
It was a special speech:
...a part of the distinguished lecture series.

The Chemistry professor spoke on alternative corridors for a reaction to occur.

He exemplified how Manganese dioxide, when added to Hydrogen peroxide, yields water... ...hydrogen oxide.

The talk seemed insipid till he skillfully indicated
that Manganese dioxide remains untied with the reaction and can be recovered so as to be used in perpetuum.

It is only
a catalytic.


Now, late after supper, I sit in a stupor. The professor and his oratory bring to cognition the treatise of Patanjali​​1;
his extensive commentary on one absolute reality 
and its three qualities:
Sat, Chit, Anand;
The Truth, the Consciousness, the Bliss,
and how they auto-trigger the three facets of nature:
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas:
Harmony, Passion and Chaos


I thus speculate: If the mere presence of an uncaused macrocosm sparks a zillion manifestations,

and if the countless reflections of a singular purity, prompt a vivacious cosmic waltz, then;

God need not fuss over intentionally authoring
the ego awash us...

for if God created deliberately,
then won't (s)he too be in cosmic captivity
...bound ruthlessly in the chains of cause and effect?

A motiveless creation therefore raises the concluding suspicion: Is all creation only a fortuitous auto-catalysis...

...a self-perpetuating (un)happy accident?



1.Patanjali (Sanskrit: पतञ्जलि) was a sage in Hinduism,  thought to be the author of a number of Sanskrit works. The greatest of these are the Yoga Sutras, a classical yoga text.


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