The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Your love is my favourite brand of intimacy.

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I Smile In The Face Of Death

As I wake up flat on my back

in an unfamiliar bed,

surrounded by hazy faces

and teary eyes,

and wobbly smiles,

I find that I cannot

for the life of me

remember who and why

they are here for this old guy.


A figure clad in black, too,

stands right there at the door.

I don't know why they won't come in

or why they're being ignored.

Perhaps, I think,


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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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The Perfect Fit

The sun doesn't know that I'm different
The sun doesn't notice I'm here
The air doesn't know that I'm special
The air doesn't care that I'm there
The moon glows on me just the same
The moon doesn't care who I am
And time has never stopped for anyone
Since time began.

No, my dust won't be any different
Than dust has ever been
My bones won't seem more magnificent
Than bones have ever se...

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meditationequalityself esteemcomfortperspective

Real Room

I miss the way you make brews too weak,
Served up with endless biscuits,
I miss the way the room goes quiet,
When we howl with childish laughter,

I miss stealing words,
Between cries of our children,
Time standing still,
As we ramble through weeks again,
I miss lifting each other up,
Plotting schemes for the future,

'Thank goodness for videocalling'
I say it, it's true,
But oh, how...

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Oh, Little Bird

Oh, little bird
When winter comes and you are gone
Chasing the sun,

When snow has fallen and the icy air
Threatens to freeze our bones,

I shall think of you
On your wild adventure
Until my heart beats as fast as your wings
And we are both warm.

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meditationconnectioncomfortpower of mind

All That Remains Is A Mere House

Tufts of dust 

Caper about my mosaic glass.

Blotches of ferric rust 

Offer me an unceremonious welcome at last.


Things I'd once befriended

Seem distant and cold.

Deaf ears to the chime of my footsteps

Tell me they've forgotten their companion of old.


I wonder when those mellifluous repartees

Turned into hollow echoes,

And the blithe breeze 

Into a stiflin...

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Above The Light Of The Morning Star

Above The Light Of The Morning Star


Pity the dark eyed man who chases sleep.

Yet, pity more, the man who finds that realm

and dances with his friends, long gone,

then wakes to find such loneliness in his heart.


A father’s hand laid gently on his shoulder

or a mothers kiss to say farewell on leaving.

These are the magic lanterns

of the ghosts that are their ghosts.


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dreamsthe deadlossspiritualitysleepghostscomfort

Becoming a ghost

There's this song I always come back to,
It reminds me of the day I first met you.
No other words mean as much to me as the lyrics that were sang in the song,
it's a constant reminder of how we held on for so long.
You might've been just a ghost but you knew what flesh felt like,
you knew what a hug meant and how to treat someone in the cold night.
You were no stranger to love and comfort,

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i am alone, and as i drown they mock my pain
they drop stones in my satchel
they slash my open wounds to watch me bleed
they throw knives at my face hoping i'll break

and yet i dont
i smile and i move through life and sometimes i cry but yet i dont
i sit home (alone) and scream but my voice echoes
my voice seeps through the cracks in the window and through the empty halls
and once again ...

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My greatest decision was to give my heart to nobody, but it resulted in an amazing loneliness. I created a safe haven. A comfortable place in my head, where words couldn't reach and prying eyes could never see. But with the gain of comfort, there came a sudden, unexpected loss of understanding.

       I began to look for answers in places I had never dreamed existed, places that only exist in t...

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The man who would never surrender

Look over there,

Sat in that comfy reclining chair,

Is a man so wise and strong,

With so much knowledge which was seldom wrong.

The way his eyes would sparkle when he laughed,

And his cheesy smile on all his photographs.


His daytime nap making a little snore,

Is he really asleep? I think as I open the door.

He was such a good old joker,

Yet kept a face as straight a...

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Crime of Comfort


It's morning again
                                   I'm trapped in.

Out of bed
                       into the same lie I roll.

I have no alibi
                            committing the sin

of deep-diving
                             this "cozy" 9-to-5.

"Take a ri...

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each night I sleep

entwined in the comfortable branches

of a mossy oak

by day I play

among the lissom saplings

and wonder

how far I might still bend

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Blip Blip

Is is safe to surface now?

is it safe to come out?

from under the radar??


Is it safe to surface now?

Is  it safe to come out?

into  the light??


is it safe?

To tell the truth........



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warnuclear wintersafetyversecomfortlovefreedom

The Lavender Path

The Lavender Path


Somewhere, nowhere, between the press of sheets and ventilator’s suck and hush, his hourglass drips. The moving mountains mark his time, his pulse, his pressure, as he slips and slides through crusts of consciousness. These walls can barely hold him now; what’s left could smudge and melt away through every crack, but for the weight of years ��" the slack tide of a fading past...

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