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12 hours ago


what happened to my dreams of flying?

there's no denying they were real enough.

In that sleeping realm

I passed the elm

and valley bound on wingless flight

my silence buoyed me up

to look down on the buttercup,

and as I willed it

landed with a maiden sigh

as levitating

the world passed by.


Of late my dreams go plodding on

no more magic to thrill my soul -


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Also by ray pool:




Go back to sleep honey

No need for those tears

Daddy will make certain

To cast away your fears

You see

There’s no such thing as monsters

No ghosts to terrorise

So lie back down and try to sleep

Just close those pretty eyes

You see

If we can chop up mummy

And hide her in the shed

I’m sure that we can deal

With the thing under the bed

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Also by Stuart Buck:

Spice | emma #2 | emma | brine | cartography | 11 | sherlock | sandy | OH IMPERIOUS MAMMON | discharge | noir | needle flight blindness | syrup | autumnal haiku | car wreck(ing ball) | blast off | marmalade | Neruda | Poetry and Mental Health | the split | for want of a red wheelbarrow | spaghetti junction (rewrite) | porcelain | Psalm 1 | Britain First | Cryptic Crossword 26696 | Junk | garibaldi | Fed | Luke 10:25 |

halloween poem

Remember Me

On this


You will





At my





And it’s




Fine and


On my



No thanks

I don’t

Want to see



Gosh do you

Still Wear


Not interested

Unless it

Concerns me?




Were we?

Oh yes

We were




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Haiku Inspired By Bob Ross











Whisper of mountain
Floating across the abyss
Happy accident

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Also by Shirley Smothers:

Wake up Midas | The Price |


All the pretence of innocence
The rules that one invents
Laws that must be seen to be
Beyond the reach of devilry

Those in power can circumvent
As they like, with full intent
Legal eagles can but try
To keep your vision from the lie

All in all I wonder when
We truly will have freedom again
Twisted knots of red tape can
Imprison every once free man

Number six once held the key

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Also by Dave Dunn:

The Ghost That Flitters |

crimeinjusticelawprisonerred tape

The shape of the pine table

Nostrils saviour the smell of pine

turn, cut, smoothen out

craft of a hand steady

skill is detail

a bowl




collecting dust

thirty years a tree

thirty years for me

rotten sweet fruit

mouldy apple

soft plum


return to wood

senses are mine

the faint smell of pine

polish with antique wax

put it on the big brown tab...

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Also by PatricioLG:

Have you ever? | Innocent smiles | The Poet | The Sculptor | Trials and tribulations of a narcissist | Death of a butterfly | Walks with me | A chancing exchange | Howling at the moon | Machines that go to war | The Carpenters Arms |

Uber Alles.


Once proud Deutschland had lost all it`s bloom,
Bound for an old-aged tomb,
When along the thin lanes
Just like blood along veins
Transfused piles of young willys and wombs.

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Also by Harry O`N eill:

Resisting a beginning | High rise city centre fairy tale | After the consultation | Bon Voyage |

Always Down The Front

There’s always one isn’t there
Slopping beer all over his shoes
He’s jostling for position
Hand secure upon the barrier
But his shoulders aren’t quite through
Because a fangirl, already half cut
Is hogging space for two
Arms are sleeves of coloured ink
Hair is blonde and striped in pink
Boobs are large and cupped in lace…
He might try conversation
“I love your tats; the skull, the eagle

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Also by Anna Ghislena:

The Cucumber Plot | The Launch |


Humans path

The world arround left me shattered into pieces
The human is a cruel species
Keeping things up until they break down on you
If you wanna enter heaven take your place in the queue
Pick up whats left from this broken world
No reason to stay on the ground,curled
You have the choice, heaven or hell
Take the path of the sins, you'll see that you'll do well
The queue here moves much faster


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Also by fries luca:

Fall | Asleep in the concious body | A water drop in the ocean | A german Kiss | How we feel | Red Satin |

The pitifulness of the pityful

In a bustling  open market
Before sunset
In buyers
And sellers heart
Seeking  a place
An emaciated old beggar
With a weather-worn face
Was pitifully collecting alms
Putting on tattered clothes.

Soon in a tear-jerking
And heart-wrenching manner
A poor blind boy
Playing a flute
Singing a song strong
Titillating everyone's heart
Invoked sympathy with art
"It was
On a cursed morn

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

An ape's bald butts | I can't help to ask | An overriding national feeling | Like a cigarette | To hide a bloodstined hand | What shall I be ? |


Bring our stories to a close

In disbelief, he bears this burden,
Thinking all is well.
The weight came crashing down on him
So hard he almost fell.

With a heart and mind so weak, he cried,
"What have I left to do?"
Answers sought for many years,
Right here inside of you.

He broke down, hurt and feeling lost,
He could not let that go.
The pain he's held for all this time,
The world would never know.

And so he...

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Also by Eric Berard:

Sometimes I stop and think to myself | Before you fall apart. | You can keep my Heart, just go. | Be as water flows | Giving light to those who need a brighter day. | He'd never lose his faith in them |


Hollow screams in hollow dreams,

of hollow mind and soul.

hollow gasps and hollow sighs,

in hollow eyes lined with Kohl.

hollow days turn into hollow nights,

hollow pleas trying to put up a fight.

hollow talks and silences,

by the hollow candle flame.

hollow vows and promises,

and this hollow game of blame.

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All of our Fathers are dead



You've drunk too much,

don't have another.

You smoke too much,

don't swear at your Mother.

For a hand he raised a glass instead,

now all of our Fathers are dead.


Shave with the grain,

puff your cheeks out like this.

Don't ask what that machine is 

When we go for a piss

For a hand he raised his voice instead

Now all of our Fathers are dead



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The Bravest Of The Brave

Our service men and women , the bravest of the brave . They thought about all others , they hope the world will change . There commitment dedication , there regret there is none . There sacrifice for others ,  to them they come as one . They carry on fighting , with there heads held high . With commitment only one regret , people have to die  . With these people who are committed , there bravery s...

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Also by Wendy Higson:

No Means No | Be Loved |

Writers Block -- 07/2015

Needing inspiration

Having none

Words not coming

All dried up

And numb

Give me a taste

Just a nibble

Please a crumb!

Needing inspiration

But alas I have none

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Also by Amanda:

Daydreams -- 07/2015 | Crush -- 07/2015 | Here... | Go Away | Waking Up | Guarded Walls | Untold Truth | Work Day | My Inspiration: My Daughter | As I Continue |


Fucking Poetry


Well who knows what it is


It seems to me

It isn't merely making a statement 

And then retreating


I mean thats just lighting a firework

Isn't it?


Any way if I am wrong

The greatest line ever written

Must be


Fuck Off!


Which is not at all poetic




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Poetry jokes

A Clever Man

(For 'man' please understand 'person' which does not scan well.)


The most unclever thing

A clever man can do

Is to think himself 

More clever than another man.

But it defies even the concept of 'clever'

To broadcast it.



 rolling some thoughts around yesterday 

while hanging out clothes

thinking of many things

as my fingers clipped pegs



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Also by Cynthia Buell Thomas:

The Argument | In the stillness of |



The scandal of FIFA has just become deeper

We knew that Sepp’s hands were not clean

Now Sepp has confided he’d already decided

The World Cup of 2018.


We knew FIFA’s funding could not have been slushier

As bent as the old nine-bob note

Cos Blatter’s decision to give it to Russia

Was taken before members’ vote.


Old Sepp’s not yet gone

And his tenure passed o...

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Also by John Coopey:


The Ghost of Mayfield Station



Calling out the same name
Over and over
The sound varies constantly
Before cutting out
Like a chewed up tape

Echoing with a sadness
Bordering on the verge
Of a panic
Almost like they are
Pleading for forgiveness

In a broken sadness
Skipping through
All kinds of turmoil
Of a love clearly died

Left on the platform
No matter
Whether cold or warm


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Also by Andy N:

Late night bus from Bolton |

Naomi Hefter - Treatment.

A brain that’s been tapped and tinkered is suddenly transformed.

A soul that’s been prodded and pulled is carefully put back in its place.

Thoughts have been dusted and polished and put away in their boxes.

A gut that been untangled, unknotted, instead now tied in a bow.


Then the cogs in the wheel turn again.


A scar to the brain has split.

The crack in its box is on dis...

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Waiting on a locksmith

brittle 'no' like a teather,

riotous blood and dead weather, 

steam and cog alike in Congress,

emulations of embrace, flipped sideways,

handshakes of covered mouths and scared, streaking mascara: 

dyed sensuous, brimming with ruin and ruse.

regret: 'baby won't you be my muse?' 


cold, deep as dark

spreading, sprawling climax

in a wardrobe of betrayed memories


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Also by Zach Dafoe:

facebook feverbrush (10/25/2015) -- found | Sick's Last Entry (10/21/2015) | to drown (10/10/2015) | waxwood prayer (10/04/2015) | heather (10/04/2015) | sequels to helena (10/04/2015) |

im sorry

The Drum

The Drum


     Where do they go to,

When silence deafens,

     Do the multitudes swallow them

As if, like us, we are all,

Zombies of a decaying paradise?


     To see him sit there silent,

Makes notions of absurdity,

And yet, many adorn tiring attire -

And dust and,

     It is African,

Not meant for sand to gather

But be polished from its form

And tha...

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Also by Noetic-fret!:

Soon Be Free Old Man | A Pint of Bitter, A Pint of Mixed, And Some Change for the Pool Machine Please! | An Evolution of Attitude |

Beware! The Man Who Holds The Monkey's Paw

Beware! The Man Who Holds The Monkey’s Paw


The wolf is at the door,

dragging your hungry children

across the cobbles of Victorian conditions,

their ribs rat-a-tat-tatting

like a wooden washboard.

In the clinging northern mist

ghosts drift across the streets

before settling into doorways

where no one sees them.


A creature lurches into view,

its frame a mas...

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

We Are The Dead | Don't Pay The Poets |

anti-austeritygeorge osbornelords revolt

Dominant Scrawling


Clog clog clogging up, dominant scrawling,

tongues foreshortened every morning;

careless fingers play with qwerty,

shirking beauty, empty

endless asphalt roads to                                                         


wag wag wagging tales of water;

heartsink warning, minds in mourning,

words unversed in seventeen lines;

crumbled poesy, boundless

flimsy strin...

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Also by Laura Taylor:

Budgetary Democide |


It was January

She let the freezing ocean cover her naked spirit

Its bottomless darkness could potentially kill her

Still she knew that it was only by facing death

that she would discover life.


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Goodbye, you flame haired colleen,

Pure gold on the silver screen

From those marvellous days

Of the long-ago haze

In those old picture houses we've been.


Beauty and fire combined,

A brave spirit unconfined.

Your favoured film swain

Was always "Duke" Wayne,

And no fan (or man) seemed to mind.


God bless for the memories, Maureen,

And the hours of pleasure w...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


Fancy That!

Fancy That!

'Sue fancies Bill.
Bill fancies Tim.
Tim fancies Jane.
Jane fancies Jim.

Jim fancies Kate.
Kate fancies Anne.
Anne fancies Pete,
and Pete fancies Sam.

Sam fancies Rob,
but who fancies you?'
'Mum, I don't care,
while I'm having a poo!'

Would you like the chance to win a £10 Amazon Gift Voucher?If so, then enter an original short funny poem of 12 lines or less by mid...

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Also by George Stanworth:

Misled |

CompetitionFunny PoemsPoetry

Zen and the art of deletion

What does it take

To hit that index finger

Press Enter


Out of my life

But still in circuit

Stalking your profile

Social media style

I keep tabs on your likes

Your comments, your little world


As I watch you 

And watch you

And watch you

In a Zen like state of

Non caring

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My heart yearns, I know too well.
My mind races, my own little hell.
My feelings scream, writhe in turmoil.
My breath quickens, this mortal coil.

Pain for pain, and breath for breath,
Love for love, and death for death,
Take me now, I care no more
I do not love, I now abhor.

I stand forgotten, yet I still stand.
The taste for life, disgusting and bland.
I find no joy, except the knif...

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Also by R. L. Fitzpatrick:

Stop worrying |

A Song For Autumn

A Song For Autumn.


There’s a wildness abounding in Autumn,

Not found in the burgeoning spring,

The colours are richer and rounded,

The wind has a new song to sing.


It’s as though life was seeking redemption,

For the pleasures enjoyed in the past,

Coming home from the longest of journeys,

To some rest and contentment at last.


I suppose life’s reflected by s...

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It's October

It’s October

Oh it’s October!!

The edge of summer!!

Away go the scorching heat,

We can all heave a sigh of relief!!

A month of festival and carnivals,

A time to fortify the bond with our family and pals.

Dusherra, diwali and Navratri,

Are reasons to break Free from life’s monotony?

So go get your best attire,

Let us spread happiness like wild fire,

Make this season...

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Nothing but Regrets

My hands reached out, splayed and up towards the sky.

Who would have though, I would be left here to die?

I took a giant leap, and so big it was,

I was left falling to the grass.

Mud, dirt, stones, I tasted everywhere.

My dignity, pride and beauty left me bare. 

Burning with rage and anger,

I beat myself to a blunder.

It was all on me, just me, only me.

The choice I made...

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Hypothetically speaking

What if I told you

exactly how I felt inside

Spoke about emotions

I've always tried to hide

Made gestures

or simple little hints

To put your attention on a level

that it has never ever seen

Led you to my heart

without touching you physically

but speaking to you mentally

and stimulating you spiritually

How would you feel

If I expressed my deepest secrets


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Also by Dara Smith:

Show Me | The struggle | In his eyes | Shattered |


Dawn is naked and alive
pirouetting in the street outside
she is a broad grey sky, endless above

It's not rain...
just some foggy spray licking windows
a coat the building wears
a metaphor I cannot interpret
all irony is groggily lost on me
yawning with my whole body
struggling with the load of memory
I'm oiling daily

So maybe I should stay indoors
get the fire going, boil the kett...

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dawnmorningnew beginningsstarting againfirereadingbooksstoriesnew years day

Night fishing

Night fishing

It’s Saturday night and I just got paid

The lines of the song come to me

As I walk down the street

A certain swagger

A nervous demand on self

To look, to feel the part

Because I am out

In the night

Set to conquer

To overcome

To find that which seems illusive

It seems an ill conceived notion

Amongst the busy street

Of people and of colour


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Also by Martin Elder:

Superman |

Happy Birthday

As I write words on this page,

My feelings are free from their cage.

As my tears fall down my face,

All I do is count the days.


One-hundred one, One-hundred two,

These are the days when I miss you.

One-hundred three, One-hundred four,

Why can't this pain just be no more.


Today is my birthday,

Don't you see,

This is why

I need you with me.


Where ar...

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Bit of a cough

I have got a bit of a cough I say

That is why my voice is breaking

Like shattered glass

And that my tears might trickle I say

I must have forgot to mention

How it is not only my oesophagus that blisters and pinches

Followed by crackles and sizzles

And that a tsunami is likely

Yet no diagnosis

And maybe I am not ill at all

I must have neglected to mention that


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Also by Abi Thomson:

Always remember the beach | Nova | Lusting Sin | P |


l stood and stared

I stood and stared-

a long time seeking a

welcome gaze

that returned my greeting.

The World stared back

then went its way,

perhaps to lunch, perhaps

to play.

My friend the Mirror-

a listener of sorts,

in silence watched

and kept its thoughts.


Words and foto T Carroll


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Also by Tommy Carroll:

Winter's cleave | now see what you've done? | shadowed looks | ((titter)) | One hour poem |

If I Could Speak The Truth

I can't believe what you're asking whilst standing there in the dock,
For clemency, from this bench, whose justice you're trying to mock
You're standing there large as life having regaled your tale
Expecting me to grant your wish, but justice, its not for sale
You know that this can't be good, as you're handcuffed to a guard
It's easy for me with my pronouncements on a card
The sentence that...

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Every Mobile is on Silent

Every mobile is on silent

every mail unread

every touch of human kindness unsaid


every day you wait

in the bus queue

behind the door

just waiting for someone to say

“you can take no more”




Every mobile is on silent

every mail unread

every touch of human kindness is unsaid


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Also by David R Mellor:

This is a Holy Death |

a veiled curse

By the powers of fire and earth unto me.

I curse thee said nature.

I curse thee, you angered me.

Feel the fire of hell in your bones.

Feel the scream of a thousand condemned souls.

Feel the bloody battle field of world war two.

Feel it, like it were you.

Every month for days 4

You, shall feel your Blood pour

Eek your strength.

And bring you pain.

Every month for da...

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How To Be A Denier

Claim yourself to be a fount of knowledge.
Claim that every scientist's a liar.
If you've done a course at any college 
you can be a certified denier.

Gather up those inconvenient facts
and twist them like they're bendy bits of wire.
Disseminating data needs great tact
but any fool can thrive as a denier.

Lobby for a mega corporation 
to push emission targets ever higher.
Easy work, ...

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Also by Tim Ellis:

Six Degrees |

climate changeclimateclimate change deniersdenial

victims of emotion

Victims of emotion challenged by the mind
 Believing that extra light gives you power but an eclipse makes us blind
When our heart meets our mind and the dominance occurs and we surrender faster than the speed of light
A warrior recovers it's only a deep breath between the rounds of the fight
So many jewels blind their observer
 And a parallel universe we observe what a unique server
Like wa...

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My dad used to make me play

in the yard in front of the shed.

He pushed huge holes through

with a clumsy tool that broke

some of the conkers in half.

For years I thought that tool’s

primary purpose was to hole

conkers, it’s secondary purpose,

to screw screws into walls.


He used to raise my abject arm,

“Higher,” I’d tense as he aimed

and brought...

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Selected YouTube Comments from Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk, Ft. Bruno Mars

Why is it under Mark Ronson's name?

Bruno Mars sang almost the entire song.


It will be realised I am the one billionth.

It made me happy so you are wrong.

How quickly they forget....


Am I the only who heard Stalin?


I love Bruno Mars/Peter Hernandez!

(My friend's dad is cousins with Peter)


It should be Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk ft. Mark Ronson.



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He was her all black and blue

He was her every backward move


Bitten lips, sugar swollen tongues

unable to breathe, only to succumb


Wild-rose rush, indecorous release

bewildered by being hostage beneath


Afterwards, he whispers her to him:

“You are so loved,

                   you are so loved.”




© Katypoetess 2015

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Also by Katy Megan:

Dumb Destiny |

lovelove poetryerotic poetryKatypoetess

So Hot, So Cold

Lost at sea in a home away from home
Found in dreams' deepest escapes I roam
Another regret more sour than the last
I never forget the future of my past
So far below becomes boiling vat
So high above freezing faster than that
In between I shiver and sweat
Lost in dreams downriver toward death
Found at sea choking on waves as I'm trying to sing
I can't do anythi...

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Tick tock, tick tock   

Watch the fingers go round on the clock, 

Moving endlessly on, not caring. 

Time, we can 

Watch it, save it, 

Fill it, use it, 

Lose it, find it, 

Half it, double it, 

Give it, take it and even make it...... 

But time cheats us all in the end.... 

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For Michael

most of our greatest wise men are unknown

unless on the wide flat boob tube they’re shown

they can’t see through the big media mist

we know because we’re on that lucky list


writes a sonnet a day with convictions

of today’s news with ancient solutions

subtly or not included in each

they never know who’ll be the ones that teach


only our own values and what we are


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cats get in the way

Little men with little hats,

running with the bats.

over the hedge and under the fence,

dodging frustrated cats.

people call us gnomes. but thats not who we are...

were pixies born from guilded stars.

hearing mother nature call when all the leaves begin to fall.

sprinkling diamonds in woven webs on frosty mornings

when all thats green slumbers in its bed...

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