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sorcery (Remove filter)

I feel awkward without coffee

 I feel awkward without coffee

like chasing pert sylvans round Helicon's hills

constant under Urania's dissapproving eye.


Makes one want to get deep into the wood with goat footed pan

erection flailing wild for Bacchus rites.


Or better yet to smash skulls for the ruby juice 

thick Teutonic forest leaning close.











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Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love

Devil could not be God

If willing
Their belief
On almighty
To relinquish
And  from
Their soul
For lucifer
A special dish,
For a while,
Devil will not be
Unwilling to grant
Sorcery and occultism
Blindfolded fools
The financial bonanza
They gluttonously wish
Or an earthly pleasure
They die to relish.

But at the height of
Their self contentment,
With a stab on the back
With a sharp knife

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