creation (Remove filter)
The history of rock
And so, in the vastness of the ether, it rises
From the primordial silence, a resonant sound
Like thunder that splits the distant skies
The voice of the Infinite is born, unbound!
No longer the void, nor the endless shadow
But the living flame, the fire burning bright
In the dawn of the cosmos, a mighty song
Where life and death in dance unite
In the womb of the earth, the first cry
Friday 29th November 2024 3:36 am
Trojan Horse
Generation X
this ease
that is,
going viral…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:46 pm
One Cell
as fast as you can.
Red shades of dismal
flowing fear
melt to the glass of sand.
in the hollow hidden dry.
Drink down the spell
of earth and hell
indifferent to the sky.
forever un-seamed.
Face down amidst
the death of sound,
black holes of melody.
to the blood of setting sun.
From spiral dreams
look down at ...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:52 pm
creativity is a creation of creativity
mankind evolve into a minute
mankind evolve into mankind
creativity evolve creativity
creation evolve into creation
creativity evolve into creation
beginning with time is beginning with creativity
a minute is a minute with creativity
time is a minute with creativity
a minute of creation is a minute of creativity
creation is mankind creation
creation is mankind creativity
creation is m...
Saturday 17th February 2024 7:16 pm
Between Mind And Eyes
How vast is the reach of the universe wide?
How great be the distance between mind and eyes?
How far in both ways does the length of time go?
What distance exists between God and each soul?
Illusive the answer to each of these be.
Perspective controls how we think, what we see,
how we judge and interpret the concepts at hand,
the things we consider and just where we stand...
Sunday 11th February 2024 1:55 am
non-binary albinism
is there everlasting light
on the other side
an embryo,
being made to walk on eggshells,
sweet soft fair skinned child,
drug wars over peace and love,
darker days…
I’m only making change,
to be sent back home.
The Great Depression
yes I’m feeling fine
ups and downs, on cloud nine
technicolor dandelions
seen through a screen door,
I was told no...
Saturday 16th December 2023 4:56 pm
I Love Your Allure
I would never question your narrative— as it be, figuratively.
Cheers to another year: it’s ever clear — our glasses never get drunk.
(for all intents and purposes) spirited twin flames pour out libations to a personal god
No half truths with you.
I idolize your third eyes outlook on life...
Our inner visions - seen to fruition - showcase infinite possibilities
Granted we share the same ...
Tuesday 15th February 2022 4:02 am
Entering into today’s day and age, we take turns turning the page.
Let us begin,
as were taken back to a time— lined with the new heights of always measuring up to ones expectations.
Ascendant signs are all "GO".
birthmarks placed on the face of the earth; add attachment to the earthly plane, and embody rebirth.
the fabric of the universe tucks us away—as our materialization is made—from a ...
Friday 16th April 2021 7:22 am
I had a book all full of spells
Where childhood magic
Weaved its way
Between the yellowed pages
Where dragon’s breath
Set woodland glades alight
And lost children danced
With the frightened and the fey
The teeth of angry wolves
Chewed at the edges
Whilst chattering little demons
Clawed along your spine
Strange apples fell from wizene...
Friday 8th May 2020 2:40 pm
It was a special speech:
...a part of the distinguished lecture series.
The Chemistry professor spoke on alternative corridors for a reaction to occur.
He exemplified how Manganese dioxide, when added to Hydrogen peroxide, yields water... ...hydrogen oxide.
The talk seemed insipid till he skillfully indicated
that Manganese dioxide remains untied with the reaction and can be recovered s...
Saturday 4th January 2020 4:20 am
Garden Greed
The rose recognizes the beauty of the sunflower, all the while self-assured in her own. She does not envy the golden beauty for her appeal to you
She knows better - she has guarded her stem from the likes of your fingers and the fingers of those before you, and the ones that will come after
She knows that while you, selfishly and ignorantly, believe the garden to be created for you...
Saturday 14th December 2019 2:59 pm
Tranquility in your presents
doves pecking as our kiss is tending
lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.
clouds draw me close for a better look
fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee
telling my lover she is the best mother to be
She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...
Thursday 15th August 2019 2:35 am
And There Was
Let there be water.
Let it be called pond.
Let trunk and branch and leaf arise around it,
Walling the sky’s mirror against too much.
Let small plump birds paddle its silk surface,
Their calls echoing ancient creation.
Let stiff winged things fly and dart about
Above stiff legged things that skim
A criss cross the water’s top.
And let beneath flash silver through...
Saturday 20th July 2019 3:56 pm
suffering, creation, nirvana, prayer
TinCap’s log. Stardate: nowish.
pen dinging
Energy from a big bang churned in a sun for billions of years & several seconds ago launched earthward at the speed of light & deflected off stuff & hit my optic nerve which sent chemical-electrical signals into my neural network generating my experience of seeing an apple hanging on a tree.
Other energy - x-rays, infare...
Sunday 7th July 2019 9:08 pm
Inspiration figée
Poupée de glace modelée par les regards
Figurine de lumière
Mais carcan de toile
Fuite impossible
Grâce piégée dans la création.
Thursday 27th June 2019 7:46 pm
You are a creator.
I am a creator.
I created you
and you created me.
Together we create
our destiny.
Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.
Will we hide behind fear and doubt
or flesh our gifts out.
It is up to you.
It is up to me.
To be all we created
ourselves to be.
Monday 25th March 2019 3:08 pm
Cosmology 101
Chaos seems the wrong first word:
no light
no sound
no time
and nothing moving e'er occurred
Chaos speaks to me of chance:
a move
a crash
a force
that happen in time's dance
So before chaos, ah, but stop -
no before
(no time)
so just
stasis as creation's dark backdrop
Some cosmic joggle, as if perhaps
god sneezed:
atoms move
and ...
Monday 18th March 2019 10:57 am
See, hear, my little one.
Your senses tuning finely to Earth’s
Undulating, rhythmic waves of ageless,
Age-old lifeforce
Pulsing lifeless forms to life.
Measured heartbeats drumming out
Life’s message
Through the ether, ever nearer
Farther than the furthest orb
Twinkling its cyclic orbit
Ever onwards
Through the ebony-black, empty-black
Forcing: nothing;...
Monday 25th January 2016 1:25 pm
On the Nature of Inspiration III
At a workspace in the reading room
Sits the youth engrossed in writing
In peripheral of mind and space
Onlook gravely the collected works
And weight of human history
Unrestrained by abstruse semiotic
Advances the uninducted
Through warnings of unheeded cipher
To pastures rarely trodden by
Adherents to the doctrine
Unheeding of imposing presence
Uninhibited by its stricture
The wo...
Monday 14th September 2015 11:48 pm
Tuesday 24th June 2014 7:27 am
She, born of the forge and cast from the pyre,
The fire of her birth soon vanished to iron,
Cold and lifeless, but still with a purpose
And then, from the worthless womb of coals
She falls.
Her sisters, countless in their tumble
Collide and stumble to the four corners
Of the earth. Rapidly consumed
Exhumed for a thousand years
Or perhaps two…
Here she, in the wood of ...
Wednesday 9th October 2013 3:09 pm
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