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balloons (Remove filter)

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Yesterday I was a helium filled balloon all sassy and metallic..outstanding

Full bright and shiny

High but grounded

Celebrating life

Then out of nowhere to my dispare

Deflated as I was popped with a sharp pin

Now just a empty lifeless saggy bag

Thanks for that

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If I handed you,

one hundred balloons,

you would drop each one,

and float to the moons.


If I blew some bubbles

and watched as they float

you’d soar far above

and here I quote,


“If all the world,

was spinning round,

like a red balloon,

way up in the clouds,

you’d anchor me,

back down”


Well we went and we were,

two ball...

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balloonsbest friendsdeathlossmourningmourning losssadsisterssuicide

Balloons in the tree

Pass me the toys I'll play with you

lets load the riffle let the bullet go loose!

Who's gonna shoot the balloons in the tree?

Who's gonna pull the knives out of me?


Your little sister now owns your touch

cook for the robots 'cause they fought for us

we'll never let the kite go fly free

we never ever will let you leave


So you've really got it going


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