty tears soaked waterlogged greenery.
Droopy head. Droopy leaves.
Pruning a root bound plant
Acclamation felt like dormancy
Dormancy was intense
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 2:31 am
On Death, Grief, and the Fragility of Life
On Death, Grief, and the Fragility of Life
Even before the moment of birth
We are surrounded by death
Before entering the world and leaving the warmth of the womb
Our first home
Even as we first begin to develop and grow our cells die and are replaced
Death is just one of many inescapable truths
But there is no need to distress oneself
Fret not for awareness of deat...
Monday 31st October 2022 6:31 pm
They say time fills the void that grief brings
That life becomes easier and we are supposed to feel comfort in knowing that the emptiness and the pain weaken their grips around our throats
How happy we should be to allow these to pass
But I would rather the emptiness fill me like a garden hose in an Olympic pool and the pain dull like an open break sealed with bandaids
And when the...
Wednesday 25th May 2022 12:10 am
We sat in silence
in Room 1220,
the bustling of the nurses feet
and the machines
around us filled the space.
beep, beep, beep.
On other sides of the room
as we awaited
your final return.
The hope from his mother
filled the air,
his life flashing before her eyes,
and all she wanted for his future,
her bright, shining boy.
I wish I could have
Tuesday 1st March 2022 11:08 pm
I remember the lines
of your face.
the wrinkles around
your eyes
when you smiled.
the curves that
framed your
cheeks and lips
as you bared
your teeth in
a cackle or two.
your cheeks bounced
with a slight poke
to your warm,
oily skin.
your lips chapped
on the bottom left
from you constantly
biting throughout the day.
your forehead,
red a...
Tuesday 1st March 2022 5:26 pm
it went by so fast that i couldn't keep up
An empty room
Filled with bodies
Voices of different
Tones and pitches
And volumes.
Stifled cries
In the corners,
Whispered sentiments by the photos,
Muffled screams
From his mother
In the chair
To the giggles that
Came from
The pew of the casket
Where I laughed
With friends
As we reminisced
Of the days that
Were simpler.
Hands a...
Tuesday 1st March 2022 5:25 pm
Memories In The Now
Your smile, your laughter was the light during the nighttime
Your touch, The way your fingers would caress my soul
Your voice , like soft melodies playing in my mind
Your time, if you had to say, it was well spent
Your life, was a gift; a small brown box draped in red ribbon
our memories are embedded in my heart
I can feel it as if it were now.
In memory of Chris...
Wednesday 11th November 2020 1:58 pm
To The Saint Of Lost Causes
To The Saint Of Lost Causes
Melancholy Monday
Brown sugar blues
In the same vein
As your father
But you never made it
Across the river
To the other side
When you combine
The names of flawed giants
Who have fallen by the wayside
More than once
There is a grim
You leave us
Those sweet moments
From the Tennessee sun
To ...
Tuesday 25th August 2020 2:36 pm
The Land
Sitting to the east
Sloping down to the edge
Of that other world
In the summer sun
In the winter chill
The sentinel watched over
The little family in the cottage in the hollow
Lately it had felt her sorrow
It knew when she left Pant y Lleiniau
And walked slowly along the cart track
To reach the little bridge under the trees
Where she crossed Nant yr Efail ...
Wednesday 10th July 2019 5:20 pm
If I handed you,
one hundred balloons,
you would drop each one,
and float to the moons.
If I blew some bubbles
and watched as they float
you’d soar far above
and here I quote,
“If all the world,
was spinning round,
like a red balloon,
way up in the clouds,
you’d anchor me,
back down”
Well we went and we were,
two ball...
Wednesday 7th February 2018 9:06 pm
Kohl By : Mirza Sharafat
night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief
where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to
I beckoned, red and bla...
Monday 28th August 2017 12:26 pm
Immortal Soliloquy
They say that the worst kind of grieving
is when the lost antagonist is still alive,
whether sudden as a spring swallow’s dive
or a slow wintered bewilderment in the leaving.
Buried, burnt or butchered cruelly out of heart
that did endure with vexation and veneration,
fear of being alone or guilt of being causation
of their final yield to the wind that blows love apart.
Sunday 1st May 2016 5:19 pm
She, Mourning
She pressed her hand against the marble, felt its words,
Ran her weathered finger through the crafted names.
Many faces that had long since adventured,
Left for others lingering to bear the pain.
The autumn sun caressed its face and warmed the stone,
She drew it through her skin and let it stay a while.
Her silver head was bowed, her company her own,
To spend a few more moments...
Monday 2nd September 2013 11:43 pm
On Taking the Early Train
A farewell to two poets that have only just passed on: Sandra Fowler and Sonya Florentino. R.I.P., dear friends.
Yes, I will try to be brave
just like you'd want me to be;
here I am waiting on shared memory:
Dear old friend, where might you be?
And where is it that we have arrived:
now we're quickly fading into oft-turned pag...
Thursday 29th November 2012 1:35 pm
He Didn't Care Too
On the day of her
death he didn't cry.
Everyone said,
"He doesn't care!"
On the day they
laid her to rest
he didn't cry.
Everyone said
"He never loved her!"
On the one month
anniversary of her
death he was
found lying next
to her grave.
An empty bottle of
Friday 23rd December 2011 6:08 pm
That mourning I went to the woods,
misrepresented by madness.
Life chastened, clouds crept on whilst I cried up on my cross.
I picked obscure rose petals and placed them in abandoned jam jars.
I trampled on my spirit, a quiet cost.
I found an inner peace, like a pardon.
A new diadem excavated encircled my loss.
I danced on wet grass with God, crown festo...
Tuesday 11th October 2011 10:56 am
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